The last person I would suspect.
Liza Minelli or Rosie O'Donnell
Britney Spears
Bill Maher
Tom Cruise or Courtney Love.
I don't know, but I do think Tom Cruise is his minion.
Hillary Clinton... Or perhaps.... o.o.... Ok, thats it.
I can't believe no one's said Marilyn Manson yet. He'd be my first guess.
How about President Bush.
Jesse Jackson... you can't tell me that 'stache doesnt have evil powers
Already know who he is. Lord Voldemort.
Dick Cheney.
Osama. I don't know if he would be considered a celebrity though.
Oprah. Without a doubt.
I always thought the anti-Christ was John Ashcroft (U.S. Attorney General from 2001-2005). Yet hes lying low now, so who knows.
My husband says Criss Angel is. We can't believe some of the stuff he does. He's a mind freak alright!
Tom Cruise, because he is such a leader in his freakish cult.
Jack Nicholson
george wya bush
dave morris he did this to me
It would surely be George Carlin.
Dick Clark
Chris Tarrant.
Donald Trump
Normally, I would say President Bush, but technically he wasn't even born in the right hemispherr...damn bible...always ruining my accusitions of the anti-christ...
chris angel
G Dubya!
I'm thinkin' Jack Nicholson...
Britney Spears.
Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church. He even has a daughter, Shirley, who was born on Halloween
O.J. Simpson????
marilyn manson, trent reznor, maynard james keenan, show negativity and devil poessed words, its ok to like there music but dont believe what they teach
George W Bush. he is spreading hatred, direct sign of Satan.
Either Tom Cruise or Posh Spice.
Rosie O'Donnell gets my vote..
David Rockefeller
Rosie Odonnell gets my vote.
Chastity Bono (Cher's daughter). You one would expect that.
David Letterman
Oprah. Satan wouldn't appear as someone evil. Always as 'an angel of light'. Sorry Oprah...... not that I think you are evil!!
Timothy Dalton, Nadeem Saifi {of Shravan fame} or Vinny Jones personify a devilish countenance, although realistically Satan actually resembles Gene Pitney of 'Something’s gotta hold of my heart '' fame. Who on earth could call Tom Cruise a devilish. He is so cutesy and ordinary the notion is laughable.
Hilary Clinton or George Bush. Sorry if I offend you, it SAYS first guess!
id go for my mothers dad
Ted Turner is my wager.
Dee Snyder (he's very outspoken and adversarial)
Obama, he has me worried :o(
i would guess he was jackie collins
Paris Hilton.
depends if the food and drink were free
Bob Kelso* out of scrubs or Harvey Keitel :)
George WTF Bush, closely followed by Sarah Palin
Albert Einstein
Many people accused Howard Stern of being the Anti-Christ...
Brad Pitt because he's so HOTT.....
mel gibson is my first, tom cruise is my second
I could probably think of someone who I believe to be totally deceived and outwardly showing signs of the being of Satan, but I would not name this celebrity.
Rosie O'Donnell
Jesus christ/ Baal Zeus
Al Pacino.
will ferrell
Michael Moore
i dont think i could guess that
i have no idea
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