They all had to do a great deal of editing for time, but I think the one that did the best job keeping to the book was the Goblet of Fire, in my humble opinion. :)
I would have to say the Sorcerer's Stone or Chamber of Secrets. I agree with psych on the editing.
I think the movie most like the book would be Philosopher's Stone. Sorry about the Australian title but that's what it is over here : D
I think it was Chamber of Secrets, the book isn't nearly as large as say The Goblet of Fire or The Prisoner of Azkaban so they had to do less cutting of storylines. Unlike the last movie which just ignored parts and acted as if they never happened (Ron playing quidditch)
The first, The Sorceror's Stone.
either the sorceror's stone or the prisoner of azkaban
Harry Potter meets Cherry Potter
The Sorcerer's Stone in my opinion. You can only tell what's been left out if you are an avid fan of the books (Note how Hermione doesn't do Snape's guard test thingy). Only small details like that. Also, it was the shortest book, so they had enough time to take into account most of the book.
Yeah the sorcerers stone or the chamber of secrets.
The Philosophers Stone most likely. It's the shortest and therefore most easily adapted.
Philosopher's Stone ftw
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