• I would think it depends on the initial agreement you made when you hired them. If they are on Salery then it depends on what is in the contract but if they are on hourly then for them it's likely a "day off" with no pay.
  • God thats a hard one, I wouldn't want to has you in a way employ them to look after your child. Did you agree holdiay pay. I know some people take their holiday at same time has their childminder, talk about being dictated too.
  • This is a person's job and they do qualify for holiday pay. What would you think if your job suddenly said you don't get paid for holiday's? Most childminders take 1-2 weeks off per year and you do need to pay them unless otherwise specified in a contract. That is also why many people take vacations the same time as their childcare provider.
  • This is one of the things you should negotiate at the beginning of your business relationship with your child-care provider. Unfortunately, most people don't work these things out in advance. All you can do now is remember that your own employer pays you for holidays, grit ypour teeth and pay up. Then renegotiate the terms or find someone else to look after your child who is willing to work under the conditions that you want.

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