How many relgious people do you meet? the ones around my town seam all right as long as I dont have too much to do with them. Can I exercise my ignorance now tougne in cheek what are you doing in Ireland you dont drink or goto church. All the paddys I know would be mortified Ive never escaped a quick drink with them on any Irish occasion you know 6 hours later you leave the pub.
Shadow Of The MindI’m not a pub person. Not every Irish person goes to the pub. You keep calling Irish people paddy’s but each Irish person has their own name that they are born with. I sometimes come across religious people and they don’t show any acknowledgment towards atheists such as myself. People are different in the real world so the part of the world you live in contains religious people who may seem alright but generally speaking, religious people don’t show any acknowledgment towards atheists.
★Stevoyou have too much to do with relgious people. Would you prefer I call Irish bog trotters?
Shadow Of The MindI have nothing to do with religious people
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