• if someone keeps stealing your stuff. After you catch them if you beat them they wont do it again. If you dont beat them they will do it again. You must live in a very sheltered enviroment.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      If someone keeps stealing from me, I would tell them to stop or I call the police. Violence makes things worse.
    • 11stevo73
      would the police come? it would take a week for them to appear here then they wouldnt do anything
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Some countries are different with how fast the police are at responding to a crime. Here in Ireland it’s different and could take a few days at most depending on the crime.
    • 11stevo73
      dont think the police will help you around here ,they will help themselves to your stuff or fine you but if you are being beaten you will die before any cops show up.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Sounds like things are bad and corrupt where you are living. No offence to you. It sounds like there is no proper justice over there from a moral point of view.

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