<-- Worzel (Hedgerow gummidge) :o)
My daughter...her name is Starr.
That has to be a toss up between Musique (pronounced Music) or Decimber.
bronwyn and bulywyf.
"@" and "4real"
Thunder and Hunter, twins
does it count if I had it made up myself? Otherwise it would be Unni.
Some sports fan in Michigan named his kid ESPN (pronounced Espin). A Cubs fan in Chicago, whose last name is Field, named his kid Wrigley. These are both serious.
Deversray Latoor Clarke, Heath, and Candy (their last name is Barr) Chiquita
Annwym (a girl's name)
I have met a man named Crow, a woman named Iowa, and a woman named Psyche.
I know a little boy whose name is Storm, and I went to school with a girl named Carolina. Her middle name was Skye.
Elton Emeril Emile Cadence Brighton Cailen Caia etc.
I know a girl named Unique. That's pretty unique!
A guy I helped with a flat tire told me his name was Life. He is a Native American Indian, I thought that was a cool name. What about Lake, like the former NASCAR driver Lake Speed. There is a folk singer named Sterling Waters, both of his names are different but very cool together.
I went to elementary school with a boy named "Zero"
-'s my granddaughter's name.
"Outerbridge." Full name: Outerbridge Horsey, III.
lemongellow or orangellow(pronounced lemon-jellow and orange-jellow)TRUE NAMES
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