i guess this is popular b/c it's near halloween.. I believe in them and I've felt them. It's creepy
I like to pretend they are there with the Halloween kid's parties and all.....but, no, I don't. Not if they are supposed to be reincarnated mortals.
Correct - they don't exist, so why believe in them...
You know what, I am not sure any more. Its possible spits of some form of spirit exists, and there are people I trust who are positive that they exist based on undeniable first hand experience.
I believe in Spirits but not in the traditional concept of ghosts and hauntings.
I don't know. But I do get scared at night, I know I am a baby.
I think they exist , however, I've never heard of anyone being harmed by the dead. It's the live ones you have to worry about.
Until I see one in my face, I won't believe they exist.
No sadly not. I would dearly like to believe there is something after our physical bodies die but I am a materialist at heart and think that when the material that generates the mind is gone then so are we. And I have never seen any evidence. I have felt 'presences' before but that could be anything including (most likely) my imagination. Although I am less convinced of this than I am regarding God. There are some things I have witnessed I cannot explain yet (and always involving kids oddly - kids know more than we do!). I am more willing to believe in some sort of afterlife than in God but only by a tiny fraction! :)
I do! I do!
I don't.
I do I've seen glimpses of a few myself.
I believe in ghost but I call them spirits I have seen and felt them many times over the years and they have also warned me of things that was going to happen and they have helped me help others as well.
I have seen them, I have felt their presence, I have seen activity. I live in a house that is haunted. I have to say I really do believe... but it's hard to ignore them when you've seen them...
I do, though nothing supernatural ever happens to me.
i do ive expericenced alot of paranormal activity in my days
For years I didn't think there was anything to believe in,then, in my 20s I could sense presences(especially after my folks passed away),in my 30s I saw a phantasm(non-human ghost)and finally I've seen and interacted with benign human spirits, but not at will. They come to me if they want to, I have no control as yet. I'm fascinated, not scared. There's much more to life than they teach us in school!
I do. I have experience too many things in life to not believe. However I do not believe in ghosts that harm people. I don't believe God would allow that kind of power.
they dont exist
I doubt.
Yeah, I wont go into details but I certainly believe in ghosts or spirits or whatever they are.
I'm pretty much open minded. I've seen things I *think* I've seen. I can't be sure of anything, but I believe there are things we just can't explain. Yep.
They might exist. I don't rule it out. I will believe in them when I see them. Same goes for god.
I watch Ghost Hunters all the time and have seen some crazy stuff that would turn me white, just like Winston Zedmore said.
I do believe in ghosts, I've even had an experiance with one.
I do. I believe I have seen more than one of them.
I DO!!! I see them why not would i belive iin them if you dont know Shinigami are like ghost but we can go into Gigi that you can see but i have a lot of ghost friends and some of them help with my math are school work!!!HAhAHAHHAHA!!
I believe in ghosts.
I do beive in spirits that are trappd on this earth or here by choice, and i beleive that they have the abality to inhabit people, move things, verbally and mentally communicate, and physically touch people.
I totally believe in them, I see them alot.
I have had enough things happen to me that I believe in ghosts. My great-grandmother was from Scotland and she believed she could talk to them and see them. My son freaks me out sometimes by things he says and it is eerie. It's weird thou, because I'm not sure I believe in heaven and hell, but I believe in ghosts....
I believe in spirits maybe some I've worked with were ghosts but I know there is something.
yes ive seen ghosts and they r real
I do. +4
I do, and so does my boyfriend. Once we went on a walk to the park around the hospital and shooting pictures in the dark. We managed to catch a good couple of orbs but that's it. Nothing unusual, happens to me all the time (orbs on photos I mean).
Me. I spent 6 years with a dead woman named Eleanor. I called her my "roommate". She lived in my bedroom and finally left in September 2006. My life wouldn't be 1/10000000 as good as it actually is without Eleanor. I cherish her memory and respect her very much even though she was a pain at times.
i do with out a doubt
Not me, because I don't see any proof that ghosts are real.
i think theyre around, ive just never seen one
I most certainly do not.
i dont
I do not believe in ghosts. I investigated many claims of relatives who claimed to see ghosts. In some cases, I discovered what they actually saw, and it was always something natural, not ghosts.
Belief implies faith, which in turn implies assumption based on no solid evidence. I have faith Australia exists because I have seen travel books, watched Australian movies, and met Aussies...but having never actually been to Australia, I have no irrefutable evidence. Having once upon a time done house clearings for nearly a decade, I cannot say that about the supernatural. But one of many reasons I scoff at so-called scientists, and their groupies like The Amazing Randi and his Committee for Skeptical Inquiry posse.
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