• Yeah! Welcome back! 7/19/24
    • Linda Joy
      Hey there you! I remember you! You and your wife know plants! You have been seasoned with time to near perfection!
    • dalcocono
      Hehehe! Where you been so long? I thought you might have eloped or something! I hope you weren't in jail or anything like that!
    • Linda Joy
      I got mad at AT&T for jacking their internet up to $! So I quit the internet.
    • dalcocono
      Well dangit! No wonder you been out of touch. You must have ironed out the problem though.
    • Linda Joy
      Yeah I finally figured out how to use my free government phone, that I got after mine quit, as a hotspot and I can use my laptop off of the hotspot. My laptop still has tabs open to pages I forgot the passwords for.
    • dalcocono
      That's good. Do you get enough data to use the internet as much as you want? Or do they limit you to a small amount of data.
    • Linda Joy
      I'm pretty sure it's limited. It does the sit and spin thing, but I just do something else while I'm waiting on it. After all, what do you expect for free? I stream Tubi all day long sometimes. And now I can even do stuff on my phone while my laptop is sitting and spinning. Other people might "need" more, but I prefer free.
    • dalcocono
      We had a lightning strike knock out our internet for hours awhile back, and I used my phone for a hot spot and it was even better and faster than my regular internet!
  • YES...You were missed!!! I got worried after sending you an email & getting NO response. That's one of the drawbacks of the internet. People disappear never to be heard from again. WELCOME HOME!!! 😁🥰👏👍
    • Linda Joy
      My computer remembered my passwords so I didn't. When I let the internet go my phone quit charging and I had to get a new one.
  • Yes, glad you're back, how are you? What's been happening?
    • Linda Joy
      I got an electric scooter (urban scooter, not a mobility scooter) and then wrecked it, but I'm ok and so is the scooter. What have you been up to?
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      Excellent Linda, you riding your scooter sounds great, I'm waiting to move, had a tough time last couple of years, certainly learned a lot.
  • Welcome back Linda apploglies for declaring you dead I didn't think you could leave AB for that long.
    • dalcocono
      I remember that post. I'm glad you were wrong about that!
    • ★Stevo
      so am one of those times its good to be wrong
    • dalcocono
    • Linda Joy
    • ★Stevo
      thats the universal dudding system that does that Australia does it also .
    • Linda Joy
      I guess you would know!
  • Yes, welcome back! Where have you been?
    • Linda Joy
      Taking a break, thank you! I missed this place, too.
  • Hi Miss Linda how you doing ?
    • Linda Joy
      I'm still alive, which is more than I expected. I'll be celebrating 5 years clean and clear of cancer in January! Woo hoo! Good to see you're still counted among the living as well, my friend!
    • dalcocono
      Wow! That's a milestone! Congrats.
    • Linda Joy
      It means the end of monitoring for a recurrence. I guess cancer is most likely to return within the first 5 years. Yes it's a milestone for sure!
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      Glad to hear, congrats Linda, you go girl!
  • Yes I do..
    • Linda Joy
      I don't recognize your name. Maybe it's because you don't ask questions. Or did you change your name?
  • Glad to see you are okay.
    • Linda Joy
      Good to see you're still here!
    • Linda Joy
      Hey! How have you been? What's going on with the fam?
  • No, I don't miss you because today I'm new here.
    • Linda Joy
      You mean this is your first day on Answerbag. I was called the new kid all my life but I wasn't new. I was still just the same old me.
    • Majik-1
      Thank you for joining us Haditjan!!! You feel familiar.
    • Haditjan
      Yes, I mean this is my first day on Answerbag and thank you very much, majik-1
  • Where did you disappear to this time? 10/5/24

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