Sometimes, Homer Simspon.
Filled with worry about anything and everything.
I don't think words do our mind justice.
I would like to say it's pretty neat, organized and inquisitive, but of course my mind told me to say that. Hardly an impartial opinion. : )
A cluttered desk full of misplaced files, lost staplers, empty bottles of liquid paper, and a drawer with a hidden stash of chocolate for emergencies.
A nice place to visit..wouldnt want to live there..:)
Hmmmm.. Lets see... It's dusty. There's cobwebs and a few bats hanging around. I guess I'd better clean it up.
A fantastic wonderland of sarcasm and erotic fantasy
Lacks focus!
I'm kind of A.D.D. like so pictures describe it best.
shadowed euphoria
There's a room with a bunch of books and comfy chairs... it's fairly comfortable and darkish, I think there's a lamp or some candles in there... Then there's a place which I'm not even sure what it looks like. Outside there's a green, wild garden, but I haven't been there much recently. There is a tower, from which you can see the sky going from green to blue, and the moon and a star, and also the fields. On the other side, there is a cold blue shining city, but I don't like it very much. I mostly stay in the library/bedroom.
A rowdy classroom since teacher is rarely present.
Not a matter of black or white.. but shades of grey.
a plethora of paranoia pain and pleasure
an almost full bag of marbles
Silly Putty
A maze invented by Stephen King!!!
I can't and I would be impressed if anyone could.
My brain is a tornado of thoughts getting mixed up together.
Mush Mush Mush Mush
Peaceful though blurred sometimes with sadness , silly , funny and lovable + 5
Musical, always playing a song, writing a song or playing guitar. That's level one, level two is planning. Drawing plans for some grandiose building or cityscape, replete with green space and commerce zones, transportation inter loops etc. Level three, mechanical drawing, always some gears or metal parts intermeshing to accomplish something useful. Level four is whatever I am doing at the moment, writing, working, sleeping etc.
An endless matrix of diamond-shaped pigeonholes of various sizes where I stash things for ready retrieval. Only lately, the stuff has been falling out and litters the floor. I can't remember where some of the stuff came from, or where to replace it. Some pigeonholes are empty and will remain so. The ceiling is very high, and has a long translucent skylight, with hanging lamps on long cords that are never switched off. Every now and then, there's a steam pipe, and they leak a tiny bit of steam giving a slight musty odor that anyone would recognize if they ever lived in a place with steam heat. The stack of pigeonholes is on both sides, and they run endlessly in both directions from wherever I'm standing. All I know is the pigeonholes.
A universe of which I have not yet scratched the surface.
My mind is like a million eyeballs and a million pairs of ears, observing and listening. It is also a stomach, hungry for the world. I think this is the hardest question I have ever answered.
Increasingly wrinkly, with occasional misfirings and short-circuits.
My mind is like a giant warehouse with white walls and floors - that is completely empty
Allways thinking about things that are not inportent songs,tv adds,jokes etc
A kaleidoscope of mish mashing ideas.
Sometimes super balls in a blender, sometimes jello rocking gently in a bowl.
Nudity and video cameras.
Rioting, inhumane treatment of the local populace, ritual sacrifice of foreigners. Travellers suggested to stay out of the region, especially if their cultural practices differ from that of the locals.
as infinite as the universe
A room filled with many books. It is somewhat messy, and it has Harry Potter posters in it. There is a big closet full of all things chocolate.
one word "library"... yea right...
A light that is as bright as the sun, but about as big as a cantaloupe, encased in a lead box with a few holes in it. The lead box is my body and the holes are my eyes and ears. Great question +
A too small room containing an asteriod belt; asteroids constantly crashing into one another. Simultaneous collisions rapidly happening with no control. Deafening cacauphonous sounds interrupting chaotic space. A cataclismic castatrophe of thought. The room has corners so recessed and so dark that no light source could sufficiently illuminate them. The walls are damaged beyond repair. The paint is a color that once resembled purple but is obscured by the darkness and the destruction therein. The floor is flooded by swampy marsh like water beset with debris from the asteroids. The ceiling is covered by 4 foot long spikes made of iron. They twist like drill bits. If you can find any light in this space it is fading, fleeting, and the spikes are drilling deeper in evermore every day. This is my mind.
Fleshy and squishy- as I believe most/all brains should be.
An endless ocean shining in the sun..
like a computer that never shuts off. Endless topics, thoughts, and possibilities and my email folder keeps getting fuller and fuller...
I read an interesting book called "Theater of the Mind" by Jay Ingram...It describes how our minds are always subject to a constant 'background type chatter' that goes on in our's an interesting read..It's basic premise is 'what is consciouness'.
It's as full as it can get! can get... can get... can get... Hello! hello... hello... hello...
Kind of squishy
Kind of squishy
Many levels of fun ideas and memories...
Love, confusion, bitterness, all scrambled up into one finally Adult mind.
Crazy dizzy busy-iness...all the time... concentration is often difficult without forcing it.
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