• 7/13/2024, I'm 33 years old, and I have a wonderful relationship with a British man who is 64 years old. We are not dating, we are best friends. If I could date him, I would, even to travel to Cheshire, England were he is from if I was single. We communicate via VK, Twitter known as X, YouTube and Gmail. Many of us need good friends to socialize with. We have so very much in common (due to), our great chemistry. Money doesn't always have to play a huge factor in dating a younger woman. There are still some women in the world who prefer a man by his kindness, good sense of humor and sincereness, no matter if he is older.
    • β˜…Stevo
      Long distance relationship dont you like sex, I know a few old blokes with young Asian wifes every one of the women left the old bloke in the end .How can you blame a woman in her early 30's when grandpa wants to goto bed at 9pm every Saturday night.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      There's nothing wrong with long distance relationships. I travel a lot. I am a manager at a children's mental health center with 50+ employees working for me. I am privileged to travel, especially for work meetings. In the US: I have been to New York City, San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, Houston and Chicago. Overseas: I have been to Tuscany, Rome, Verbier, Switzerland and soon to London, the rural areas of England, Paris and Berlin. So don't pretend to know me.
    • β˜…Stevo
      How did I pretend to know you? maybe I asked a question you didn't want to answer fair enough. I didnt mean to offend you.. At least you go to good places for work everywhere I went for working away jobs was in the middle of no where.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      By asking me if I like sex. Would you know if I have children or not? I don't think so. Therefore, I answered your question based on my experience.
  • I would have done if I hadn't been married already. I got married at 24, my husband was then 39 (he's 53 now). I've always preferred older men.

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