• I think that Eragon and his brother will face off, and maybe even face the king together.
  • Eragon and the Varden and everyone will end up taking on the Empire in a huge battle at the end of which, Eragon will have to take on the King and Morzan both... but Morzan won't want to, even though he is forced to obey the king, and will find some way to neutralize himself. Eragon will have to head back up to elf-dom and grab the sword from under the tree. And Eragon will need help from other people and end up winning. He'll also end up with Arya and Saphira with the king dead will be able to get with Morzan's dragon and have dragonets. Oh, and Roran will get back his girl and quit being so angsty, with Eragon's help.
  • what's going to happen in the third book? who is the last dragon egg going to hatch for? are Arya and Eragon going to be lovers? is Eragon going to kill Galbatorix? if Eragon does kill Galbatorix is he going to become the new king? what's going to happen with Elva? why did Murtoug betray Eragon? when Angila told Eragon his fortune she said he will never again come back to Algeasia, where is he going to go and with who? These are the questions a lot of people are asking and i have some answers. THE EGG IS GOING TO HATCH FOR RORAN,ARYA, OR ELVA. AFTER THE KING IS DEAD ERAGON AND ARYA AND SAPHIRA ARE GOING TO THE PLACE THAT THE ELVES CAME FROM WHEN THEY WENT TO ALAGEASIA. MURTOGE BETRAYED ERAGON BECAUSE HE ONLY CARES ABOUT HIMSELF. THE THIRD BOOK IS GOING TO BE PUBLISHED IN 9/23/08. THE COVER IS GOING TO HAVE A GREAN DRAGON. i only answered and listed some question so you have tune in every 2 weeks to hear more!!!!!
  • I think that gristofer will do a big surprise eventually. And the gold dragon i don't think that will go to ronan because he hasn't the correct blood-line as eragon. But maybe i have wrong.
  • I think Arya will be the green dragon rider because her magic is green and also if the new Dagon Riders were male it would seem sexist. I think Eragon and Arya will get together(as mates or husband and wife, I don't know)because CP spent alot of the second book with Eragon trying to win over Arya for Eragon to just end up with Nasuada or somebody(def. not Elva, you sick perverts who want and hope Eragon and Elva to get together) (it might be because I really started to dislike Nasuada in book 2, it's probably because after she heard Murtagh was {suposedly}dead, she tried to get that mushy crap going with Eragon). Another reason Arya and Eragon should end up together is because in Eldest right before the battle at the end when Eragon's apologizing to Arya for being stupid(but honest)(can't remember exact page) it said "An akward silence stretched between them" I doubt that if they were just friends the silence would be akward, also she hesitated before entering the tent, probably because she wanted to tell Eragon how she really felt about him. Well, these are predictions and my opinions about Eragon and Arya and the rest of the characters of the COOLEST series ever. (p.s. The Audios of Eragon and Eldest read by Gerard Doyle SUCK BIG TIME{although some of the voices are funny}{maybe I shouldn't have said that on the internet}) (p.p.s. Sorry if I offnded any Nasuada lovers with that crack about her{I still thinks it's true that she is a lecherous and <but not a totally> heartless snake})
  • Well,i think BRISINGER(golden dragon) will chose RORAN as a new rider and will mate with Sphira. GALBATORIX is gonna be defeated in 4th book(yes,there'll be fourth book n last one)
  • Its the fourth thats intressting you gay people. sorry but you realy are. you say awnswers when there just being reveiled so i mean c'mon guys! Chris is my mate and he tells me his ideas to see if a good person who is into these books will like them. anyway i do not wish to tell you what happens, but i secretly will say that the egg will not go to a 'nice guy' or trained. its another baddie. plus there will be anonother book all about the fight and the lead up and the end and the marrige of arya and eragon and every one else dies but one ...WHO!?!...

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