• Shakespeare wrote more than one play. He wrote 21 of them, to name but a few: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, the 'Taming of the Shrew', Cymbeline and more. for a list of all. He also wrote sonnets and prose and poetry. The reality is that though we have all of Shakespeare's plays and a bit of his biography, he didn't leave behind a diary. We do not even know his exact date of birth. provides some trivia about him, most of it is about his writings. Although the most well known playwright, we actually know very little about the man. We can assume that for each play he did in fact have a favorite character, but which ones can only be inferred by the attention and detail he lavished on the character while he wrote, or through anecdotal evidence, tales, stories. Most likely the protagonist of each play (The main character(s)) was his favorite? Nobody knows for certain.
  • Shakespeare likely wrote 40 plays, possibly a few were co-authored. So I'm not sure where the number 21 comes from. Many of these plays were written and re-written so several versions of each exist. Visit for the complete list of all of them. It is said that the character speaking in his sonnets reveals the most about who Shakespeare was. Many even say that Shylock was Shakespeare as well (or at least the character that he most identified with).
  • They say Shakespeares favourite character was Hamlet. We will never really know Shakespeare dieD in 1616 I believe, which having been born in 1564 was not a bad age in those days. He was known as an Elizabethan Poet. He wrote over 40 plays as well as many poems and sonnets , some with other authors
  • Lady Macbeth because they thought she was good looking

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