Not if they commit the same crime. i'm all for equal punishment.
Nope, the punishment should always fit the crime no matter who commits it
No. Why would they?
Not at all...
Women should be treated less harsh than men. To me, putting a women with the same level as a man is simply wrong, be it to her benefit or not. That is just my opinion, I go by Traditional Norms.
no way, and i feel bad for any guy who thinks they should cause most likely theyll let a woman walk all over them and alot of girls will take advantage of that
"Women havve equal rights as men" This means that we both get the same stuff, we both get the same punishment. If anyone htinks otherwise they are stupid.
No it should be equal
Yes. I think prison is harder on women than men. And I think fewer women are repeat offenders. They learn their lesson.
No, but people who place the "i" before the "e" in the word "receive" should RECEIVE harsh punishment.
Sure, they should receive the same consequence for the same crime. I believe, however, that statistically, women commit far fewer violent crimes and commit far fewer assaults which are all more serious crimes. Because of that the over all sentences women receive for crimes is likely to appear less severe.
Assuming you mean the same crimes, no.
No. Isn't all this feminist crap about equal rights? You do the crime, you do the time.
Feminism isn't crap, Missmuffet. I suspect you have been misinformed there. I did 6 months for GBH myself, do you think I should have done more or less? My so-called "victim" was trying to rape my sister. What the heck was I supposed to do, stand there and watch him rape her?
Well, I did 6 months for GBH myself. Would a man have done longer?
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