You can't trust anyone anymore.
Sure you can Jay. I am a very dependable and reliable person. With a secret, well maybe not so much but to help, I can be counted on.
I don't know, can you?
No, let me earn that trust my friend, it will mean so much more I assure you.
...only to the extent that you are trustworthy! You give trust, that is what you'll get don't and you won't. :)
I have been disappointed time and time again putting my trust in other people but at least I know I'm trustworthy
Trust me? Sure. What for?
yep..depending on what it is
If someone says yes, can you trust them when they say they are trustworthy?
Yes. Now, I will admit that sometimes I do have a big mouth, but I am working on it ;)
I have been told I am very trustworthy, I would say yes and time can tell all.
You sure can....want to share something? email is on my profile!
You don't even know me.
I would like to retract my former answer of no. I was involved in a situation today which made realize that there are still nice people out there in the world. Not that we shouldn't be wary of people we come across...but not everyone is bad. Yes, you can trust me.
You can but I dont trust you.
Well I hope you already know the answer to that one sweety! :)
Yes you can! :)
why surrrrrre.....come on in.....
I am very trustworthy;)
Yes i think so but its totally up to you to make that decision.
Sure. Whatcha got...
Sure Could. I don't tell secrets unless they are really juicy!! lol Yeah i am trust worthy.
Of course you can Jay. I'll be here if you ever need me! what about you? Can I trust you??? *ooohhh...ghost music* :0
Well can you really trust yourself. I cant even trust myself so, "No" you cannot trust me.
It depends on what you're trusting me with ;]
yes but people sometimes dont trust me
Sure; it would eat me inside out to betray a trust. I'll keep my word even if it brings harm to me; and it has before but no regrets.
Sure...mwa ha ha!
Of course. I am vegetarian. I will not eat you. My word is good as gold ;)
On what issues/actions? I've got ethics about a lot of things, and I'm not into betrayal. But you have no reason to believe me any more or less than anyone else making the same claim.
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