I played volleyball for 4 years and it always hurt when I hit the ball. I just played through the pain.
Doesn't exercise usually make you ache? YOU TELL ME!
I don't think it is supposed to, but it does. I love playing it, but I wish the ball was softer.
I don't know, but I always end up with soreness.
Ya, it hurts. It's worse when you actually hit it correctly. You'll get used 2 it after a while:)
it hurts when you first start. after a while you either get used to it or it goes away. ,make sure you are hitting in the right spot.
If you're using an old volleyball that is slick and solid from use it will probably hurt more than a new one. however once you've played for a couple months it wont hurt at all. Decide if its worth it to you to spend extra money on something that will go away.
Well, I know when I first started playing I got those little red spots on my arms that burned and my arms felt bruised. But after a while of playing, your arms should get adjusted and eventually stop feeling like that, or if you haven't played in a while. Oh, and you gotta make sure you're hitting the ball on your platform (the strait part on your arms) and not on your wrists. (You can buy sports tape and wrap your arms up too, if u want)
Not sure but it does.
i do not think it hurts as long as you swing with a hard hand and a properly inflated ball. if you are playing with a ball that is yoo hard you could do some serious wrist damage. and if your shoulder ever starts hurting tell your coach and ice it when you get home. your body will adjust and you wont even notice it after awhile
Not if you hit it in the right spot!!! :)
Yeah, it can sting.
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