• No way!
  • Depends whose Christians he was talking about...
  • There's good and bad in all groups. Instead of classifying an entire group on the actions of a few (predjudice), take people as individuals and treat them accordingly. I'm sure he could have found a Hindu street gang if he looked hard enough! ;)
  • I will say I belive this statement. People say they ar e religious but they are intolerant. People say they are religious and they are judgemental. A true Christian heart loves all unconditonally that includes, the ill (both mentally and physically), the old,the wicked, the lost, the poor, the weak and even the strong, no one should be left out it the boat of true Christian spirit, but many times they are and I find it sad and distasteful.
  • I agree. To me it is a reminder to try to be like Christ. I think we forget sometimes that non-Christians can get very warped opinions about Jesus and Christianity because many supposed 'Christians' act in a completely unchristian way. I hate the idea of someone claiming they did some evil act for God. We aren't all pompous self-righteous hipocritical goody-goodies who go to church and pray X times a day and give a 10th of their cumin and a tenth of their mint in front of everyone so they can see how good they are. That isn't being like Christ! That isn't even Islam! Christ specifically taught people NOT to do these things.
  • He's statemet should help Christians think how their actions, in light of others knowing that they claim to be Christians, come across to peopleof other faiths
  • nowadays ya. christians seem to forget the true meaning of Christmas ..its all about the presents and eggnog now
  • I agree that Mahatma Gandhi lived in an area with few Christians and most of them were not very good examples of being a Christian. I live in an area with many Christians and most of them are pretty good examples of being a Christian. With love in Christ.
  • And just where did you get that from? Gandhi certainly had a number of Christian friends whom he liked very much. So what's your source that Gandhi said this? It sounds like an apocryphal story that hippies made up in the 60's. In that version however, someone asks Gandhi (who by his own admission was most influenced by the teachings of Jesus, especially the Sermon on the Mount) why if he was so inspired by Christ he did not become a Christian, to which Gandhi replied, "Because I've never met one." Neat story, but it never happened.
  • I do agree with the majority of "Christians" not being very Christian-like. Religion has been twisted so many times for so many reasons it is hard to differ what is a "true" Christian...I do know that many of us have become so judgemental of anyone who doesn't believe. Jesus was never like this and we need to remember our compassions and tolerance for others.
  • He hit the nail on the head
  • Still applicable today to SOME folks.
  • Good quote and he was preceeded by Ben Franklin who said: "How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, his precepts! O! 'tis easier to keep Holidays than Commandments"
  • There are few DISCIPLES of Christ. Please don't be deceived into thinking that by quoting scriptures, memorizing prayers, and saying the phrase "I'm a Christian", is going to get you into heaven. Jesus brought to us a system that had nothing to do with the synagogue or organized religion, Yet His People Who He Said Suffer from a lack of Knowledge, They Go in His Name Preaching while setting up new rules, and Once again binding people to religion. Jesus came to bring PURE RELIGION UNDEFILED BEFORE GOD. That is - Feeding the hungry, Visiting the widows and fatherless, Visiting those in prison, Helping the needy, Clothing those without Clothing ect. GET THE PICTURE. That's PURE RELIGION! Because Religion is not pure, that's why Jesus had to state what being pure identified with man's perception of religion should actually be. This Religion Called Christianity Was Necessary To Get His Word Out There, But It Has Turned Into The Pharisee and Scribe System For The Accuser Of The Brethren. Many Believers are working for Satan and they are clueless. While many believers condemn Hell Fire & Brimstone Old Timers, They are more secret and crafty about how they go to place judgement. WE LOVE YOU IN THE LORD BUT WE DONT LOVE YOUR LIFESTYLE IS ONE OF THEM. My Bible Says- He who says he has no sin, has deceived himself and the truth is not in him. JUST Because Jesus forgave your sins don't mean you don't have any.. remember that. God called his people before they accepted him, some kings, some queens, some sorcerers, the very people that God's people speak out against. You put faith in him, but yet you put no faith in people. Christians have created a system like other religions, a system based on fear. NOT THE FESAR OF THE LORD, BUT FEAR THE ENTITY WHICH YOU KNOW NOTHING OF, BUT YOU LET IT RULE YOUR LIVES. There is no fear in love, for love drives out all fear. It doesn't surprise me that Ghandi said he Loves Our Christ, but can't stand his followers. That makes me think of that T-Shirt that says JESUS SAVE ME FROM YOUR FOLLOWERS, and what's hilarious is that, its always judgmental charismatic young Christians that wear this shirt. Is it any wonder, they're feeling convicted by their own actions, but yet choose to ignore the voice of Hod, because they are too busy following the Christian Example Lifestyle Top 40. GOD WANTS REAL PEOPLE. NOT OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE RELIGIOUS LIFESTYLE FANATICS WHO HAVE THEY'RE REWARD HERE ON EARTH ! JESUS SAID I KNOW WHO MY PEOPLE ARE, AND HE WHO IS SEARCHING FOR ME SHALL HE FIND ME. IF YOU HAVE HIM IN YOUR LIFE, YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO LOOK VERBATIM UP. GOD'S WORD IS A LIVING CREATURE, THAT MOST OF HIS FOLLOWERS DO NOT KNOW.
  • Yes. Gandhi, even though he was a hindu, had a lot of 'insight' He was in fact castigating the leaders of false religion...those who wrongfully blessed men to go off to war. Jesus NEVER did this.
  • I've heard it before that he made that comment, but I don't know whether it ever really happened. The truth is, we Christians do indeed need to remember humility and the way Christ lead his life. Tolerance seems to be the downfall of many of my fellow Christians. I've been very disappointed on many occasions, especially here on AB. +5
  • I personally like the top answer myself. I agree though because it's an impossible standard, and the people capable of bending all that they are toward such an outlier state are as rare as natural carbonado.
  • YES! I agree,most are so unlike Christ, and churches do not seem to be teaching children about him either....But some are really good people, who try Very hard to do what they believe is right...It`s just that there are SOO Many that are so unChristian in every way.Maybe that`s just my experience.
  • I do agree, it is very sad that so many people claim to be Christian, and yet have never fully understood what is written in the bible. They get snippets at church every Sunday, and get the priest's interpretation of what is said, but they never sit down and try to understand it. The word of God as written in the Bible, is not about hatred and turning away from those with different beliefs. It's about learning to be a better person, recognizing God in the world around us and to respect our fellow man. I advise Christians to pick up a copy of the Bible and read a dozen pages or so a day, until they've read the whole thing. And as you do, reflect on what you've read. What did it mean to YOU? Try reading with as open mind as possible.
  • Unfortunately the main group doesn't always set a good example. It is for each christian to be a follower of Jesus that lives by what he taught. Then perhaps people could see pass the masses to those who know God.
  • 100% agree, though I have spent much time in India, and I have lived in Ashrams and spent time in Temple towns and Samadhi shrines, In village India people live devoutly, many Practise the Love invoked within Hinduism without thinking! but these days many Indians pay no regard for there rich spiritual inheritance, lust and corruption is everywhere, The same can be said of Muslim countries, so many beautiful loving kind people, and amongst them thieves , robbers and assassins. Christ was a Siddha, a Perfected Master, In India there are still today living examples of these living Christs, In Islam there were the Dervishes, the Mystics, The mystics of all religions speak the same truth, but do all the people of those religions do like wise, no... some aspire to that greatness and the rest live out there lives the best they can... Christ english Kristos Greek/ aramic Krishna sanskrit All saints, masters invoke the same energy , love of God, one God energy... no matter what your PARTICULAR CULTURE NAMES THAT!!!
  • Agree 100%. Especially for Christianity, which has been twisted beyond recognition in attempts to convert people.
  • That is because the majority of christians are fake and shallow. In fact, 85% of modern day christians haven't even finished readin the bible. That's sad.
  • Gandhi is reported to have said: β€œBy all means drink deep of the fountains that are given to you in the Sermon on the Mount [part of Jesus Christ’s teachings found in the Bible] . . . For the teaching of the Sermon was meant for each and every one of us.” Gandhi also said: β€œI know of no one who has done more for humanity than Jesus. In fact, there is nothing wrong with Christianity.” However, he added: β€œThe trouble is with you Christians. You do not begin to live up to your own teachings.” Sadly, this is true all too often. About such ones who would misrepresent him and his Father’s teaching Jesus said: β€œNot everyone saying to me, β€˜Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, β€˜Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.”—Matthew 7:21-23.
  • No i do not agree if anyone likes christ then the person have to like christians .
  • in some cases yes
  • I've heard this before. Unfortunately, Gandhi may not have understood that becoming Christian ... or ANY OTHER religion ..... does NOT bestow perfection. He was probably not absolutely perfect in his religion, either.
  • Absolutely. He was a Hindu and believed in Hindu strongly.
  • I agree with him entirely, sad to say!
  • I tend to agree. Ghandi had a very clear view into the heart of a colonial system established with christianity as its spiritual compass. Yet the social system established alongside it in India was quite contradictory to the way described by Jesus Christ. Remember the quote. It can serve as a reminder for each one who tries to live the christian life. Are you living your christian life as you imagine Jesus would and according to the examples of his life passed down in scripture? Or are you following the guidelines and examples set up by human institutions?
  • Not to judge, but...well yes, i guess i will... I'm sure Mr Gandhi would is speaking a much different tone whilst he is now burning in Hell. I certainly don't think I would want to be following in his footsteps and admiring his words.

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