• In reference to this question? Asked the question "does the term "stereotypical of others" make sense in english. This was the answer; Does not make sense The term "stereotypical of others" does not make sense12. Stereotypes are simplistic judgments we make instead of considering the other person as a unique individual2. They can have negative consequences, including discrimination and prejudice3.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I never said anything like that in my question. If you read the words properly in my question β€œ What makes a person stereotypical of others when they are in the wrong to be like that?” you would be choosing your words carefully in your answer. Why do you have numbers in your answer? For instance you say sense12, individual2 and prejudice3. Explain why you have numbers.
    • dalcocono
      The numbers were there in the reference I copied about the phrase "stereotypical of others" not making sense in English, which is why I aked what it meant.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      The point being is that people can be stereotypical of others. I know this from experiencing people who are like that.
    • dalcocono
      "I Asked the question "does the term "stereotypical of others" make sense in english. This was the answer; Does not make sense" The term "stereotypical of others" does not make sense, which is why, when I answered the original question I asked you what it means. I still don't see how people can be stereotypical of others.
    • dalcocono
      I understand how one could be a stereotypical example of any given stereotype, but how is one ever stereotypical of others?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      An example of someone being stereotypical is a person who is not Irish thinking that all Irish people drink alcohol but in fact that is not true because there are some Irish people who don’t drink alcohol and others do. Another example is people who are not American thinking that all Americans are fat and lazy in front of the television all day. A person can be stereotypical when they assume other people belong in groups having the same behaviour but in reality people are different and can be independent rather than following how someone else lives their life.’
    • dalcocono
      Alrighty then, thanks for the clarification.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      No problem
  • Not sure what you mean, but I like raspberries.
    • dalcocono
      I like raspberries too.

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