• It was used in a prayer circle up to the year 1990. There were only three words.
  • I thought this was interesting. (taken from wikipedia site) The Adamic language in Mormonism In Mormonism, the Adamic language has been thought by some Latter Day Saints to be the language of God. Though different from Hebrew, the Hebrew language was thought to contain remnants of this ancient language, including the words Elohim and Jehovah. According to Joseph Smith, Jr.'s translation of the Bible, this language was "pure and undefiled" (Book of Moses 6:6). Some early leaders of the Latter Day Saint movement, including founder Joseph Smith, Jr. (JD 2:342), and Latter-day Saint leaders Brigham Young (HC 1:297) and Elizabeth Ann Whitney (7 Woman's Exponent 83 (1 November 1878)) claimed to have received several words in the Adamic language in revelations. Some Latter Day Saints believe that the Adamic language will be restored as the universal language of humankind at the end of the world. The name of the Mormon settlement "Adam-ondi-Ahman" in Daviess County, Missouri, U.S., is said to derive from the Adamic language. Mormon temple ceremonies, such as the prayer circle, once used the words "Pay Lay Ale"[2] which the church believed were Adamic words meaning "Oh God, hear the words of my mouth." The untranslated words are no longer used in temple ceremonies and have been replaced by the English version.[3] Other words thought by some Mormons to derive from the Adamic language include deseret ("honey bee", see Ether 2:3), Ahman ("God"), son Ahman ("Son of God", see LDS D&C 78:20, 95:17), and sons Ahman ("sons of God"). Some have also taken the word shelem to mean "height" (see Ether 3:1) though the passage states, "...which they called the mount Shelem, because of its exceeding height..." not necessarily implying that the word actually means "height," but more practically that the word has at least something to do with "exceeding height." Nauvoo ("beautiful") is also often popularly attributed to Adamic, but it is actually a Sephardi Hebrew word (Standard Hebrew ____ navu). Appendage: Joseph Smith did publicly teach that the Adamic language would be restored after Christ's second coming, and also specified it as "the tongue of angels." Also, in his translation of the Bible, a book of scripture, written in Adamic, is mentioned--"The Book of Remembrance," but no copies of that book have been found.
  • Now that I think about it, didn't we have to chant it 3 times while raising and lowering our arms? Thank You, Jesus, for saving me!
  • we don't do it anymore, i guess it was used to symbolise the orginally prayers etc. but they don't anymore
  • A "version" of Adamic? Is that like a "dialect" of Klingon?

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