• yes I do, we haven't begun to find all the other planets I think were fooling ourselves if we think were the only planet that could have intelligent life force on it. We've only found the planets our science has found, there are billions of planets & stars that we will never reach so how do we know for sure they too don't have life forms like us.
  • I believe that there is lifeforms from other planets and we are one of the planets that are constantly visited,and have been for centuries.I would say that they are much more intelligent than us by thousands of years.
  • Well we now know how life can begin: This occurs plenty of times. To think that we are the result of the first and most successful stable helixes is nothing but vanity!
  • yes there are so many other planet how could we be the only ones and the most intelligent? I also believe there is life in other dimensions that we know nothing about.
  • I would bet they are way smarter ;-)
  • They must be pretty smart, they're staying away from us!
  • Not in my life time, but I believe we will find evidence of other civilizations. I would love to be an archiologist 5000 years from now
  • Without a doubt. However, galaxies are huge, and very far apart from each other. I don't think it will ever be possible for us to interact with life in other galaxies. But chances are there are plenty of forms of intelligent life in our own galaxy to keep us amused for many eons to come. :)
  • as vast as the universe is, there is no doubt there must be some kind of other intelligent life somewhere else! we may not have the capability to find it within our lifetime, but I'm sure one day, someone will!
  • Maybe this will give you some insight: On the pyramids of Peru, there are inscriptions that detect long runways and mention the words "celestial beings". I'll bet this has jingled your imagination.
  • Of course! They could etither be less intelligent or more advanced on evolutionary terms using technology we cant even comprehend. The universe is vast. Our Solar System is just a spot in our own Galaxy and there are billions of galaxies in the entire universe. We are not alone for sure!
  • Using Math and very rounded numbers of assumption it seems almost certain. In 1999 and estimate was made of around 125 billion galaxies in the universe. I think the Milky Way is meant to have about half a billion stars, some galaxies are vastly bigger, some smaller - lets say a billion per galaxy on average. (just found something that gave an approximation of 7 x 10^22 stars in the universe) Say in each galaxy a million stars have a planet with the potential of life forming, thats still 125 million billion planets where life form can exist in the universe. By probability, I'd assume that at least one more of them has life on it. Seperately, I read recently (I cant remember where so I can't link to it) that Astronomers think they have found un-organic life in the form of space dust; apparently it can reproduce (no clue how, but hey)
  • I don't really know so don't have an opinion, sorry.
  • No,life does not exist on other planets. Mere presence of water or an atmosphere alone are not enough to support life in any planet. Above all, in a religious point of view, God did not create any life except on earth. And we believe it(if you don't..., then believe now!)
  • Absolutely. Maybe not in the way some people think, but it would be pretty whacky to think that there's only life on little old Earth in a universe so vast.
  • I can never wrap my brain around thinking that they do but surely we cannot be the only ones.
  • I think it would be selfish to think we are the only ones. Intelligent life is a different thing, but I still think it exists, the Universe is just so vast!
  • When you consider that animal life exists at incredible depths in our oceans, it would be a bit silly to think that all life-forms need the same environment as us for survival. If I was able to live long enough to find the answer to this question I would be amazed if that answer was, "No".
  • I've always wondered...are we gonna send a rocket into another galaxy someday? Have they (NASA) ever considered that option????
  • Just on the basis of probability, it is almost certain that there is life elsewhere in the universe - probably a great deal of it. It is again almost certain that technologically speaking, some of this life will be far ahead of us. But, and it's a big but, the universe is a *very* large place - much larger that it's possible for the human mind to conceive without using analogy. So the chance of us ever coming into contact with any of this life is pretty remote.
  • Unless all the astronomers and scientist on Earth are completely bonkers, there should be millions of planets that would support life in the universe. It is my opinion that life must be rife in the universe. It is however, improbable that we will ever know for sure due to the physical limits of space travel. We are on an insignificant planet on an insignificant arm of an insignificant galaxy. However, I think there are lots of civilizations and creature much smarter than us with lots more longevity out there.
  • I do, as others have said before me, ARE WE ALONE?!(In the background, a faint cry, "Err... yes!") I believe that the other life forms(if there are any) vary like the animals on Earth. Some could be really intelligent, while the other is as dumb as dirt.
  • Yes, I believe life in some shape or form exists on other planets, and it is likely that some is more intelligent than human life here and some is less intelligent.
  • It wouldn't be to hard to be as intelligent as us.
  • I don't believe that there are aliens in the universe. :O
  • Not the aliens portrayed in the media, but I'm sure there is some form of life on one of those billion other planets out there.
  • There are countless beings out there that are lightyears more advanced, wiser and compassionate than the human race. The universe is teeming with them. These beings wants to have nothing to do with us because we are too barbaric and destructive for them to be considered an intelligent race in the universe. At least, they leave us alone and not take the liberty to bully us like we bully the other animals on earth 24/7 (eg, forceful slaughtering of animals to eat, spanish bull fighting, whaling etc). Such act would be too low for them to even think of.
  • I hope there are,I was left here 120 years ago and I need a lift home,,,c'mon already,,how long does it take for the taxi to show up????? Seriously,I hope there is,it is too big a universe for us(humans)to be the ONLY life form. We are only one,insignificant little planet with a few other planets,circling one sun,a single solar system in one massive galaxy. Do you have any idea how many galaxies there are?We can only see so many,,,there could be infinite galaxies and trillions upon trillions of solar systems,,we can't travel that far,maybe they can't travel this far either. To believe there are no other intelligent life,anywhere in the universe,,that's unimaginable.
  • With billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars, Id say it is a near certainty there will be a species in an intelligence range capable of communicating with us. But meeting that intelligent species within the area of space we will be able to explore coherently is a lot less likely. they could be billions of years away. A lot more likely that two exploration parties, each evolving and rebuilding their ships as they move outwards over the millenia will someday accidentaly meet and each of them think they have encountered an alien species.
  • 100% impossible, if there is no life in our solar system except for us, then I am 100% sure that there is no life on others.
  • We live in a large spiral galaxy called The Milky Way. There are almost certainly many other 'Earths' in our galaxy and the millions of galaxies in the rest of the known universe. Image you are on a beach, pick up a chance grain of sand. You look at it and discover it is a beautiful colour when looked at under a microscope. You then announce to the world that you have found the only grain of sand on the beach that looks like that. How ridiculous and incredible! The Earth must be similarly unique (but only 'a little bit unique.') There must be species very similar to humans. After all we are all made of the same stuff.
  • Just think of the entire universe as vast as it is and infinitely growing, there is no way that we humans on one little planet in this single solar system (that we've technologically yet to conquer) in a single galaxy of millions even billions. No way could we be the only intelligent life form. In theory there are intelligent life much more intelligent than us. Just think of where we are. And think of a intelligent species that got a 10 thousand year head start on us not even that much let's just say a thousand years. Just think how far ahead of our understanding and comprehension they are. It's practically inconceivable the technological advances they'd have on us. The very laws of nature and physics that have us bound such as motion, gravity, reality, etc... They probably can easily manipulate. The probabilities are endless.
  • Of course, the chance is 99.9%. Because There are approximately 150 billion stars, like sun, in our galaxy (milky way) and there are more than 100 billion such galaxies! But we humans who thinks we are better than the best ,don't even know much about our surrounding planets (sometimes NASA may know!! I bet that they won't reveal). And if a condition of the earth when the first life was born is on any other planet the chance of having life is 100%
  • I believe there could be. I have enough to think about on this planet though and I don't really give much time thinking about it.
  • Do you mean Intelligent Life? If so, my answer is No. I always used to think there must be other intelligent life. Then, I read a statistical study from the English University of East Anglia. I will try and find a link, but as I recall they did a statistical analysis based on the Earth being 4.5 Billion years old. The nuclear fusion that powers our sun will last another 1 Billion years. They then factored in all the unique events that happened on Earth for Humans to evolve. Their conclusion is that the chances of Intelligent Life elsewhere and the ability for them to contact us was very low. google Statistical chances of Intelligent life. University of East Anglia if the links do not work
  • As to whether life exists on other planets (either in this galaxy or another), I'm one of those folks who think it's very likely. But this is all wishful thinking on my part -- nobody has any evidence. This is why we're following the Mars probes so carefully. If it turns out that there is, or was, life on Mars it probably means that life is common. (In other words if you find life in a spot right next door, it will probably mean that it's lots of other places, too.) As to whether they're as intelligent as us -- again, no evidence, but I'd like to think there's somebody else out there. Might be a bit lonely otherwise.
  • Fact from fiction, truth from diction. To think there Earth is the only planet in the cosmos to host life would be as logical to believe that when that Powerball lotto was created it would be one once and never again by anyone. There are more star system out there than you would have a number to count them. In a number of them if you go off evolution, the right enzymes floating around the primordial ooze would have got zapped by the same type of lightning by luck. If you look on the religious side of divine creation. Would God create one master piece then stop? That would be as logical as De Vinci painting just the Mona Lisa then putting his paints away never to touch a canvas again. People say the distance is too great there is no technology that would allow travel that great in distance. Back in the days of Galileo you would have been laughed out the room if you said you would one day be able to travel from Australia to San Francisco in just under a day. How could people of that day even grasp jet flight when oil hasn't yet been discovered to make jet fuel? The technology is out there, we here just don't know how to do it or haven't discovered it. They are out there, and they have visit here, watching us the way we go into the wild and watch apes, rhinos, tigers etc. Every now and then the β€œCatch and release” just as we do wild life.
  • Yep, probably in this galaxy. I have no idea about the level of intelligence. I think the vast distances involved will prevent any meaningful interaction between different intelligences. Then again, I thought Dallas would go to the Superbowl!
  • NO they are nothing out there...We are along.
  • We must be alone or we would have been visited already. And I'm not talking about butt probes for hillbillies.
  • No. God created the planet earth for man to inhabit. If there were other planets for humans, God in his infinite wisdom would have made it known to us. Yet, there are other life forms in the universe. The superhuman, intelligent creatures that exist in outer space were created by Jehovah God. Their creation took place even before planet Earth was prepared for human habitation. Not all earth visitations, however, have been by creatures sent by God with important communications from Him. In fact, a number of angelic sons of God rebelliously left their heavenly positions, came to earth in the form of men, and
  • Absolutely not!
    • jeff88991
      your wrong
  • some people believe if there is life on other planets it would be microscopic but who knows whats out there
  • Im hoping more intelligent than us.
  • There's no evidence for or against them, so nobody really knows if it exists or not. There doesn't HAVE to be anything. There's only speculation with no basis.
  • i think its possible

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