Ouija Board. Still have it, too. (and yes, it's a game.)
Chutes and Ladders.
hi-ho cherrio
Chinese Checkers.
Hungry Hungry Hippo.
Now I am about to show my age....Sergeant Preston of the Yukon (late 50s) LOL
HI-HO Cherrio
Candyland, I loved that game.
Candy Land!
Chutes and Ladders.
Checkers and Ouija Board
snakes and ladders
Chutes and Ladders
I seem to remember my mum teaching me Draughts when i was young.
Snakes and Ladders.
Afrikan tΓ€hti. ( )
Snakes and Ladders - or as it is known in the States, 'chutes and ladders' I still play it with my children to decide the order in which we do our weekly chore rotations. The rules are simple so there are no arguements about them. Even the littlest 'gets' it There is always an exciting uncertainty about who th ultimate winner will be. In other words - it's FUN!!!!!!!! : )
Hi-Ho Cherry-o and Candyland.
I remember I played LIFE. NO Bragging or anything but I dominated.
For me it was Candy Land. fun fun stuff.
Chess, Checkers, and Chinese Checkers.and so you know i don't remember which was first but i was great at all of them.
It was either Checkers, Parcheesi or Clue!
Candy Land the best kids game ever!!!!!!!!!
candyland :)
Chutes and Ladders or Candyland...
Dfinetly i remember at 2 i was playing "SORRY!" and Twister at 3 (is twister counted as a board game?)
snakes and ladders
Ludo =)
Chutes and Ladders!
Snakes and ladders
Chess, when I was about four. I called the bishops "dip-ships". I mean, who doesn't want a ship of dip anyways....
Candy Land
It was either Ludo or Snakes and Ladders
chutes and ladders
Parchisi or Candyland
Sorry is the first board game I remember then monopoly:)
Snakes and ladders, aww yea. And then Candyland.
Candyland. Then I found Clue and never went back.
Chutes and ladders.
Probably Ludo, or snakes and ladders.
Chutes and Ladders.
I think it was Cany Land, then chutes and ladders. I also used to get every year Concentration (From the TV Game Show) and Password (also from the TV Game Show)
Candy Land and Build a Bug, pretty much remember both being played during the same time period and don't remember which came first.
Enchanted Forest - That game was awesome.
There was a german game we used to play called Mensch Γ€rgere Dich nicht!
Chutes and Ladders!
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