Pretty much nothing. I just respect the man now.
I would do nothing, what choice did he have? Treason? That would of worked out well for him.....
I would probably think poorly of him, but nothing more.
I would be very interested in the guy. I would not want to be involved with him in anyway. He helped murder six million people. I would not like him one bit.
Great question. At a minimum, start doing some research on the internet to see if I could find out more about him to see if there was any way possible to prosecute.
Nothing. No action required. If the person had a Nazi flag hanging outside, that's one thing. But, pretty much the entire German population was part of the military at the time. Not much choice.
nothing really, just say hi in passing and such
I am pretty sure if he moved to Canada and lived down the street from me that would mean that he would have hated what he did and did it against his will and the fact that I didn't know about it for so long meant he didn't want anyone to know. I don't think I would think any less of him. I am sure that there have been Nazis that were Nazis against their own freewill and did what they did out of obedience and not love. I don't think I would do anything mean to him. I certainly hope I would not spread gossip about him, either.
i would like to interview him before he died
I would introduce myself and listen to the stories that most likely consume his mind.
Unless he was personally causing me harm, absolutely nothing. It ain't my problem
Well, I live in South Africa. Here the question is more "if you found out the old man who lives down the street was NOT a WWII Nazi officer, what would you do?" :-)
As long as he wasn't a war criminal nothing. His country was at war, end of story. And I'm from Jewish descent...... War is war, right or wrong whatever side you are on. War is wrong, period, but a fact, so people do what they have to do or think is right at the time.
I would tell him he doesn't have to pick up his dog's poop anymore and send someone over to do it for him.
If he had been an SS extermination camp guard or SS death squad member that operated in eastern Europe I would pass the information on to MOSSAD the Israeli secret service and let them deal with it.If he had been an ordinary Germany army officer then he was only an ordinary soldier and he should be allowed to live in peace. We have a great number of ex Ukrainian Waffen Grenadier Division SS Gallicia living in the UK who were captured in France after the Normandy landings.Previously some of them had taken part in the extermination of the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland and they were known as Akaris and were more than eager to do the killing of innocent civilians including children. After the war they could not go back to the USSR because they were all classed as traitors to the Russian Patriotic War.Thousands of them came to the UK and the rest went to Canada.These type of people should have been sent back to Russia to pay the price of their war crimes.
The information should be passed on to Germany official or the Hague. It is not Mossad and Israel's job to deal with these war criminals. Victims shouldn't be trying their own assailants.
Nothing. Just because he was a German officer in WWII doesn't mean he's guilty of any war crimes and if he were, I'm not a vigilante.
Nothing different.
Nothing, we all make mistakes. im sure he has had to live with the wrong doing he did all his life. But as a soldier in those days he just did as he was told to keep himself alive
Assuming he has all his faculties in place I'd request me to tell me his recollections about those times. Nothing more. Just satisfy my curiosity to know first hand about lives in those times. I actually knew someone who was a WWI pilot in the RAF and I learnt quite a lot by picking his brains.
Leave him be.
Call the Guinness Book of Records - the dude's likely 110! ;-)
Army Veteran
He could be in his 90s and still be alive.
I wouldn't do much... I would call the police, radio, TV, newspaper, every number I have on my cell and my home phone memory... just that.
He would be old enough it should make no difference to anyone...I am sure there are many still out and about the world today...leave them alone and let them live out their last years in peace or better yet make friends with them and get the history he has and archive it...information from those who served regardless of whos side they were on is priceless!
I would goose step right down to his house and try to sell him some kosher pickles.
Be amazed that he was still alive, feel sorry for him and leave him in peace. If he was only 10 in 1939 at the beginning of WWII then he would be 79 years old. If he was any type of leader he would have had to be at least 20 at the beginning of the war, that would make old leadership at the very least 89. The chances of any true war criminal from WWII being still alive today are very remote.
Phone Israel.
Kidnap him. Take him to my house and introduce myself as Dr. Mengele.........
To judge someone by there past in a time of war is pure ignorance, he did what he had to do and I would harbour no ill feelings towards him.
Nothing, as it's not my place to do anything or judge the man. Who knows what it was like for him, anyone who knows a damn thing about psych knows about obedience trials and that they themselves could have acted the same. People do horrendous things in those situations because they feel that they HAVE to.
Well he'd be 110 years old, so I'm gonna say roll him. What's he gonna do, chase you? Call the cops? Ya!
Pray for him
The least the guy could be is 92 years old, however likely more. I'd mind my own business.
Stehlen sein Bier.
The war's over. It's been in a few papers.
That's not my business. I wouldn't want someone to turn me in for the things I've done in the past
If I knew without any doubt I would report him to the relevant officials.
Turn him in
Probably nothing. If the Jews didn't catch him after the war, and take him to Israel for trial and hanging, he must not have been very important, and he certainly doesn't have much time left to get into any trouble now.
I would say nothing but I would want to get to know him so that I could learn about the German perspective of WW2. I'm certain that this would hit a sour chord for most people, but the only way of learning what really happened is by looking at both sides of the issue - which you will never get in the history books. People who wouldn't want to know are satisfied with what they've been fed. They don't care about the truth - they have their "truth". The cognitive dissonance involved would send them over the edge.
its a bit late now..we all have forgiven germany and other countries we were at war with id say nothing
Army Veteran
No, we haven't. -
ok ..well maybe the crimes are not forgiven as they were evil but Germany as a country has been forgiven
I would visit him more often to hear WW2 stories from him.
That depends. If he had been pardoned and was living in my country legally, I would do nothing - including NOT informing others of his former status. If he had escaped justice and was living in my country illegally, of course I would report him to the authorities.
Nothing. About 1,600 Nazi scientists were sent to work in the U.S. in 1945 following Germany's defeat in WWII. The program, called Operation Paperclip, was exposed in media outlets, including the New York Times, in 1946. Some of these scientists were involved in Project MKUltra. Wernher von Braun was one of the well-known former Nazi participants in this program, and he was put to work as director of the Development Operations Division of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency. He was involved in the moon landing and developed the Jupiter-C rocket used to launch America's first satellite.
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