yes I know plenty of freeloaders that intend on helping the only out come is they eat all my food ,drink all my beer and break something in my house. Exwifey did me a big favour of selling a couple of old cars Id collected while I was away working she kept the money she got for them told me she $500 scrap metal the bloke that brought them gave her $8k. She dont know I know that yet.
Yes. Choose advice and "help," wisely.
Yup! I was a kitchen manager at a restaurant and I had to do monthly inventories for the admin office. I had arranged my inventory list to match our shelves and refrigerators set up. Start at the top shelf and work down with everything being in it's place for easier counting. A new admin accountant thought it would be better if she changed my format to alphabetical order. She had it all screwed up with dry goods frozen goods and refrigerated goods all mixed in with cleaning chemicals. Inventory became a nightmare for awhile, until I was able to reformat the mess she made. 11/27/ 24
It sounds like she associated the food industry, with her CD collection at home. -
That was her first job working in hospitality industry. She was embarrassed and apologetic when I asked to come down and assist with inventory using her new format. A case of live and learn. -
Lol! Annoying but funny as a story.
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