Quite a mess up. Is there really a name for it?
Chatteroneous post: When you post the wrong response in chats with multiple users. :) I made that up. Feel free to claim it as your own. LOL
I just call it a Woopsorree!...cause when that happens I say Woops Sorree!!! :D
I call it "oops!". I never have done that, but I would feel quite embarressed.
IN the MMO world we call that 'MT' or Mis-tell. In most MMO's private messages are called tells. So I tend to carry that over and while the people I'm talking to don't usually get it, I end up saying it anyway. :P
an "aww sh*t"
Well i'll be a monkey's uncle/why did i do that for.
I call it 'ok, 7 chats at once, time to say goodbye to one.'
Faux Pas = Text Pas or Faux Text
OMG! I have SO done this! It was a terrible slip up on my part, and very hard to correct because it was an explicit comment. :( I would say that I would call it one of the following: Idle slip-chat A skid (re)mark A yak “Yuck!”
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