• you're focusing on what you don't have. do you have an education, a trade/craft or a job? maybe you need a new grandmother!
  • Happy Birthday..and for God's sake get a new grandmother.
  • Im 32 with no kids,baby and a are young so go and have fun cause i know i am.HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  • I love birthdays! Happy Birthday Janie!!! And don't worry about the'll happen:)
  • Tell your grandmother that you love her with all your heart but the more she nags about you getting married, the longer you'll stay single
  • Enjoy it while it lasts, cuz once you do have it you will have 10x more responsiblities
  • Happy Birthday!! Grandma is just being worries. I was 24 before I got the dog, 25 for the husband. I'm 27 and still no baby or picket fence...Someday :)
  • Happy Birthday Janie!!! It is upsetting when family members are insensitive to you and not accepting to who you are, find some friends who boost your confidence. Unfortunately a grandmother will probably be wanting you to have those things, maybe you will and maybe you wont. Just remember it is your life and not hers.
  • Enjoy your birthday! Who wants to repaint a fence every year anyway?
  • Happy B'day! You don't need to have all that at 23, tell your Grandma that times have changed.
  • in life, you will never be able to please everyone who cares about you, so i advise you to figure out what would make *you* happy & move towards that. then, you are guarenteed to have at least one person who is satisfied.
  • Happy Birthday! Hope you have a terrific time. Look, with all due respect to your grandmother, it's definitely not terrible to be free and single at 23! In fact, it's perfect. You can travel, have fun, spend quality time with friends and do whatever the heck else you please without being tied down by too many responsibilities. It's not that long since you were still in school and bound by your parents' and teachers' rules, so why do you want to give up your new-found freedom so soon?? Rather enjoy it! Husbands, babies and dogs are all wonderful, but they definitely mean that you'll have a LOT less time for yourself. Do you really want that so soon? Naaaah! If you're still upset, get your own white picket fence in the meanwhile :)
  • Happy Birthday or late b-day depends where your at... but anyway 23 is not old and there is no reason to rush yourself all of that stuff will come in time when your ready...
  • Happy Birthday!! I'm 28 and single although I do have a son. Times have changed. Enjoy being young, free and single!
  • First off, Happy Birthday. Second, no matter what you NOT rush it! You'll know when the time is right...not her!
  • Well i'm done for then, 34, no kids, half a picket fence and a sort of fiance when he feels like it lol! you have plenty of time...enjoy lifes ups and downs and it will come :)
  • don't let grandma get to you.
  • HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Janie , and your just fine , your time will come before you know it - Never be in a rush about marriage and babies - Though a small puppy would be great comfort Have a Great Birthday
  • Happy Birthday!!!!! Go out and have fun and no offense Don't listen to your Grandma
  • 23- your still young, and it would be a crime for you to have all that! take things one at a time Happy birthday XXX
  • Happy birthday!! Tell your g-ma she is living in the dark ages!! You are 23!!! Live life!! Have fun!! Don't settle for anyone but the man who makes you tingle! With age comes wisdom (unfortunately the wisdom dust missed g-ma) When the time is right and you are truly ready, you will find your mate, find a home, have a baby.... live right now. Once you get all the rest, your life won't be just about you anymore.
  • HAPPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hey you are too young to tie yourself down yet. You just go on living your life and enjoy enjoy enjoy! When the time is right you will decide what you want to do. :))
  • First off HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND. 2nd I would say that you still have a lot of time to fill those wishes. Just don't go jumping into a relation ship that was not meant to be. Take your time and try to enjoy your freedom now, to do things & go places that you enjoy. Don't go looking for your lifetime mate. When the correct time comes you both will find each other............M.C.S.
  • Happy Birthday and good for you! Enjoy your freedom for as long as you can! You'll still have plenty of time to enjoy the husband, baby, dog and white picket fence when your older!
  • Happy Birthday! Christ, you're only 23! Ignore your grandmother. She must have lived a very sheltered past 40 years or so. Times have changed.
  • First of all happy birthday or happy belated birthday if it's a new day there now. Secondly tell grandma no disrespect intended but please take your nose out of my personal affairs. You are still young Janie and there's plenty of time to find a man and settle down. Most professional women(no not talking about strippers and prostitutes) are waiting til well into their 30's and even 40's to start families or get married for the first time. Tell grandma you are making sure that when the time does come to settle down and have a family it is with the right guy for you. One that you know you will be with for a lifetime and not just until you get bored with him or he decides to be a pig and cheat on you. Janie you are still young and have lots of life to live yet before settling for one guy. Enjoy it while you can so when you finally do settle down and start that family you won't have any regrets about anything you didn't get to do because you settled down before you were ready. Good luck with that.
  • Happy birthday! You have plenty of time to get all those things! Grandma needs to chill. It is your life to live she's got her own. Not everyone is cut out for picket fences you know. Simply ask her if she would prefer that you were happy with the right guy or miserable with the wrong one. I find that pretty effective with my family.
  • It's not terrible. Why should you rush into something as serious as a marriage. In your grandmothers time, it might have been expected that any women over 21 should be married. In modern times, you are considered very young. Enjoy your youth and Happy Birthday!
  • Tell your Grandmother to butt out of your business. It's your life and you will have those things when you are ready and not before. Maybe that is what happened to girls when she was younger, but we're in a new millenia now.
  • Happy Birthday! Your Grandmother came from a time where the man of the house swept you up and took you to the white picket fence and provided for all of your financial needs while your job was to tend to the house, kids and pets (for the majority of households)... A lot of women had JOBS, but few had careers. Since then, we have had women's liberation and so much inflation that it requires almost every man, woman and child to have a job. (I'd like to try Grandma's way, it seems nice). Now a woman has to think about a career, and then whether or not she wants a family (Not to mention, if she even has time to find a fella). Your Grandmother obviously wants what's best for you (which, in her experience, is what SHE had). You are just going to have to make the time to find that, if you want it.
  • Happy Birthday, Janie! I hope you have a wonderful day. There is no need for you r grandmother to be so pushy. You should not get married because of your age, but rather because you find love. At 23, you have many years to find the love of your life. Meanwhile, have fun dating and being free to do all that you want to do.
  • First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Second, you can tell her I don't have any of those things and I am older than you, so BONUS POINTS FOR YOU! Woot!
  • get an emo husband, a baby, a dingo...and a white picket fence
  • Aren't you so glad this life is yours and not hers? I'm 24 and 2 years ago I got 2 kids from someone decision ever, but I'm still single and no fences, and even live with my mom by choice....hers and mine......I love life.....just do what you need to do to be whole.
  • Would you like to go out to dinner?? Ha.
  • Times have changed - but if that is your goal get busy and get to flirting
  • in these days it is virtious and rare to see a teen with no babies. be proud of this, and you'r life so far - having a child is not something to be entered in to lightly obviously - so IF you would like children - make sure you are ready. there is no point in having a child if you are not ready.
  • Happy birthday! Tell her to shove off! (just kidding) My birthday is next month, and I'll be 28, with no husband, no babies, no dog, and no white picket fence. As long as you are happy with your life, don't worry about what she says. You can even tell her you're happy with your life the way it is. Thank her for her concern, but you will have those things when it's time for you to have those things (if you even want them!). Try to not let it bother you, and enjoy your life. (and your birthday!)
  • First of all, HAPPY FRIGGIN 23RD!!!!! Secondly, thank whatever Gods you pray to that you are single, breathing, and enjoying your life as it stands. The husband, dog, fence, all that - it can wait. It doesn't always enrich your life, and it's no good until you're ready for it. Just ask your grandmother to remember that you have to do what feels right, and rushing that kind of lifestyle can really end in disaster.
  • yeah heres some advice, tell grammy that this is 2007 and people dont get married at 23 anymore.
  • Happy Birthday! At 23 I had none of those things and really wasn't ready for any of those things. I was still in school. I was 30 before I had all of those things. Well, ok, no dog and no picket fence. Still don't have those and wont. How about 2 cats and a nice wooden deck? If you are happy doing what you are doing now be it school, work whatever, then goodo for you! Do what makes you feel complete and happy. Pursue your own goals. Women are not measured the same way the used to be (Thank God.).
  • Happy Birthday. Wish you well.
  • Happy Birthday! Enjoy it!
  • Happy 23rd! There's more to life than being married and with kids, especially at this age! Enjoy your youth, party hardy!! whoo hoo. Of course that's my personal opinion, if you feel you need to be married already then start looking. ;) There's some good candidates at clubs and j/k
  • Happy birthday....mine is tomorrow. My advice is to stop listening to your grandmother. It will happen when it does. People get married at a later age these days than they used to.
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and congratulations for not rushing into the responsibility of having a husband, baby, dog and white picket fence at only 23. You have your whole life ahead of you. This time of your life is meant to find out about yourself. Discover who you are. Then you can be happy with your choice of a husband, baby, dog and white picket fence when it comes. Here's to a happy, happy life.
  • I love you and want to have a dog and a fence with you.
  • You must have your husband, house, horse and bag of gold before the first day of spring. Otherwise you will miss your chance to be mortal.
  • i think your grandma is terrible for thinking this. no, but really, 23 is a little young to have all your ducks in a row, i wouldn't pay any attention to it. happy birthday.
  • Yes - go celebrate and be glad of it..!! and btw Happy Birthday..!!
  • I'd say your grandmother has to realize that you will in time experience these things but everyone's life is not going to be the same, not everyone is going to meet the 'one' so early in life, and settled down. You need years to enjoy your own life by yourself. Have a wonderful birthday!
  • sheesh. I get this all the time, and I'm 6 years older than you. I just say that when I meet the right person, I'll get married, but I'm not going to settle on someone I'm unsure of just to make everybody else happy. I'm very satisfied with my life as it is, and isn't that what's important? but just to freak everybody out I got another cat and told them I was starting my "crazy-spinster-lady-cat- collection" and from now on I would refer to them as my "angel babies"......
  • Happy Birthday! You are an adult capable of deciding your own life. Don't let anyone guilt you into making a life long decision you are not ready to make. A bad marriage is a horrible way to live. Don't do it until *you* are ready.
  • 3 out of 4 I can help you with
  • Girl get out their and party have fun trust me. having a husband, baby and the picket fence is great but you are too young to be thinking about that go and have fun start thinking about that in a couple of years i settled down when i was 22 and that was too young i never went out never enjoyed my self with girlfriends. now i do have a beautiful daughter but i am a housewife who has Two kids (including my husband) i run three businesses i feel like im 40. :)
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY, your only 23 though, your kinda young still. Go out and party cause its your b day. :P
  • What? You're still just a puppy. Times have changed for the better... we don't have to be imprisonned to a menial family life (with relationship/financial hardships) as soon as we turn 18 anymore. Be free as long as you can!
  • It will come in due time. I am only 22 years old and I am not trying to get married right this second. Put education first for now.I don't know if you have a degree or what your future entails, but make something of yourself and don't settle for anything less than you deserve. If you get married have kids, and get a divorce with no education you will only be making it harder on yourself. YOU NEED TO HAVE A BACKUP PLAN IF ALL ELSE FAILS BECAUSE YOU CAN NEVER TRUELY RELY ON A PROMISE.
  • Ignore Granny. Happy Birthday!!
  • Never fear, I am 22 and lacking all those things as well. I, unlike many of my peers, would really like them. I have had to become content to wait. The solution to your grandmother is not much different. You can't change her mind, she can't change yours. Something like, "Well, grandma, I just try to think of it this way. I'd rather not be married than be in a miserable marriage to the wrong man--I want my marriage to last, and I want a happy family." This should be a language she speaks. If not, you can always just get the dog and the fence; they're much easier to come by!
  • I see the only reasonable solution. You have to kill your grandmother. It may be hard, but it is the only way. (downrating is appreciated!)
  • My advice is to get a dog! Those things are great! As for the rest of it, it can wait 'till you're ready. Back in your grandma's day and age, there was a lot of pressure on women your age to have settled into that traditional domestic mold. Nowadays, not so much. Ya kinda gotta feel sorry for your grandmother, but she's coming from sort of a traditional point of view and only wants what's best for you. Maybe try to explain that... and if she's too stubborn to understand, try not to let it get to ya.
  • Get married, have a baby, adopt a dog, and paint your fence white- if that is what you want- if not, tell grandma you love her but you will live your life as you see fit and find a way to shine as you picture it, not the way she pictures it.
  • In Italy we leave home at thirty and get married (perhaps)at forty :)
  • I'm almost 26 and I've just had a dog for the last year. No husband,baby, or white picket fence.
  • Tell her the American dream is just that - a dream. The world didn't stop along with her beliefs.
  • Happy birthday and keep having fun! You've got plenty of time for all that G-ma stuff.
  • Janie Just had my 50th on the 2nd of Dec..... would sometimes gladly swap my mortgage etc etc etc to be in your situation !!!! Only joking, the wise words from an old codger like me is to enjoy what you have - set realistic goals - achieve them - enjoy getting there - and above all else ..... be yourself Al ... commonly called Wanderer
  • If you get into chicks, look me up , ill sort ya out ^^
  • well, in a lot of our grandmother's days, they were married and having kids in their teens. these days, a lot of people wait until they are out of college, or until they get a career going. 23 is still young. you are an adult and you will "settle down" when and if you are ready. your grandmother needs to take a chill pill and allow you to live your own life.
  • Worse comes to worse move to the States and I’ll marry you, I think grandma will be okay with that ;) But for real it’s a different time so wait till you are 30-ish to start worrying about it.
  • You might want to ask yourself if that is what you truly want. It sounds awfully boring to me.
  • Just because your grandma is upset dosn't mean that you should go out and marry the next guy you see. You need to know someone before you marry them and is you end up marrying the wrong person, you would end up in more pain than if you had just waited.
  • Oh goodness!! My 25th birthday is in less than 2 weeks and I don't have any of those either! Times have changed in most parts of the world! My cousin, who was married at 20, pregnant at 21, agrees with your grandma. I, on the other hand do have a Bachelor's degree, 3/4 of the way through a doctorate and a loving boyfriend. Do not feel bad about these things at all!!!
  • jeez! When i was 25 I was going to punk shows and doing drugs. Your Granny is lucky to have you!
  • Back in the day - sure 23 was an old maid. But nowdays my advice would be to wait until your mid to upper 20's to get married and then late 20's to start having a family. Most people I know that were young when they married are now divorced. Just wait for "the one" and you'll be just fine.
  • go out and get laid and forget about it-maybe get granny laid also
  • Hang in there, it wont be long.
  • Happy Birthday! I'll be 24 in 3 days, I have the baby well she's not a baby she's almost 5. I don't have a husband, dog or a fence. I'm ok with it (kinda), just tell your grandmaw that your happy with it (if you are) and that's it's your life and when your ready you will have all that. Your still young, no need to rush.
  • If it makes you feel any better, when I was 23, I had found a guy I wanted to marry and have a baby, cats and a house with a big brown fence (as it turned out) with. My grandmother thought this was terrible and my parents thought it was even worse. They all told me I should wait at least another five years if not ten before settling down, and I should go get world experience and adventure before getting married. These people just want the best for us - but they assume it's the same as what was the best for them... which is not necessarily true. Tell her you love her, and you'd rather not marry the wrong guy and get divorced.
  • NO ADVISE! 23??! who cares! i'm 26 and I am just moving in with the bf... around the NYC area no one gets married until their late 20s or early 30s. I noticed through my travels around the states that this is not so in other places.. but I think 23 is way too young to be married...
  • what matters is what you want
  • At that age it is the time of your life kid, don't be in a rush to tie yourself into a lifetime commitment, this is how mistakes are made. Enjoy you time of being free to do as you please. Remember you are only young once so live it to the fullest extent.
  • Lots of great advice given and it sounds like you know at 23 you have the world at your feet,you go girl!your gran didnt have the chance to see the world and live life to the full but you 37,lived all over world alone for years,no kids by choice.recently met 'the one',now im ready to settle down!life is for living,enjoy yr 23rd year,big smiles!
  • Ahhh....23. ENJOY IT! I certainly did. Maybe you could tell your grandmother that you're already pregnant (not sure who the daddy is)....isn't she happy for you???!! It works on my mom, she usually gets the hint and changes the subject:)
  • I am a 33 year old man and have been married twice no kids.My hearts been crushed and my life flew past me.Your still very young sort out what you want out of life and make yourself financially stable.Date around have fun and know that you can support yourself,he will come and you will know when the time is right dont look for it.As far as what Grandma says honey i've learned alot in this life and part of that is leave family and friends out of your relationships its your life live it to the fullest.
  • wow, your grandma must have married really young if she thinks 23 is old to not be married, my parents didnt get married until they were 32 and 36 and they have a perfectly good life
  • Your grandmother grew up in a much different time from ours. You could just smile and thank her for being in your life, and then go ahead and live your own life. You're probably old enough to make your own choices by now, so create whatever life YOU want to have.
  • Fire your grandmother and get a new one. Or tell her that you just got engaged to a wonderful man who's unemployed, drinks a lot, and beats you every Friday night. But you LOVE him so much! Then ask your grandmother for advise on where to get a Pit Bull for protection.
  • Buy some Barbie and Ken dolls, build a house with Lego's, and put a little stuffed dog in the front yard. You will be SO glad you did that instead.
  • Your grandmother may be a wise, sweet, loving person who is really just wanting the best for you. If you rush love it could be over before you know it. If you take your time love will come to you. Don't go looking for love, and don't wait around for love. Simply live life and let the pieces fall into their places naturally !
  • your grandmother, as mine, comes from a time where women were less liberated, career involved, and all around independent. basically, there is no way to justify it. your grandmother will not approve. different times reflect different beliefs. live your life by your expectations. not your grandmothers.
  • Birthday is a good time to get a puppy for yourself! By the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • Happy Birthday!! Don't worry about having a husband or family yet. Go to college have fun partying! Live life then settle down. Don't make the mistake of not living the single life before marriage and children. When the time to get married comes you will know it. Not living the single almost destroyed my marriage.
  • Your grandmother sounds like a moron.
  • Your grandmother never met christopher titus did she?
  • Happy birthday. Enjoy your own life before you settle down and live solely for your children. That way you're not thinking what you could've/would've/should've done before marriage and babies.
  • Most of my friends who are your age are in medical school, business school, engineering school etc...and definitely are not worried about not having any kind of fence.
  • I didn't find my wife until I was 25. She is the love of my life and I am so happy we found each other. I could have jumped into relationships, but I wanted to make sure it was right. U will know when the time comes, and when it does u will be gald u waited. This comes from someone who has been married over 20 years blessed with happiness
  • Go out and make yourself a WHOLE person FIRST. Recreate yourself. Move out of your town/county/state! Try new things and go different places. Change your routine, take up a different hobby, mix it up w/ your friends and add new ones and cast away the "dead weight." Promise not to get in a rut since there is lots of time for that and you won't have any control since hubby and kids can put brakes on that one! Finish school, take the road untraveled, go out w/ a guy because he is nice and not because he seems like marriage material, see the beach at sunrise and make a point to do things by yourself ...what a mystery woman you become to those around you..for you draw more attention by a fella than w/ a cackle of girls in tow. I could go on but I tell you this because I have lived life lush and remained a good girl and found my own "compass." Work on being a good friend and daughter and sister. Make time for an elderly person. When you walk into a room, be the first to say Hello. Get up early to make the most of your days and sleep well for it will be good for your health and later years plus it helps keep you younger looking. Make memories for the sake of it no matter how little or small. Be silly because chances are you won't see those people again! Smile because these are some of the best years of your life. I met the guy of my dreams who celebrates me and we embrace life together w/ no regrets and we live to make each other happy w/o really trying! I wish that for you...

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