• It was originally designed to help out as a temporary supplement for people during the depression. Even FDR when he implemented it was worried about the system creating a "permanent welfare class of people," and it became exactly that. Congress kept the program going long after it was necessary, and now you have what it is today, a career for many. While it may still have it's use in some cases, any able bodied person collecting it is wrong. In reality, you can fix both the welfare and the criminal alien problem in one step if you make all the able bodied welfare people work to collect their money and have them replace all the criminal aliens picking lettuce or whatever, and the aliens would go home and the welfare people would have jobs. Nobody in our government has the balls to do it though, with problems being solved, they couldn't bleed anymore money from us.
  • it depends on the situation. many people abuse it, they should be a little more strict and more defined on the "program"
  • It hurts. Abolish it.

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