• -- (sorry wouldent let me put images on the question) btw i also want that effect where i can make photos all sketchy. (-:
  • Well if you're looking for a cheap and legal program, might I suggest GIMP? Its interface is horrendously counter-intuitive but it's better than nothing and totally free.
  • Just get animation program you can do a lot with that and its a lot cheaper.
  • I use adobe photoshop vesion 6 and it allows me to do all that you are wanting to. you can download a free trial for 30 days.
  • I got my Photoshop from here ( ) works awesome and was really cheap too :)
  • If there is something that Photoshop can do that GIMP can't then that means that you either lack the plug-ins or just couldn't find it in the menu. Or try this GIMP variant - "GimPhoto is created to help users that already using Photoshop at work or at school but can't afford to buy it to be able using it at home. So rather they do piracy for Photoshop then it's better if they use modified GIMP."

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