• You only need two formulae for this: Addition of tangents: tan(A + B) = ((tan A) + (tan B)) / (1 - (tan A)(tan B)) One of the three half-angle formula for sin,cos,tan: sin(A) = 2 t / (1 + t^2) where t = tan(A/2) And you also need to know tan (pi/4) = tan(45 degrees) = 1 Use the first formula to get tan((x/2) + (pi/4)) in terms of t, which stands for tan(x/2) You get (1 + t)/(1 - t) This is squared on the left hand side so square it: (1 + 2t + t^2) / (1 - 2t + t^2) sin x is 2 t / (1 + t^2) call that T / B then what you have is (T + B)/(B - T) divide top and bottom by B and you're away: ((T/B) + 1) / ( 1 - (T/B)) and T/B is sin x

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