I think anonymous online tuffies are absurd. Ignore them, or fire right back at them. Their opinions are meaningless, IMHO 2/10/25
I couldn't care less. There are a few Nazi grammar foreigners in this site who like to criticize people's writing. They rarely succeed, cause they don't really know if those with bad English grammar are American or not, unless you tell them. LOL π
Jenny The Great β
Oh, I think some us AB'ers know you are from Pennsylvania, USA.
So in your world Americans can post all the bs they like and everyone else should totally agree with them and only fill in the missing blanks or name some song or movie from 50 years ago? Why come to a q&A site if you if only want to post your opinion in an echo chamber..where everyone agrees with you?
Jenny The Great β
2/17/2025, G'day! I doubt if DancesWithWolves will answer your questions. He is too nice to get into quarrels. The old Answerbag used to be filled with Americans. In the new Answerbag: Linda Joy, Archie Bunker, Rick Myres, Texasescimo and Jewels Vern are some Americans I know. They have not been seen in a while. The only Americans left in this site are DancesWithWolves, bostjan, Hulk and maybe one or two more. -
β Stevo
to nice ? "these foreigners abusing American people ". you define that as nice? -
Jenny The Great β
When was the last time you saw DancesWithWolves get into a quarrel? That's right, never! Other than that, don't look at me. I'm European. I am letting you know about those American Answerbaggers. If they were still on Answerbag, they'll be all over your answer, so you're good to go. LOL -
β Stevo
I thought you were American of Italian ancestors I got that wrong exwifey thought she was Italian until she went to Italy.her parents were Italians? Her father refused to return to Italy on that holiday . -
Jenny The Great β
I migrated to America at the age of 10. -
β Stevo
what language do you think in? English or Italian. I once asked father inlaw if he was ever going to visit his home country. He lost it at me and told me Australia is his home country. He never went back to Italy he paid for his wife and daughter to go. -
Jenny The Great β
Depending on who I talk to, I think in 3 languages: English, Italian and Spanish. It is absobloodylutely fantastic. lol
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