Wich one? Unlimited, Last Order, Spirits Within or Legend of the Crystals?
YES. Millions of people are avid fans of Final Fantasy, and that is why all core games (especially 7-12) sold like hot cakes in Alaska. Final Fantasy is so dang popular that many sequels were sold out even before anyone knew anything about the game, for they preordered them simply because the last game was such a huge hit with everyone. I, personally, am a die hard fan, and I have 7-12, including Dirge of Cerberus, which is the ps2 sequel to the ps1 game Final Fantasy 7, which was a greatest hit with the playstation almost instantly.
I am. I've beaten most of the Final Fantasy games and I even own a few of them. I recently watch Final Fantasy: Advent Children.
I do, I hope they don't stay on the PS3, because I don't have one.
I thoroughly enjoyed FF7, the only FF game I've played. Was hoping they'd reissue it for PS2 but it looks like that ain't gonna happen.
I've played all of them, and am quite a fan indeed, though I must admit, I enjoy the older ones a whole lot more than the modern titles, and to this day still play them. I liked it a lot more when it was unheard of and you were playing someone's true desire at an idea, as opposed to all the milking and fan service it is today. Nothing wrong with that of course, you have to please the fans right? But, that's how I feel, and while I always pay attention to the series and play pretty much every game, I've steered off the path over the years, especially after FFX.
I know I would like MY final fantasy....just don't want it yet:)
My favorite ones are X, XII, movies spirits within is good even though all my friends think it was crap.
I never played it before but I find it ironic that they made a sequel with such a name... let alone 9 of them
For 8-bit NES. Absolutely! I can still hear the music as I paced back and forth in the Hall of Giants for hours on end to earn gold and run up levels.
Yes. I knew I'd married the right guy for me when I found "Eyes on Me" on his playlist. :)
Ya like everybody likes final fantasy!
I've only played X and XII. Loved X, hated XII.
Yes I have played all of the number Series and all of the FFT games, though I didn't like the story line in 8 and X-2 Sucked!
i LOvE final fantasy Lenne and Yuna are so coool >.< LOvE THEM!!!! rikkus cuteeee!And i love tifa from advent children !!!>.< DO you?
Yep. FF VII is my favorite.
i don't like any of those ones, the best one has got to be ff9 its the best game i have ever played
its ok but i dont seem to be able to finish them.
Hell yeah! I've played and beaten every FF game available.
Yeah, love it, my favorites were 7 and 10.
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