• Make sure that you take deep breaths, relaxing the muscles as you inhale and exhale. Make sure that you never push from the throat, as this can damage your vioce, aswell as giving you a sore throat. To sustain a note, take in a deep breath using your whole chest and sing, that's the only way i can explain! (remember: never push your voice)
  • 3 things: increased breath pressure, lifting of the soft palate/blocking off the nasal passages, and good muscle strength in the glottis to keep the folds pressed together under increased breath pressure. Your larynx needs to be low, your pharynx needs to be open and your vocal tract must be dilated to 1/6 the size of the pharyngeal opening. The fouth comes from vowel covering/modification, where bright vowels are modified to darker vowels as the pitch increases. To do this realistically requires practice and guidance of an experienced professional to develop the corerect low larynx/balance between breath pressure and glottal pressure required to get a ringing sound with vibrato. You really cannot learn it on your own without risking vocal damage.
  • Whatever you do DONT SING WITH YOUR THROAT. Apparently I do this which is why i can't sing high =D Pretend that you are really screaming at someone and then change it into a singing voice. Its all about breathing i think anyway.
  • The best way to sing high or reach a high note is pretend u are talking to your dog or cat in a cute little high voice. I'm sure u have done it before. That is your high singing voice. U can work on it from there. U need a good flow of air to keep it from breaking also.
  • You must sing in your head voice and never try to push your chest voice higher than it should go. One way to find your head voice is kind of talking high like mickey mouse or a guy trying to talk like a girl. You are talking in your head voice. Some people just try to push their chest voices all the way up but it usually sounds really nasal and strained and you can damage your voice like that. Also, take a deep breath from you diaphragm, and push out the air slowly. This is VERY VERY important.

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