Choo Choo charley good and plenty
I loved the very first "Beggin Strips" commercial...."What's that say? I can't read!"
I like the Wendy's commercial.........Who ate the beef?
This one from 1988 and make sure you have the sound on.
Don't squeeze the Charmin!!!
I like the jingle from "Rice a roni, the San Fransisco treat! Ding ding!"
Alka Seltzer's "I can't believe I ate the Whooooole thing!" commercial.
It might be an old Maypo commercial. I love Marky saying "Engerny". Later I found out that all the dialog is really everything that the creator's son said. He just followed him around with a microphone and then made up this commercial.
Coolie commercials...I still sing the jingle... Γ’β’«Òβ’ΒͺΓ’β’Β«Coolie, coolie, lemon coolie, coolie fruit punch....Coolie in the morning, coolie at lunch, coolie in the evening, orange, lemon, punch!!! Coo coolie..coo coo coolie....Γ’β’«Òβ’ΒͺΓ’β’Β«
This kia ora's for me and my dog........
Mrs. Olsen and Folgers coffee.
My Bologna has a first name, it's OSCAR My Bologna has a second name, it's Mayer Oh I love to eat it every day, If you ask me why I'll say... 'cause, Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A Here is that commercial from 1973 That's how I learned to spell VGQ+++ -Buddy
Whataburger's what a burger really ought to be Whataburger what a burger should be (Mid 70's)
wow..there were so many good old commercials I loved growing up! I especially love ones with humor and catchy jingles. I'm a cat lover, and always loved the Morris the cat commericals.
I love the 80's Coca-Cola "You can't beat the feeling!" And I love the SMash adverts with the aliens laughing - "Hahahahahah Smash means mash!" The Guinness one with the horses jumping over the waves, the Shake and Vac, JR Hartley, the Mars ones, so many
Oh some of the old Alka Seltzer commericals were so funny!!
An early 1970's Levi's Jeans commercial, like this one.
Here's a couple that are interesting. The tie in between the program and the commercial are funny to me.
A tie between 2 coke commericals: One with Mean Joe Green and the other with a line of people holding hands around the world singing "I like to teach the world to sing".
try some of these
The "Mama Mia, that's a spicy meat-a-ball!" from the '70's. It was an Alka Selzer commercial.
Check this out, Fred and Barney for Winston.
This one
This isn't that old. But I remember watching it when I lived in Indonesia.
Protein 21... Gloria, you've got the frizzies!
oops - deleted
Not sure this qualifies as old-time...but the Budweiser Beer Frogs
Easy: The Christmas commercial from the '70s or '80s... The little red-haired girl goes to the livingroom to see what Santa left her. The room is loaded with toys and even a real car. Her dad says, "those must have been SOME cookies". The little girl says, "I didn't leave him cookies. I left him cheeeeeese". Adorable!
One that grabbed my adolescent attention(way back when) was the Doublemint Twins.
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