• Humans and dinosaurs were never on earth at the same time. If you believe the sun was bocked out due to a comet hitting the earth killed the dinosaurs humans came after that. Would man have evolved if dinosaurs were around.
  • Humans have survived. Dinosaurs have not gone extinct. Many people are unaware, but birds have been reclassified as a variety of dinosaur. Humans have always been living alongside dinosaurs. They never went extinct. * And if you're asking, "Could humans have survived if the really big dinosaurs never went extinct?", well...there have been some pretty darned big dinosaurs known to have existed alongside humans, such as the Giant Moa of New Zealand (estimated at up to 550 lbs and 12 ft tall) or the Elephant Bird of Madagascar (estimated at up to 2,200 lbs and 10 ft tall). * I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to be wandering in the jungle at night and stumble into the nest of a 2,200-pound 10-foot-tall angry mother!

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