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  • You mean spaying or neutering them? No You mean Sexually arousing them? Possibly. But remember, castration doesn't remove the sensative nerve endings that make sex organs so pleasurable. In humans, and likely dogs, even a eunich can get an erection and feel sexual pleasure, especially if their castration happened post-puberty.
  • When I was young my parents had our dog neutered and he still humped the hell out of our bitch and it looked exactly the same as before he got sniped so I would say no.
  • Not really, if they no longer experience excitement, what emotion are you teasing? If your dog has experienced sex, and is addicted by memory of feeling, it won't need testosterone to excite it, memory is stimulating enough. Castration via neutering/spaying (male/female), does not damage the nerve endings, that make you feel sexual pleasure during intercourse. So I'd say no, but the zoophile shouldn't have sex with a dog that doesn't show as much interest of sex and consent, castrated or not.
  • That's like asking, "If a woman has her tubes tied and you fuck her...aren't you just teasing her?" I think the animal can still GET OFF whether it's fertile or not.

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