• (1) I prefer the SPAM Lite, which (IMO) is meatier-tasting than the "regular" (2) I slice it and fry it up in my air fryer (3) then make it into sandwiches using toast made with 100% whole wheat bread (4) with extra sharp cheddar cheese (5) mayo on one slice of toast, and a little mustard on the other (6) make sure the cheddar is on the mustard side of the sandwich, the SPAM on the mayo side (7) if I happen to have it, tomato and lettuce
    • Linda Joy's new account 2024
      Now there's a man who knows exactly what he wants in a sammich!
  • That depends on the kind of spam. If we're talking about the meat in a can I'd usually make a half a sandwich with a piece of bread (12 grain or 35 calorie slice) folded over with mayonnaise and if I had any on hand I'd probably throw on a little onion, baby spinach and tomato. I prefer eating chips with it rather than toasting the bread and I usually just drink water. If we're talking about Answerbag spam I refuse to swallow! I spit it out! I report it and give them a hard time. I tell everyone if they'd steal advertising from Answerbag they'd probably rob their customers blind!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing! No, the category is under foods.
  • I like it diced on pizza with pineapple. Grandma used to mix it with fried potatoes onions and green chiles and top it with cheese. Her way was pretty good too. 8/9/24

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