Shell-Bee. I can draw it too! See? The shell is lacking a bit, but you get the idea!
Diana: Die-Anna
Tih-fahn-ee I hate when people say the "ah" sound as "uh," small and nearly un-noticeable, though it may be. [I go for the pronunciation of the "a" in "apple."] My name is not Tifunny!
Keeahh RRaii Nah Kerri is easier.
Keysha - Kay-shuh
Zhahn. It's kind of like cross between John and Jan but with a soft "G" sound in the beginning.
Christie: Criss-tee. In person they mistakingly call me chrissy or christine. I don't like saying my name outloud, because even I don't say it right. LOL.
Alex: AL-EX
Old Skool....;-D
My name's not that hard to pronounce. That's Sarah... with an H... yes, with an H.
Were (as in, yes you were!) zell :o)
<removed> :) *Aha. God, I must've been in a paranoid mood. Ay-lay.
When-dee ; Wendi with an I. I have more problems with others spelling my name than saying it. just call me pics-ee ; pixie. ;)
CaRRlos. Not the soft-sounding R most English-speaking people use. : )
Anastasia: uh-nuh-stah-syi-yuh NOT like the crappy movie: an-uh-stey-zhuh
Care-In (Karen)
Jer (rhymes with care) is(rhymes with miss) ann (this is self explanitory) Jerisann
Jay ...
Marion - Mary Un
Marion - Mary Un
Skeeter. And I pronounce it Skeeter.
My middle name Jameson is pronounced JHEYMSahN Check it out here:
Jannae = jen-AY And it's so hard to find my name on anything with the aesc (or "ash") at the end of it. See for more on that one.
- :)
An-dee. Die-lon? Perhaps they are thinking nylon is spelled nylan and just improvising. Good grief.
Pah-chee-oh en-el
Ro Zee
sh-ar-ne(as in knee) spelt Sianee (so its sian with an E on the end). only 1 in 15 people spell it right when hearing or say it right when reading. Gets annoying after a while...
Ross, ummmm Ra Ah S's (?)
Stef-fan-ie And yes if you say it slow you say fanny lol
My-kal (Michael or Mike as I like to be called).
i know one... wich people often say wrong... or write wrong...cuz its written different in icelandic... STEFANΓA-stefaneea....i think sumthin like that.... people write her name like stephanie or stefanie...often...she thinks its pretty irritating...haha...
Throat warbler mangrove
Some people seem to pronounce my name like dani-yella, theres no 'y' in my name. Its Dani-ela.
da (fourth tone--tone dropping) ben(ben fourth--dropping....but said as second tone rising because next tone is 4th tone) dan(fourth tone--tone dropping)
Lisa ..Lee-sa ..not Liza..that so annoys me lol
Day - v (Dave lol)
sin..dee (Cindy)
My name is Nissa, pronounced Neesa.
Jena (Jen-ah) I always get called Gina it gets annoying.
Sar-ar not Seh-ar
Am-ber, sounds the way it is spelt, Unless you count my whole name, Amberlynn.
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