no. i do not believe that jesus was the son of god, merely a good philosopher with some good ideas about how he thought the world and society should be and would be successful. to me, it would be like saying descartes or buddha were wrong. in fact, the things jesus said and did have prompted such an intense following that many atrocities over the years have been committed on his behalf and i tend to think it is a good thing to question such forms of blindly-followed authority.
I wouldn't buy one, but it's their money and their body and their choice.
I would be offended that the person had a shirt with a caption on it. I hate those.
No, not at all. I think everyone has a right to an opinion. If that opinion is that there never was a Jesus Christ, or that Jesus Christ is wrong, I think they should be able to express that. BUT doing it on a t-shirt seems like MORE like an attempt to shock people than anything else. Religion is a personal thing, and it should treated as such. If ANYTHING is wrong, its the mind set of people who feel that they need to push their religion on someone. But that's just my opinion, and I don't need a t-shirt to tell you that. ;)
I wouldn't be offended, nor would I take it too seriously. People who walk around with their philosophies on t-shirts generally don't run that deep.
... no offense taken here ...
I would be offended because i think ppl should respect other people and their religion. But i would also be confused because i kinda wouldnt understand....but oh well....
Not at all.
Hey man! Long time, no answer! I wouldnt be offended, seeing as how I am not really religios at all. I mean they have the right to wear whatever they want. But it is kinda messed up to wear somthing like that. Plus, I wonder what they were saying he was wrong about. Most of his teachings were like "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and shit like that. So whats the difference between that and having a shirt that says like "Ghandi was wrong" or "Martin Luther King Jr. was wrong." and I think that shirts like that would be ridiculed way more than a "Jesus was wrong."
no. i would laugh.
No because Jesus is "make believe"
I'm not christian, so no.
it is rood that's all
Not if I was deaf, but then I'd miss the novelty.
I couldn't care less. However since you obviously believe he existed (hence the slogan) then I would assume you were a church banger and cross over the road (just in case you start preaching or asking me for a donation).
Not unless it was Jesus walking around wearing that T-shirt.
I never met the man - assuming you mean Jesus Christ. In fact, I've never met a man called Jesus. I personally wouldn't be offended, but there are many people out there that don't like you saying things that they don't like to hear, so I'm sure some people would be. ABout the respecting of other people's religions, I would would agree with this, as I believe in people being allowed to think what they like. The only problem being that vast majority of religious people don't respect yours (or your lack thereof) - regardless of what they say... You don't have religion and want people to believe what they want, they want you to believe what they do! That's why Atheists are happy to let you think what you like, because they have no alterior motives.
Yes, however, I would also feel sorry for them because they will(unless they get right with God through the blood of Jesus Christ) have to answer to the very God they are mocking for that and it will not be fun. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
Not at all. I have a T-shirt that says the following: Does it offend you? I think everyone should be able to wear anything that is not cruel or harmful or in anyway going to be able to hurt the person it might be directed. Jesus is Wrong harms nobody. Neither does mine, I believe. (Man in Photo isn't me).
Not at all. How would any of us be able to judge anything he may, or may not, have been "wrong" about? It is an opinion. Many will find it funny. Try to relax.
Not at all. I take it as an expression of a person's belief which they are entitled to.
No, I'd know were it came from and it's intent.
People who do this usually do it for a reaction, so I give them what Jesus would have. No reaction.
I wasn't offended by it while watching Little Miss Sunshine, so I doubt it.
No, even if I were Christian.
Yes, I would. But I would pray for them rather than say anything.
Not at all. The whole world thinks Jesus was wrong. (Joh 15:18) If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. I'm not offended anymore by what the world thinks. Those in the world that doubt Jesus Christ are only offending and hurting themselves.
no more than the atheists is when we wear one saying "Jesus Was Right"!
I'm an atheist and I would find that offensive. Ignorance makes people say things like that.
would the person wearing the t-shirt be offended if Jesus was right!!Which He is!!!I personally I would be more concerned for the soul inside the body inside T-shrt. What if Jesus is right. what if the millions of Christians are right. Who would be better off. The t shirt wearer if the Christians were wrong or the Christians if the t shirt wearer were right. Well if the t shirt wearer is right then when we die there is probally nothing. if the Christians are right when u die and you reject Jesus like the t shirt wearer is, then if he goes to hell.. Who is better off. whats the smart choice. But lets forget about right and wrong I would Challenge everyone to read the new testiment with an open mind and do the suggested life tacticts jesus lays out for us and just explore the possiblities of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. it will Change your life for eternity... Gods promise...<><i love u
98% of slogan-bearing or "joke" t-shirts offend me ... even when I agree with what they say (which I don't, in this case). It's not so much about the view expressed, it's the fact that the very fact of reducing it to a slogan and wearing it on a t-shirt is intended to offend -- and since it is intended to offend people who are simply going about their business doing nothing to bother the person wearing the damn thing, the wearer is simply being rude and ill-mannered... as well as stupid.
what if someones shirt said I molest small children, can I babysit? is that ok? Would they be offensive? It always seems to be non-offensive until it touches on something personal to us. But when you start to censor belief speech you open a doorway for all things to be censored. I think I will just wear a shirt that says "I am wrong, you are wrong, we are all wrong...lets get a beer"
Yes I would be offended. Because he isnt wrong.
Nah. I've seen some worse ones ;)
No. Why? But I'd be curious what he was wrong about.
no, not at all.
I wouldn't be offended but the person wearing the T-shirt doesn't have the infinite knowledge that it takes to make such a statement. So in reality, he's making himself look silly.
I disagree with the slogan completely, but there's nothing offensive about it. It may invite discussion, but I could talk to such a person for hours without being offended, and without him getting angry at me. I could ask him what he thought Jesus was wrong about, and why he thought Jesus was wrong; and then I could ask questions and give information that would tend to prove that Jesus was right. That particular slogan is not so written as to give offense, so offense shouldn't be taken. Just because I say something you disagree with doesn't mean you have a right to be offended. You have a right to disagree, but unless I have said something offensive (like "Only drunks and fools believe in your religion") you have no right to be offended.
I'd also be wearing one that said, "Who cares".
I want a T shirt that says "Jesus loves you... He's just not IN love with you"
nope! would someone be offended if I wore one saying "ask me about Jesus?"...everyone is entitled to their opinions...but we can all always be PERSUADED!! thank God.... this opinion, "Jesus was wrong" is held by millions in some form or other...Muslims, Judaism, Trinitarians, even Christians,etc. HE wasn't wrong, we are..... so, NO , never offended (only God is), just SAD...
no i would just assume that the shirt meant that Jesus was wrong when he created the wearer of the shirt
No. I may be offended if someone wore a t-shirt that said "You are a Cunt". Very offended indeed.
It wouldn't bother me in the least...because I agree with that shirt!
Nah, i am hard to offend :)
No, I will just look at him as a Ignorant and childish person!
Not at all -- I myself have a t-shirt with a picture of "Zombie Jesus" leading a pack of the undead, with the caption "Jesus Started It" underneath...
Well, if someone was wearing a T-Shirt that said that, then they would have to be admitting that Jesus existed. So, half of my battle is won! Now, since Jesus existed,then we only have one way to go with this now and ask that person, "In what way was Jesus wrong?" But, I would not be offended. I would see it at an opportunity to set that lost soul on the path to heaven.
No, there are all sorts of silly things written on T-Shirts. They usually don't mean much and are more for the laughs they bring than anything earth shattering.
You gotta break my bones or make me bleed to offend me in all honesty.
+5 OK here goes but I will get downrated because I will tell the Truth and those in the dark hate the truth even if they do have good cookies there. . No, it does not offend me. It is a cry for attention and for help. People who wear that kind of thing seek attention. They have nothing new to say and cannot think for themselves so they wear a shirt like that to get the attention they so crave. But we need to love people like that. We need to pray for them. We need to let them know that Jesus loves them even if they really do think He is wrong. And now you know. Love Karen Anne
should i be offended if it said " jesus is right" . ?
it would be a great wat to start a conversation. Im a christian and I have a great shirt "Jesus loves you but everyone else thinks your an idiot" its a fun one.
Only if the back featured Jesus on the cross singing "self-destruction's got me again".
actually it was an important news caption you should have read-on . now you missed your chance to to find out the truth about social programing . ;-(
I would feel sorry for the person or persons who where profiting from creating the T-Shirt. As far as the person wearing the T-shirt. I would like to ask them to explain the meaning of the statement. And just try to show me, were He was QUOTE: "Wrong" UNQUOTE.
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