Doctors will terminate a pregnancy up to 20 weeks thats why you have the 19-20week scan its not just to tell the sex of the baby but to find any defects. personally i could not terminate a pregnancy unless conceived by rape or something horrible like that.
at anytinme i think its murder. because once the sperm and egg meet then to me the baby is alive
Iβm approaching this from a Christian perspective, so here goes: Itβs murder from day one. However, if there is a particular reason abortion is being considered (e.g. rape, incest, significant danger to mother and/or child, etc.), the mother/parents have every right to approach the Lord in prayer and receive revelation as to how to proceed. Since βmurderβ is defined as β[t]o kill a person unlawfully and intentionallyβ (, terminating a pregnancy under those circumstances would *not* be murder, since it isnβt βunlawfulβ if God has commanded it.
It cannot be murder at all, unless you grant life to the foetus. You cannot legally grant life to the foetus, because it limits the mother's right to life in case of an emergency: If a doctor has to make a decision between the mother's life and the child's life, he cannot act in either's favour and thus must do nothing.
They say at a certain point even when you can have an abortion ur baby is already formed... little arms and legs.. my step mom is a RN. Abortion is Murder....
If you terminate an embryo or a fetus, you have committed murder and should be jailed or committed to a nut ward for the rest of your life. Life starts at CONCEPTION. ABORTION IS MURDER.
Whatever the law in your country says is legal.
There are few reasons to terminate a pregnancy. But it's people who do it casually or because they are "too busy for kids" that deserve to be hanged upside down and beaten bloody.
I believe life begins at conception.
There are few reasons to terminate a pregnancy. But it's people who do it casually or because they are "too busy for kids" that deserve to be hanged upside down and beaten bloody.
Its none of my business. What I do with my body is my business. What another woman does with hers has nothing to do with my opinion.
abortion is always murder
its never ok. from the point that it starts forming its a living human. and killing any human is considered murder. in my opinion.
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