I don't know why this is, but I like it. If I had to venture to guess, I'd say it's because there are less of us around, and differnce can be either fun or intimidating. For some people, those two things go hand in hand.
This is why , cooorrrrrrrrr !!!!!
I would NEVER leave my Wife for a redhead because she IS a redhead! Ever since I was a child I was FASCINATED by redheads. I don't know why but they seem to have a wild streak in them. That firey hair matches the firey personality! They seem to have a real lust for life. SEX-AY!!!
Men leave their wives for brunettes, blondes, and any other shade of hair. It just depends on what they are leaving.
It seems like Redheads have nicer boobs !
I think this is a little generalised. I don't think hair color alone would make a guy leave his wife. There was a problem to begin with.
I very much dislike that people generalize in these questions. SOME men will leave their wives. SOME men like redheads... Some like blondes... some brunettes... some other colors (fake and real)... SOME even like BALD women... And there are many many more of us who could care less about the color of the hair. (NICE hair of ANY color is cool.) ALSO, MOST men would not leave a wife because they found a woman with a certain hair color. It would be for some other reason. So, I am CERTAIN it had NOTHING to do with her hair color. THAT said, a true redhead is something you don't see everyday. (And there are SOME men who want to know if the "mane matches the muff" - understand?) Most redheads are very fair-skinned and freckled in ... interesting places. Many are very outgoing and friendly, with a bit of b-tch (some would say) at times. Don't blame the hair color of the woman your husband left you for... There's SOME other reason. You just have to look inside and at your relationship to find what that was.
Maybe because red heads are so rare.
If these redheads are women, I assume it's in part because they have vagina's.
just wanted to put in my 2 cents- I am a natural redhead and my husband left me for a brunette. So I don't think hair color has anything to do w/ it.. lol
I like Carrot-top but not enough for me to leave my wife........
It ain't the hair!!!
My fiance doesn't like women with red hair, well he doesn't find them attractive sexually anyway. He is mainly attracted to brunettes. Now that I think about it, I have never found any red heads attractive. Hmmmmmmmmm.
I don't know any men who do, and I don't know any man who would leave his wife just because of the color of someones hair.
Any man who would leave his wife for another woman SUCKS.
I married a redhead, so I don't have to worry about leaving her, BUT, I think we're talking about the VERY RARE example of man who would do something like that.
I prefer brunetts, but at my age the best i could do is gray or white.(prefer white)
Who knows? My fiancΓ© does not like gingers.
I have inside information indicating men who leave their wives do so for a variety of reasons and the color of somone's hair is not one of those reasons :)
Redheads are rare delicacies. :) If I am going to leave my hot wife that red head better be a supermodel. Otherwise Im not going anywhere. Im pretty settled with my blonde wife.
Depends on the person.
Because the whole firecrotch thing and we are rare with milky white skin and cute freckles on the bridge of our noses.
Do they?
I don't think all men like redheads. And I don't think all men who do like redheads, like them enough to leave their wives.
There's no woman in the world I'd leave my wife for.
Cant say I've noticed any special attention for my red hair..... Not that I'd want someone to leave their wife for me
can't say I am one of them. no offense to beautiful redheaded women out there, but it does nothing for me..I've never been attracted to redheaded women or very pale skinned women with red hair, or freckles. Just doesn't do anything for me.
Because their beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair and ivory skin, and eyes of emerald green. He talks about you in his sleep, there's nothing I can do to keep from crying when he calls your name, Jolene... Maybe that's why?
I played it safe... I married a redhead. Besides being BEUTIFUL, there is something about the redhead mind that I find fascinating. It's twisted in a fun, sexy way.
That is quite a broad statement. I presume you mean female redheads? My goodness, I don't think this statement pertains to even a healthy fraction of men.
what? i don't think people should put all people in to one groups. i knew many men who don't like redheads at all. may be it has nothing to do with the hair.
Er... do they? Might be something to do with what they've got below the waist rather then the colour of their hair, dear.
It has nothing to do with the color of someones hair. It has to do with a man who can't keep it in his pants...blonde,brunette,black, just the flavor of the week darling!!!
I dont know about "Enough to leave their wives." But I have been a red head most of my life with frequent intervalls of blond and other things in the mix... Red defines me the best, it is my aura and my heart. I am fiesty, fiery, blunt, I take what I want, I don't apologize for any of it! My astral planet is Mars, I am a child of the red planet and I have all of those agressive and impulsive tendencies. Some men do like that... But I find that most do not. Most men can't handle me actually and I wouldn't want anything at all to do with a married man at this point in my life anyway... That's just not my style!
I'm a redhead and I can assure you I have never had a man leave their wife for me. Come to think of it, I haven't ever dated a married man. I don't think any sane man would leave his wife for somebody just because of their hair color. I'm willing to bet there's more to it than that.
Um, they are rare.
That is true. When people marry they need to realise that sooner or later, one or both people are gonna want out. They need to understand how to deal with it, and that if you love each other that you solve problems, you can't run from them
I'm sure that if a man wanted to leave his wife for another woman, it wouldn't matter whether she's a redhead. With that said, red hair isn't very common, so men tend to be more attracted to redheads because they seem exotic. Still, a self-possessed man won't act on the attraction if he's already married.
it has nothing to do with redheads, it's their wives they want to get rid of
because its rare to find them so when they find one they keep her;p
Any man who would leave his wife for another woman SUCKS,true, same goes for any woman who will do this to her husband. It has nothing to do with the color of someones hair. It has to do with a man who can't keep it in his pants.
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