Knuts..... I cannot find them anymore!!!! ( they are shaped like big peanuts but are peanut butter covered with a thin cookie shell)
I don't drink soda anymore and I don't like sugary cereal...give it to me plain!
My grandmas ice box cake.It was chocolate,vanilla,and butterscotch pudding with layers of crushed graham crackers between each layer.Perfection!!
I loved eating little debbie snack brownies with the little nuts in them and I havent had them in over 10 years now.
Captain Crunch cereal. Why I ever put the roof of my mouth through such torture is beyond me.
Boxed Mac & Cheese
hohos and ding dongs. Do they still even make those?
Lima beans. I used to love them as a kid but I haven't had them for years now.
Any of the Hostess cakes (ex. Apple pie, Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Ho-Ho's, etc.)
Dog biscuits. I was a strange baby.
mcdonalds chicken nuggets, i usta eat them ALL the time. but i finnally got burnt out on them and havnt ate on in like 10 years.
mcdonalds chicken nuggets, i usta eat them ALL the time. but i finnally got burnt out on them and havnt ate one in like 10 years.
mcdonalds chicken nuggets, i usta eat them ALL the time. but i finnally got burnt out on them and havnt ate one in like 10 years.
My grandma always used to make Junket Rennet Custard for dessert. She even put boxes of it in my Christmas stocking;) I haven't had it in about 25 years.
Bologna, most candies and Coke.
McDonalds and Taco Bell... Blecht!!!!
Those orange circus peanuts, they used to be my fave. now my kids eat them and think i could puke.
Sugar sandwiches!
Vienna sausages.
Liverwurst or a banana in bread.
Milk i guess thats the only thing i hate now but when i was little i used to drink it without a problem.
Tomato Ketchup sandwiches.
Deviled Ham! I tried it about a year ago and just opening the can made me puke!
Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches.
A Bean Rounder. It was heinz baked beans wrapped in pork and then fried in batter. Very fattening. I would never eat that kind of thing now, not only because of the fat content but also because I am now a vegetarian. : )
Hotdogs, or anykind of processed meat for that matter. I like bacon though.
Bit-O-Honey, Fireballs, Lemonheads, Now & Laters and Fun Dip (The 3 flavor pack with 2 dipping sticks). Oh, and I miss the Bazooka Joes.
I rarely eat trout anymore, since we went camping a lot and I ate a lot of fish then. I eat it only occasionally now. My husband hates coconut macaroons because his mother made them so often. I hate fig newtons and have always hated them.
Drakes Funny Bones , I loved those things.
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