• It is absolutely safe if you meet the right person.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you, Jenny
  • You need to meet up to see if you are compatible, any one can chat behind a computer screen. Be safe, meet in public place, tell friends where you are.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you, Creamcrackered
  • Most of the time internet dating is not safe because they could be a psycho or criminal pretending to be someone else. Some people in the world are not who they say they are online because they are not honest. Make sure you do a FaceTime call with them and judge for yourself to know if they are trustworthy or not. The more time you spend talking to the person on FaceTime or a video call of some sort, that’s how you can tell if it’s safe or not to date them in person. Make sure you meet them in a public area and not the place where they live because you might be in danger and end up as a lamp shade or a piece of furniture like in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. They could be into things that you might not like such as physical torture. Just be careful and take my words of advice. Personally, I would never date a woman online. I’d rather know her in person if she was part of a social activity or club. It’s safer that way but that’s just me.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for sharing, :) Yes, you got to put your guard up and be careful.
    • Shadow Of The Mind

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