That is a great question since two boobies go into the bra. I haven't a clue.
Because you still wear the bra when you're single. I don't know.
Just one of those things!!!!!!!!!lol
There was actually a question about "pair of pants" recently that explains it. Someone posted that pants actually used to be two pieces of clothing, and calling them a "pair" persisted by habit even when they eventually became one piece. The word panties comes from pants or pantaloons and so I guess carries the same habit, although I guess anything you put your legs in does (pair of underwear) Shirts and bras and jackets etc were always one piece
I always wonder this, I havn't a clue. I personally get the bra thing because my bras are similar to one bandaid lol
Funny, I never thought of it, LOL. Two breast, one bra, one Va-Ja-Ja, a pair of panties.
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