I have long hair and I wash it every day some people wash their hair less often but I look at it like this your hair gets just as dirty as the rest of your body if not more so I shower every day and I was my hair every day.
I have shoulder-length hair...I wash mine every day...
I think you should wash your hair as often as it feels like it needs washed. I am a stay-at-home worker, and I don't need to impress anyone, so I only wash mine a couple of times a week, or when I am going to go out. Each of us has different standards and needs. My sister's hair couldn't go a few days without being washed, because hers is not like mine. I have what I call "tough" hair. Wind, rain, heat, humidity, nothing bothers my hair. Hers blows up at the slightest change.
My hair at my waist so in order to make sure I don't dry it out I only use shampoo on it twice a week. I get it wet one other day and only use conditioner on it that time. Then I deep condition it every weekend.
I think it depends largely on hair types and lifestyles. For example, people with naturally greasy hair, or people who workout a lot should probably wash it more than people who dont.
I just do it every morning in the shower..
You should wash your hair when it's dirty. If that's everyday, then wash it everyday. If it's once a week then wash it once a week. It's entirely up to the individual's hair type. I wash my hair about 3 times a week.
I'd say once a day will do it.
it just depends, if you wash your hair in the morning around 7:30am/8:00am and when you get home around6:00pm and your hair is stringy and dirty looking and you didn't put any styling products in..., then yes wash your hair every day, if your hair doesn't get that dramatic, but every second or third day it gets oily, then wash your hair every second or third day. if you have dry hair then wash once a week. inbetween with normal to dry hair use a hair mask once a week to nurish.., make sure there is no alcohal listed, you want all natural ingredients. i shouldn't say oily or dry hair, actually it is the scalp that carries the oils. you should only wash the scalp with shampoo, then gentley, but breifly let the suds work into the hair, then rinse, next condition only the hair not the scalp, leave on for 5 minutes then rinse.
It varies from person to person. Some people tend to have oily hair and need to wash their hair everyday. Others have dry hair and should probably wash their hair just every few days. I am somewhere in between. My hair is dry so I wash it every couple of days, unless I work out, then I have to wash it the same day because of the sweat.
It depends on your hair and when it becomes greasy. if you start washing your hair all the time for no reason then it will become greasier quicker. dont wash it too often because your scalp produces natural oils and its not good to keep washing them out at every given moment! just wash it when its greasy, everyones hair type is diffrent.
I have hair that goes past my waist. I wash my hair once a week, or once every other week. Or if it has gotten exceedingly dirty (IE. Mud) or sweaty. Every day I brush it heavily to spread the scalp oils out into the hair. What most people don't understand is all hair is naturally oily. Shampooing your hair removes those oils and damages the hair. Society has made us think that oily hair is dirty hair and that's simply not true. As an example you will rarely find anyone with waist-length hair that washes it daily. Daily washings do more damage than good. Dr. Hugh Molloy (Dermatologist) sums it up well: "We've overused soaps and shampoos. Those older members of society will remember washing their hair once a week with Sunlight Soap; now I frequently see people who are washing their hair twice a day with strong detergent shampoos."
It depends on your age,how often you sweat,the weather,your hair condition.The secret to shiny healthy hair is that you wash and rinse it using cold water.Most people overuse shampoo and conditioner and it builds up in your hair overtime that can't be washed away easily.For long hair,a small amount of shampoo is enough(the size of a 2.5cm coin).My hair is at waist length.I wash mine every 2 days.I dont use hair dryer becuase letting your hair dry naturally is the best thing you can give to your hair.
I wash mine every other day because its so long and thick, it's just too much to wash every day.
Shower cap it. Over washing damages your hair, and at the same time it isn't really practical to miss regular bathing. If you want long hair that doesn't look straight out of a comic book store, you need to take care of it. Ask your local hair salon about hair care tips - they're more aptly able to give you appropriate feedback.
100% honestly, unless you are going for dreadlocks, at least five times a week.
Once a millenia.
I wash mine every day. I know not all can do that because of their hair type, but the goal should be clean hair everyday.
I wash mine three times a week and curl it the other day s:)
Every time you take a shower. But not more than once a day.
The less you wash it the better. If you have long hair, past your shoulders, do not wash it more than every other day.
every alternative day is good....
I think it's supposed to be every other day.
I think it depends. I wash mine every other day, but my best friend washes hers every day and both of our hair is healthy.
Washing your hair to much can actually damage it, so i would say wash it every 2 days.
Every time straight after pleasuring yourself...
Every two or three days.
Head is the dirtiest part in the body.If not cleaned the right way out may lead to scalp problems but,washing it frequent is not recommended for all.You have to know your scalp type before going for it.
Wash it as often as you like, if you're using a truly good quality shampoo.
Ok.....i would say that dirty hair grows faster....not saying get ur hair dirty it will grow....but washing hair like once everyweek...will keep ur hair growing just fine...and just dont put to many chemical in it...maybe like a lil oil or....but thats it to many chemicals damages hair
Well, I wash my hair at least 5 days a week. I've been told that I have healthy hair by a hairdresser, so that says a lot to me. ;)
TV advertising has ruined this society with its constant babble and brainwashing about all kinds of cleanliness (JUST TO SELL MORE STUFF!) No wonder we are running out of water!
All depends on the texture,length,elasticity and porosity of your hair.
every other day won't hurt
Every day is good :) +5
As often as they wash their crotches.
Every other day if it's not falling out.
I do it while showering, easy, I'm balled!
Linda Joy
HAHAHAHAHA! Bald and balled are two different things!!
It depend upon climate to climate of area, whether its dusty zone, clear, etc and also depends upon nature of work you are doing like as field job, desk job, etc. Men's mostly keep short hair which can be washed daily or alternatively , women's with long hair are mostly suggested to wash 2-3 time's per in a week.
Depends on hair type. If you have heavy hair, then washing it everyday would not harm it.
That depends on the person. I've heard black people have hair that is more brittle and dry. If they wash it often it will break and fall out. They are more likely to add oil to their hair, and some wash it only once a month, whereas white people's hair gets greasy more easily. In any case shampoo usually contains industrial degreasers (sulfates) that strip hair of all its oil. I've even heard people say its not clean until it squeaks! When it squeaks that means you've stripped it of all its natural oils. Then people condition to put oil back in their hair. I have long hair just past my bottom. I have washed it every day when working as a cook. It was hot sweaty and greasy work. It did not damage my hair. I have washed it as infrequently as once a week when I was kid because that's what mom said. But I learned at an early age that I love the way conditioner feels in my hair and when I rinse it out. My hair is soft and silky smooth all down my back and bottom!
thats up to thenn, nnine takes a while to get oily so i do it around once a wk
Whenever it starts to look like I use hair mousse...every two to three days.
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