It is meaningless, we are born of random chance, (despite all the rules and math of nature), we are born into a system where we then have to be schooled to become obedient workers for the large part of our life, while big corpations, royalty, the banking system and the elite live off our labour, we reach an age of retirement, put out to pasture, where if we are lucky we don't die of the increased risk of heart attack, cancer, stroke, or dementia, the latter in which we end up in a home, not knowing who we are, toileting ourselves then die, and our life savings and home are sold to care for us. or we become less agile, unable to enjoy our retirement because having worked, and been taxed, and saved a pension, we are then taxed on that pension, so we spend our time worrying about heating bills etc, then we die, and are taxed on inheritance, that's if we have any, and pay the system to dispose of our body. The end. As for greed and meaningless that's a bi product of human awareness of our dire situation, we are worker bees with awareness, (well some of us). We buy into the illusion of the word economy, in reality, the banks or federal bank can create money from thin air, just print notes, (or numbers,) but they don't want to do to much of that or it increases the available "IOU's" in the circulation, and lessens its value, so all prices are kept high so that we struggle and work more hours in order to fund this economy. When really we live in a debt and discharge system, in order to create money you have to be in debt in essence a debt slave, because when we put money in the bank, the bank loans 90% of our money out to more loans, we don't make any money keeping it in a bank, but the bank creates loans and puts more people in debt. The debt table is unreachable in a debt society.
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