Well i stopped using it for a while, because i would kick the sheet down in my sleep....but when i wash my sheets i start with one again...haha...I'm originally from Ohio
Use a top sheet ....Maryland.
Top sheet and quilt, it gets cold here in Connecticut in the winter. In the summer, just top sheet.
I use a top sheet usually and then a quilt and a down comforter on top of it all during the winter. Occasionally I have used just the duvet cover on the comforter but I find I have to wash it too often. I like to keep a clean bed and it's just easier to wash sheet than quilts and duvet covers (taking them off and putting them back on is such a pain!) I was born in Belgium and then lived in California and now in New York, upstate.
Just a blanket or a quilt. I'm from Hawaii.
I use a top sheet and a quilt. I am from California.
I use a top sheet, but only since high school. Someone had to explain to me that you can't really wash a comforter, and that's gross. You can wash sheets though. I'm from Washington.
I live in AZ and I cannot sleep without a top sheet and bedspread.
I use a top sheet. I am originally from Connecticut USA.
I seldom use a quilt. I was born in Iowa live in Alabama
top sheet
top sheet to sleep ..australia
Yup, top sheet and blanket. I'm from CA.
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