• Who gives a rats left hind leg? Neither one is capable of property running this country. Throw them both out and get some qualified people in.
  • He doesn't have what it takes to debate a paper bag, he can't even find the stairs to get off the stage, can't speak clearly, has no idea what facts are in relation to his own time in office, but 10/10 for sniffing children, and touching women.
  • I'm not a Biden supporter, but I must say I have never seen him look so confident, relaxed and ready to defend his position in comparison to Trump who kept dodging questions. Trump was rather more of The Accused by his face expression, while Biden kept smiling, knowing Trump was exaggerating and a whiner. lol
  • Its elder abuse Biden should be in a retirement home. Your country has lost a lot of respect since that thing has been Potus. Does anyone believe he is in control of anything?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The analysis experts are saying Trump is delusional. They criticized Biden's raspy voice, as if he needed flu medicine. Biden controlled much of the debate.
    • 11stevo73
      I havent watched debate yet is it worth watching or just bs?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      It was worth watching. Check out the highlights on YouTube.
    • 11stevo73
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Joe Biden's wife Jill apparently treated him like a toddler, although she is right when she said, he answered every question.
    • 11stevo73
      its as pathetic as one can be. If you think that is a real man that is in control of anything their is something wrong with you. I
  • He certainly didn't seem to have "what it takes" last night in his debate. 6/28/24
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The word "seem" is an impression, not a fact. Did you even watch the debate to know that there is not a question that Biden didn't fail to answer whereas, Trump repeatedly avoided questions and kept going off topic?
    • dalcocono
      I watched the debate up until they asked the candidates who was going to pay the baby sitter. Biden couldn't even talk. He was a pitiful old man who seems to have dementia.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Don't look at Biden's old age condition, cause Trump is not far away from reaching his 80's. The importance is, Biden answered every question. Even stevo who doesn't like Biden provided a link to admit it: What kind of a debater is Trump who avoids questions? Your debating skills are as weak as Trump's for dodging my questions as well of Trump going off topic. *Huge Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Yup, that's exactly what Jill told him, after she led him off the stage. His performance was dismal, and many in his party want to replace him over it. Trump is in the same age group, but he wasn't at all feeble during their debate. Facepalm away, it doesn't change Joe's credibility. Putting a question mark at the end of a sentence doesn't make it a question. You are certainly taking the old geezers horrid performance at the debate personally it SEEMS.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are getting emotional here. There's no need to cry. Jill wasn't lying, since debates are not about rambling and dodging questions. As for Biden wanting to get replaced by his own party, we ALL know he is too old to serve another 4 years. He'll be up to 86 years old when he leaves office if he wins the presidential election. I believe he will be replaced, just by his old age. But to touch on the debate is the reason I asked the question. It is embarrassing that the CNN moderators had to keep stopping Trump to remind him he was going off topic. They only made Trump look like a fool.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Let's see if the Facepalm applies to you. If you ask someone a question, would you expect an answer, Yes or No??????????????
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      BTW, you're not so young yourself to be criticizing an old geezer. Soon you will also need caregivers to change your diaper. LOL
    • dalcocono
      I answered your question, go back and look. Your silly face palms and emotional support for the obvious loser of the debate doesn't change the facts. 72% of the people polled say Joe lost. 51% of DEMs polled think he lost and should step down. Those are terrible numbers. You are obviously emotionally invested in this topic because you are furiously typing multiple comments to my one. I don't care about your facepalms. I think you're wrong about who looked like a fool in the debate. Joe was fact checked on a few things, besides "beating medicare", and proven to be lying again. The border patrol has never endorsed him for 1. I am right in their age group, that's true. But I'm still lucid enough to know Trump trounced Biden regardless of him ignoring moderator questions in order to address statements made by Biden. Old dems like Pelosi, and Schumer and Waters are still trying to convince us how "sharp" the old geezer is, and you. However, it is painfully clear that he can't even finish a sentence. Your silly little insults about changing diapers just proves that you are a typical internet bully who can type real fast and say snotty little insults while you "face palm. Bugger off.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You never answered my question, other than express your emotions of "seeming" to be the case in which your seemingly emotions are not facts. My silly facepalms? I have plenty of more facepalms to give, and there's nothing you can do about it, but cry about it as you are doing. 72% of the people do not know what they're talking about. Bring some of those 72% people to come debate me in this subject. Better yet to make it very convenient for you, stevo who is part of the 72% didn't bring an argument with me. Why? His answer is based on that Biden is old. That's not a structural argument, but a weak argument.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Many people think Biden lost the debate, only because he didn't start off too well. I'm not even denying that, cause it is not how a person starts, but how they finish. I am emotionally invested in this subject? Nope, I am not a Biden or a Trump supporter. I'm neutral in this subject. Mostly everyone who knows me on Answerbag knows I have been calling Biden: Sleepy Joe, Grandpa Joe, China Joe and etc. By no means am I showing favoritism for either candidates. I'm simply just a questioner looking for answers in this subject, and in any other subject.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump failed to answer questions. Clearly, the CNN moderators made him look like a fool. The border patrol? And when was the last time the US was in a state of emergency due to terrorism caused under Biden's leadership??? Like Biden told Trump, he is exaggerating. Therefore I say, you are also exaggerating. *Double Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump ignoring questions to address statements done by Biden? Your argument only gets weaker, since you should know the candidates were given 2 minutes to answer questions. That's plenty of time for both candidates to answer questions on different subjects. So again, If you ask someone a question, would you expect an answer, Yes or No??????????????
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Try answering some questions for a change.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Just in case English is not your first language, not a problem, I can translate my questions in Spanish, since it SEEMS you are more of a Spanish-speaker, knowing you have answered a few of my questions in Spanish. To the diaper part, the truth does hurt, so respect the elderly.
    • dalcocono
      Look at you SIX huge rants to my one comment. I answered the only question you asked. You are too emotionally invested in this candidate it SEEMS. You can continue in English, unless you want to try ndn. I don't wear diapers and I haven't in many decades. You like to treat answerbag as your personal attack site. You go around attacking and insulting anybody who dares to disagree with your juvenile nonsense. You probably should be the one still in diapers. I asked you a question that you ignored too. So once again, bugger off. You aren't going to be able to make me cry you ninny.
    • dalcocono
      Here's some current events for you to cry over;
    • dalcocono
      Here's another one that will put "a tear in your beer ms "Great".
    • dalcocono
      More news for Michigan about old joe; Keep up with current events and try less silly "face palms".
    • dalcocono
      Here are several former Biden supporters you might recognize who have abandoned his ship too; Shouting at me on a dying answer site won't change a thing among the dems and the nation as to the results of the debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Don't worry how I comment. Pay more attention to what is being said. You did not answer the question in this subject with explanations. You only shared your emotions and favoritism for Trump. How can I be emotionally invested in Trump when I made it clear that I am neither a Biden or Trump supporter??? I asked this question repeatedly, and you failed to answer it.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I don't wear diapers and I haven't in many decades." And who said that you wear diapers? You also can't compose a proper sentence, since many decades ago means when you were young. There is no reason for you to wear a diaper then. Look into the present not the past. If you could read English well, you would know that I said soon you will wear diapers, cause certainly you are not young, but old.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Now you are further going off track like Trump for mentioning what I do on Answerbag, how I supposedly attack this site and the supposedly insults - when you called Joe Biden an old geezer. That's why I brought up, you shouldn't pretend to be young as a rebuttal. Again, what I do on Answerbag has nothing to do with the subject. You should also know political questions are controversial questions that are up for a debate. *Triple Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Answerbaggers: this is how weak the argument of the 72% who favor Trump is.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      So why keep crying about it and complain because I am calling you out? As your debating skills just get weaker, I get stronger the more I go.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      If you want to learn how to ask questions, put question marks "?" to make yourself clear. But then again, you only have a small amount of 25 questions asked in your profile, so you wouldn't know the difference. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote from the first link: "What has Joe Biden been up to since his mythically catatonic performance at last week’s debate?" Again, it's not how a person starts, but how they finish. You still continue to ignore my questions. Again and again... If you ask someone a question, would you expect an answer, Yes or No?????????????? Yes or No is a simple response. Si o No, comprende?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote from the second link: "As Democrats reel from President Joe Biden’s befuddled debate performance last week," Befuddled is exactly what I have been saying, that he didn't start the debate well. All he had to was settle down, followed by answering every question that was thrown at him. Whereas, Trump dodged a broad range of questions, and he made more than 30 false claims:
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      On the third link you added, it does not disprove that Biden failed to answer questions.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      On the fourth link of Bill O'Reilly, the video means nothing. It is not real news based on Bill O'Reilly's opinions and favoritism for Republicans.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Oh, use your brain and try speaking for yourself, instead of having links and videos speak for you. LOL Too easy!
    • dalcocono
      Look at all this nonsense. Jenny the snot FRANTICALY typing away trying to impose her nonsensical opinion by sheer walls of text. Get over it girly, Old Joe lost the debate. You can't change that regardless of how you rant and rave on this site. Run along and ask some more pathetic questions to keep your name front and center on this site. That won't change the results of the debate either! Even the liberals on CNN agree with me!
    • dalcocono
      Here's some more reality check on the debate results for you. Rita should get you on here for "leftys losing it"!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      What nonsense? If you don't like being called out, then I suggest you avoid political subjects and religious subjects too which are 2 of the most controversial subjects. Name calling doesn't help your argument. It's another typical Trump expression that he uses. Stay on track is what you also need to do.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Get over it? Actually, I was never in it as a Biden or a Trump supporter, simply cause I didn't vote for neither of them in the 2020 US presidential election. What you say is meaningless to me. Again, do not worry about what I do on Answerbag. I'm asking a political question, and I can choose whoever I want to discuss the subject with. Keeping my name in the Answerbag leaderboard? Precisely like Trump, you continue to go off topic, now that my name at the center does not have anything to do with the outcome of the 2024 presidential debate. *Quadruple Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Stop whining and complaining. The results of the debate only show how you also as part of the 72% have a weak argument. CNN does not agree with you, since they ridiculed Trump by frequently reminding him that he was off topic every time he was dodging questions.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The lefties are not losing it. They are looking for a reason to replace Biden, and the reason is what I also mentioned that Biden is old and he did not start off well until he settled down in the debate. Once Biden settled in, it was all Trump rambling throughout the debate and going off track. Debates are won by how the candidates control themselves and what is said.
    • dalcocono
      More blah blah blah from the online harpy. I don't really even bother to read your walls of ranting text. You are obviously in the fringes here as to old joe's performance in the debate, you sound about like Jill standing on the stage screaming. Of course the leftys are losing it. You are a prime example. You won't admit that my statement about the old geezer "not having what it takes" is right. You throw all sorts of unrelated rubbish into the mix and do your silly little "face palm" and pretend that makes your opinion more valid than mine. Once again, bugger off dearie.
    • dalcocono
      Was Joe there? Bill Maer didn't think so.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      More facts is what I'm providing. Now you say you are not reading what I'm saying. There is no way to know if my remarks are blah blah blah since you are not paying attention. It is best that you go back to whatever nursing home you are in so you don't keep embarrassing yourself. The old Joe showed his age at the start of the debate, which I did not deny it. Afterwards, he was on his game. I am a prime example of the lefty's? A candidate cannot win a debate when they dodge questions. You have nothing structural to bring to this argument.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Old geezer? Do ask yourself that. Rubbish? You can't disprove anything I say. All you have are emotions, just like every Trump supporter who favors him.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      "Once again, bugger off dearie." You came to my question looking for a fight. So deal with it and stop whining and complaining. More links? Exactly what I said, you don't have a brain to speak for yourself. What's wrong, are you running out of words?
    • dalcocono
      I have disproved everything you said, and you came to pick the fight, just like you have done with several other users on the jenny the snot website. I answered this question politely and civilly. YOU chose to turn it into a brawl. I answered your other lame question because you were whining about being called out back. Snivel on while you face palm and pretend to have the moral high ground! Bugger off dearie.
    • dalcocono
      I have enough brains to show you the reception the old geezer has gotten from several news sources, and they all agree he did NOT show well. Your opinion (and JIlls) is out of step!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You have not disproved anything I said, now that you failed to prove how Trump won the debate and you avoided my questions. I didn't come to pick a fight, since you are in my question imposing your emotional views on me. I read every answer I get from users on any question I ask, and I comment were I feel the need to. It was just a matter of time before I saw what you had to say. How you answer questions from different users about Biden, I do not care, cause I myself have criticized Biden many times. But on this subject, I would rather stay on topic and argue who won the debate technically, and not by favoritism. As usual, there is no need to whine and complain because I decided to question you in the comments section. Nothing structural did you have to say, but bring up links that do not make Trump the winner for his unprofessional behavior and you resort to name-calling to release your anger. *Quintuple Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      And now I can make myself comfortable, so we'll see how long you last in these comments. Brawl? There is no need for a brawl if you learn from Biden to stay on topic. You will never see me whining because I have a brain to defend myself verbally, and to keep going in a debate. The question I asked about name-calling was rather to display it on the Answerbag homepage so Answerbaggers can see how weak your argument is, and also so I can get more users to participate in this subject by sharing their views. Perhaps you can get some Trump followers to get in these comments and defend you, since you will need a lot of help against me. :D
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I have enough brains" You are dreaming. Your brain isn't working, just as it failed Trump on the debate. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Yours is the one not working. You think nonsense arguments are going to change world opinion on the out come of the debate, You just look obsessed and he still looks senile. Keep throwing a fit though, it makes you look so smart!
    • dalcocono
      You are a whiner. You are an internet bully and you do think you run this web site. I'll keep it up as long as you do toots.
    • dalcocono
      Here, pay attention;
    • dalcocono
      Here's some more statistics for you to dwell on;
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My argument is too strong and it is working very much, simply cause I am touching on the subject. It is not about changing world opinion, but about asking you and any other Trump supporter in this site, How did Trump win the debate? No one can provide precise answers, other than ya think and it seems to be the case, which was not. Obsessed? Yet again, I am not a Biden or a Trump supporter. I was more concerned with the questions thrown at both candidates, and not who is older than the other. Neither of the candidates are fit to be president. I am very smart, knowing debates are about asking questions with a certain time limit they were given.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Bully? I still don't see how my behavior has to do with the presidential subject. As for whining? Do keep asking yourself that.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Oh, you pay attention to the link I added to know that Trump added 30 false claims:
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      It is funny how 1 link I add debunks nearly a dozen links you added. LOL Too funny!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Where are these "enough brains" that you mention?
    • dalcocono
      Your "argument is nonsense. You and Jill Biden are practicallyalone in your opinion. Yes indeed you are an olline bully just like the video I showed you. You attack people on this site all the time. Your link just claims Trump lied, well so did Biden. At least he didn't tell us about his uncle being eaten by cannibals again. Your link didn't debunk anything. It just shows your ongoing commitment to old joe. The brains are what is shredding your nonsensical position that the old geezer won the debate because "Trump lied". Silly position to support.
    • dalcocono
      Another liberal turning on the old geezer:
    • dalcocono
      Here's your company. Maybe they should call YOU to come and "debate" hmm?
    • dalcocono
      Here's another showcasing the error of your position here. Maybe they should have gotten YOU to join the debate hmm? You could have "face palmed" them and "lol'd" to submission!
    • dalcocono
      I think jenny the snot has a MASSIVE case of ocd going on. I counted 37 comments in response to my 1 sentence answer to this question.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My argument is very accurate based on the subject. Jill made it clear that Biden answered every question whereby, Trump was dodging questions. Again, my behavior has nothing to do with the subject. If people do not like being called out on a debate, then they shouldn't be here on Answerbag. On what subject did Biden lie? You still haven't either answered my question of when was the last time the US was in a state of emergency under the Biden administration. My link debunks every link you added. Neither of the links you provided show that Biden did not answer questions. That's what a debate is about. By definition, a debate is a formal discussion on a particular topic, and not to go off track. How am I committed to Biden when I have been saying that I don't support him nor did I vote for either candidates in the 2020 presidential election???
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Again with the old geezer? And how young do you think you are? LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      More links to speak for you? Where are your brains you have been claiming to have enough of?
    • dalcocono
      Yet another refuting your position. Maybe you should text her!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Don't get Bill O'Reilly, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez or any other opinionated person to represent your comments. She believes Biden will lose in November. Beliefs are not facts until they are proven. The question is, what made Trump prepared for the debate when he is neither fit to be president?
    • dalcocono
      Why not? Again, you don't get to tell me how or what I can answer on this site. You are not in charge. I'm being forced to read your opiniated answers that are completely out in left field. Crybaby
    • dalcocono
      The answer is, old joe made such a bad showing, that Trump didn't need to say much at all. But you still think joe won that debate.
    • dalcocono
      It must have been his sundowners kicking in!;
    • dalcocono
      It must have been his sundowners kicking in!;
    • dalcocono
      Uh-oh, the support is failing; They better have you explain their errors to them in a text of course, so you can face palm and lol and appear "smart"
    • dalcocono
      Well what do you know! The old geezer made some false statements too in his statements;
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I can certainly tell you that you seemed to answer my question, which was not the case. Sharing your emotions does not answer my question. I want details. I never said I was in charge of this site. You are going off track as usual like Trump. Cry baby? Keep crying cause you don't have a brain.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I also never denied that Biden had a bad showing, but at the start of the debate as I made it totally clear he just had to settle in. I believe Biden won the debate for being a professional, answering all the questions thrown at him and staying on track to speak of winning the debate technically.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Facepalms? I stop at the Quintuple Facepalm. It will be harder for you to get rid of me, as I am far too comfortable now. What false claims did Biden make? Do write them down so we can go over them. Again, use your brain to speak for yourself.
    • dalcocono
      I don't care what you want. If you want details, look online. Now you're lying. You clearly stated that Biden won the debate. Now you're back peddling. A "professional" oh please! Maybe you should go back and check some of those "professional answers". You are getting goofier by the minute, just like him! I already told you the false claims he made, I even posted a snopes video telling you. You're so busy face palming and lol-ing you can't see the info in front of your eyes! Or maybe you're still crying and can't see clearly.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      As if I care what you think. If I want details, I am going to ask questions to get accurate and detailed answers from users. That's what Answerbag is for - to ask questions. Biden did act as a professional by controlling himself, answering every question and simply for staying on topic. Trump unleashed a torrent of misinformation on topics from terrorism to taxes, and was repeatedly embarrassed for his misconduct.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "You are getting goofier by the minute," ??? Ask yourself that. You just answered another of your questions for continuing to make me laugh with your outcries, name-calling and for failing to use your brain.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I even posted a snopes video telling you." The videos mean nothing, they are opinions that do not prove Biden got out of line in the debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Or maybe you're still crying" ??? It's the other way around, since you don't have an argument and you need videos to speak for you. *Lame*
    • dalcocono
      Oh ere she goes again with her boo hoo hoo. Cry babby. Even the old geezer SEEMS to be having 2nd thoughts according to this news story. Your nonsense obsession with trying to prove he "technically" won the debate is just getting dumber. Take your meds and stop posting nonsense!
    • dalcocono
      Oh here she goes again with her boo hoo hoo. Cry babby. Even the old geezer SEEMS to be having 2nd thoughts according to this news story. Your nonsense obsession with trying to prove he "technically" won the debate is just getting dumber. Take your meds and stop posting nonsense!
    • dalcocono
      Oh look! More speculation about replacing the old geezer. Mybe they should talk to you about how well he did in the debate!
    • dalcocono
      Seems like the meeting the old geezer called to shore up support didn't work out well either. One of the comments was "disastrous debate results". You better text them with a face palm and a lol or 2!
    • dalcocono
      Well would you look at that! Now they're discussing a "pres Newsome". Old Joe hasn't even hit the polls yet either. The first sentence in this aritle says "after a rough debate performance" etc Maybe they should have asked for YOUR take on the debate performance hmm?
    • dalcocono
      Here's a good one, from Jake Tapper. He accuses folks like you of using "Orwellian tactics" to spin the debate results. You better send him a wall of text calling him out over his take on the debate! Make sure you throw in LOTS of lols and face palms too. I'm sure he'll be impressed.
    • dalcocono
      Leader of the free world talking here; SURE he won the debate.
    • dalcocono
      Here's some more clips from that debate YOU claim was a TKO for the old geezer! Give it up toots. Admit he lost and move on!
    • dalcocono
      Uh-oh! Here's another person you better put on your "call out list". Start typing FURIOUSLY at her! Don't forget you signature lols and face palms!
    • dalcocono
      Here we have another Biden lie from the infamous debate you claim he won;
    • dalcocono
      Oh my! They're talking about old Joe, but they could be talking about you as well!
    • dalcocono
      Here's another one disputing your silly arguments about joe and the "tko".
    • dalcocono
      Even the huffpost agrees with me! Maybe that guy should "debate you" eh. The evidence against you position is piling up all over the world. Are you going to challenge them all to debate you?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I am bragging is what I'm doing. Cry baby? Continue to ask yourself that. I am certain when you speak of the old geezer, you are referring to yourself. My accuracy on proving that Biden won the debate technically is exactly how he won.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      It is not how Biden stated, but how he finished. Medications? Do get yourself your medications for your old age.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "More speculation about replacing the old geezer." As usual, both Biden and Trump are not fit to be president. Again and again, it's who won the debate that counts in the meantime.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You still can't prove what Biden said wrong in comparison to Trump making 30 false claims. To speak of the 30s' number, New York state jury in May found Trump guilty of 34 felony counts for falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels for an affair she testified they had that Trump didn’t want to harm his 2016 election prospects.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Old Joe hasn't even hit the polls yet either." And the 74% to favor Trump is not what he did on the debate, since Trump was a disaster.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      What also hurt Trump was the January 6 US Capitol riots for encouraging his supporters to raise hell.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Biden said that Trump encouraged the people who attacked the US Capitol building and the US Capitol police officers. Biden easily rebuked Trump for criticizing his behavior that day, as those people should be in jail, and they should be held accountable.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Fact: Biden rejected the idea that the people who attacked the police and disrupted the electoral certification were patriots. The true patriots are the police. A big *Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Use your brain and "think for yourself."
    • dalcocono
      Biden won the debate you continue to claim. You claim I'm not thinking for myself, but your thinking for yourself has led you to think you are actually clever. There are very few people left in the world who agree with your ridiculous opinion here . As I've shown you time and again. You just can't admit you're wrong. Even the DNC is looking for his replacement. What Biden said was mostly unintelligible. You should get back on the meds. I don't need them yet. You obviously do. Frantically typing nonsense trying to convince me that you're right is a waste of your time. I'm old, no doubt about that. I'm in the same generation as Trump and your hero, the old geezer. But I'm not yet on the edge of senility, as MANY are speculating about Joe. Your argument is rubbish and you know it.
    • dalcocono
      Here is another one to add to your list of lols and fac palm texts messages.
    • dalcocono
      Here's one about your hero showing us "he's still got it". Hopefully he won't tell us any more lies.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Technically, Biden won the debate by answering all his questions and staying on topic. You are not thinking for yourself by getting news sites and videos to do the talking for you. There are very few people in the world who disagree with me? They obviously didn't watch the debate, they just watched highlights of it. Answering questions and staying on subject defines a person's conduct in a debate. Not rambling and avoiding questions like Trump. I am not wrong by any means. Any person who asks a question would expect an answer.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You can't prove that Biden was unintelligible. Even as much as I don't like him, I was surprised that he answered all his questions. Waste of my time? It cannot be a waste of time, knowing that Answerbag is about asking questions and discussing issues. Quote: "Trump and your hero" It's more like Trump is your god. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My argument is rubbish? Don't cry cause your argument is weak.
    • dalcocono
      Bill and Tulsi educate an msnbs host who sounds a lot like you in his ridiculous statements. Nobody is going to be talking about the parts of the debate where the old geezer might have been a bit more lucid. They will only be talking about this clip! He lost for sure!
    • dalcocono
      They called for brains and you and joe thought they said trains and you missed yours!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Biden didn't say anything wrong during the debate. Trump refused to explicitly say whether he will accept the result of November's US presidential election. What a sore loser. Trump avoiding questions does not bode well for this November’s presidential contest. People want answers, and not emotional responses by Trump and his rambling expression.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      "Use your brains" to speak for yourself.
    • dalcocono
      One of these guys was the OBVIOUS winner of the debate. Sadly, you and 4 or 5 other people on the planet, don't knowwhich one it is.
    • dalcocono
      Oh Dam! 67 to 33 Trumps favor. Jenny thee snot must still be among that 33.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The winner of the debate is Biden by his sportsmanlike conduct. That is what "We The People" look for in a president. 74% of the people do not have a clue about being a professional debater. And as ignorant as they are, they will favor Trump. This is why Jill praised Biden for answering every question in the presidential debate, making her also feel surprised that he could do it.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      BTW, I stopped watching your videos as soon as I saw that you were getting Bill O'Reilly to speak for you. No other AB'er is also interested in your news links and videos. Now this is wasting your time for looking for sources to back you up. LOL Really, Too funny!
    • dalcocono
      Look! Another Biden lie posted online. This is so much more fun than typing rubbish like you do.
    • dalcocono
      Maybe someday, you can be a grown up tough girl for Biden like this on is for Trump! (probably not)
    • dalcocono
      Now here is a good spot for a face palm!
    • dalcocono
      I think I saw you in this video paiasa triste;
    • dalcocono
      Judge Judy thinks NY is engaging in malicious prosecution. Of course, her opinion as a judge certainly doesn't come up to your standards hmm.
    • dalcocono
      Here's another Biden lie the old geezer told at the debate you say he won
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      What's wrong, you still can't speak for yourself? Trump avoided questions about the January 6 Capitol riots and accepting the outcome of the 2024 election should he lose. Trump remarks at the debate: "Let's not act like children" when he made himself look like a child by the CNN moderators telling him to stay on track and answer questions, instead of Trump rambling about golf. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Your argument is weak. Once again, "Use your brain."
    • dalcocono
      You don't have an argument, just an ego too big to admit you're full of you know what! I have been speaking for myself by furnishing you with facts of the matter to dispel your abysmal ignorance, but you're to proud of your nonsense to see it. Your entire string of comments are weak and ignorant. Nothing "great" about any of it. Once again paiasa, I've been using my brain to butch slap you (once again. feel free to change the vowel)you all along
    • dalcocono
      You stopped watching the videos because you're scared of the truth and don't want to admit that your talking points are just stupid and hardly anybody agrees with them. No matter, I'll keep posting them to try and educate your dumb azz.
    • dalcocono
      Even with Trump avoiding questions and telling lies just like the old geezer did, Trump STILL won the debate by 3 to 1. Try to keep up. Stop with the silly childish face palms and lolz and pay attention to current events, or remain a sad little clown. Me vale madre.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My argument has proven that it is too strong, simply because I am more concerned about the candidates answering their questions, rather than going off track. It's that simple, answer the questions is what rational people demand. Quote: "furnishing you with facts" You have no idea what facts are. Your views are based on emotional opinions by people who do not like Biden. My comments cannot be weak and ignorant for touching on this subject, unlike you who continues to resort to name-calling because you have nothing structural to say on the subject. I stopped watching your videos, only cause Bill O'Reilly is not real news. Quote: "Trump STILL won the debate by 3 to 1." You are further dreaming. A debate is won by how the candidates controlled themselves, answered questions and stayed on topic. Rambling on Trump's behalf does not count. It only makes him looks unprofessional as I have been saying.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      And whereby, you resorting to name-calling makes you look like a failure. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Maybe you can go watch Trump play golf. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Your argument is rubbish, not "strong" at all. Of course your comments are weak and ignorant, you're just not clever enough to see it. You are afraid of the content of the videos and use the guy as another lame excuse, not at all tuff. I'm not dreaming at all. It is in one of the videos I posted that you are too ignorant to look at. A debate is won or lost by the way they debate. Joe was barely there. I'm not rambling on trumps behalf either, other than to admit he won the debate hands down. Sadly you are the failure on these 2 threads. I call you names because you deserve it. Maybe you can go watch joe eat applesauce.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My argument is very strong, now that I demand answers from the candidates, and not like you who would rather judge Biden for his old age. Your videos do not prove anything. I immediately disproved the first news links you added by quoting their articles, and then telling you that they do not prove Trump won the debate, as the news links and videos are made by people who do not like Biden. Quote: "A debate is won or lost by the way they debate." Which is why Trump is a poor debater for not staying on topic and getting ridiculed by the CNN moderators for his unacceptable behavior. You call me names? That's all you can do when things don't go your way.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      If golf is important to you, then I can also see why you support Trump. He spoke about it, and that is something people with rational minds do not want to hear.
    • dalcocono
      Oh no not strong just weak azz rubbish you think stands up, but it's just pitiful is all. The WORLD knows Trump won the debate, I posted videos from India and Australia and the UK saying the same thing The new outlets are calling for the old geezer to resign. Only you and Jill are still waving your pompoms for joe. I call you names because you deserve it. The names I call you are accurate and fitting and I don't play golf you ninny. You were not a moderator at the debate, you are just trying to push your ridiculous opinion off as facts. LAME! Better get a fresh hankie, the one in your tear stained hand is probably soaked. Cry baby
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My argument is absolutely very strong for touching on the subject. Quote: "The WORLD knows Trump won the debate," The world doesn't care about Trump. I'm sure you meant Americans think that Trump won the debate. But it is not the case, as most Americans who favor Trump did not look into the details. Other people from around the world is meaningless due to, their opinions do not matter. It is We The People that matter in the 2024 presidential election.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      A debate is not won by dodging questions and going off topic. It is won by clarity in a candidate's points, a balance of control and politeness and an abundant amount of knowledge about each topic.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The new outlets do not prove a thing either, cause they know Biden is too old to be running for reelection. How Biden answered every question and conducted himself properly is what counts. It is exactly what I am touching on.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Jill couldn't be more right for congratulating Biden for answering all his questions.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "The names I call you are accurate" That's all you can do for your whining behavior of name-calling.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I was not a moderator at the debate, but I know Biden answered every question to surprise me, and every other person who thought he wouldn't make it through the debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Better get a fresh hankie, " Do keep crying for your weak argument, using links to speak for you and name-calling that does not mean anything. *A big Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Oh no! Disney is cutting off donations until the old geezer resigns. Maybe you better send her a mean text with another facepalm or two. That should scare her!
    • dalcocono
      That's toots a new hankie and those links are far more informative than your tired old whining boring bs. You should educate yourself.
    • dalcocono
      That's right toots a new hankie and those links are far more informative than your tired old whining boring bs. You should educate yourself.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      America does not revolve on Disney. Voters rank the candidates for a given office by preference on their debating skills and on their ballots. Just as I've been telling you, neither is Biden or Trump fit to be president. Your links continue to be fruitless. Trump has promised to end Russia's full scale war against Ukraine within 24 hours if he is elected, but he has declined to publicly elaborate on how he plans to do so. What kind of a president does not give answers??????????
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Get educated, especially on what actually happened on the debate so you don't keep embarrassing yourself. *A tremendous Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Ai yi yi! Stupid is a stupid typesI guess. Everybody knows campaigns run on money, and Disney contributes OTS of it pendeja. They are pulling the money from the old geezer who lost the debate. Now you're just parrotting the advice I've been giving you about educating yourself on the political realities of the results of the debate you swear the old geezer won., Here is some more reality for you
    • dalcocono
      Here's another replacement suggestion for the "winner" of the debate; Why would they want to replace the winner? Because he didn't win.
    • dalcocono
      Here's some more current events to educate you away from you abysmally stupid opinion on the debate;
    • dalcocono
      More current events on the "winner" of the debate. You should give yourself a couple of facepalms this morning!
    • dalcocono
      Did you know that the leader of the free world is a "proud black woman"? The "winner" of the debate says so. There is so much info out there that puts your ridiculous position to shame but you continue to claim that you're right about this. Pendeja;
    • dalcocono
      Dangit! The old geezer didn't have "what it takes here either it seems. Poor old fellow, "debate winner" has reached his expiration date.
    • dalcocono
      The old geezer is going to try it again. He thinks another tv show will impress the voters. Might be another disaster though! He might want to "medicate" himself for this one.
    • dalcocono
      Pay attention girl, old Joe couldn't won that debate even with his teleprompter!
    • dalcocono
      Maybe they could get you to whisper in his ear too. No, you could only program his teleprompter with silly facepalms and lolz.
    • dalcocono
      Another Biden lie exposed by a witness. He's shameful, like you
    • dalcocono
      Joe Biden's "frantic team". They should just ask you how well he did Hmm?
    • dalcocono
      Historic "azzwhuppin" like you're getting;
    • dalcocono
      An excerpt from a news story about who you going to believe; (certainly not you!) "During the week since President Joe Biden’s awful debate performance, spinners for his re-election campaign slowly began to admit what actually happened. Their desperate efforts to erase history could not blot out what 50 million viewers saw and heard. The conclusion is inescapable: Biden cannot be a credible candidate to defeat Donald Trump this fall. Unfortunately, Biden’s ego (and yours)has proven to be much more resilient than his cognition. His loved ones and sycophants,(you are among these) in concentric inner and outer circles, cling to talking points that are patently dishonest, often preposterous, and virulently dangerous for prospects of preventing a second Trump presidency. By whistling past the graveyard of Biden’s credibility as a viable candidate in 2024, the pretenders are doing a huge disservice to all who want to avert a full takeover of the U.S. government by the fascistic Republican Party."
    • dalcocono
      The entire story;
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I'm sure you are questioning yourself about stupidity.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The universe of campaign finance is far bigger than what one candidate raises alone. Each party has its own committee to help elect a president, which can work in concert with the official campaign and further contributes to the war chest.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Money does not control the elections. You are a sore loser since Trump lost the 2020 presidential election, and now in 2024, he is not looking good either, unless you talk to the Trump supporters by which they have no idea what it takes to win a debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      On both Biden's and Trump's sides, these independent groups have raised tens of millions of dollars on their own. Once again, Biden did not lose the debate. You are crying, cause Trump became a big failure to outdebate Biden. More links? That's right, you can't speak for yourself.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "He thinks another tv show will impress the voters." You mean, you think Trump will impress voters on the second debate? His performance was terrible the first time, so do wish that Trump wins the second debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump also dodged the climate change question despite its effect on Florida.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump spat out lies. I watched the debate, you didn't. I know what exactly happened.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      By watching the questions from the 2 CNN moderators that this ex-reality show host didn’t want to answer, he blathers along whether he knows what he's talking about or not.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      What me and every rational person was also looking for were issues were he knew even a lie could be dangerous. That's why he kept evading questions. The winner of the debate is about clarity, answering questions and staying on topic.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Once again, since English is not your first language, a debate is about having a formal discussion on a particular topic. *Another Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Oh I see! YOU think I'm a Trump supporter, simply because I said Joe lost the debate! Lololol! I'm voting for Kennedy you sad little clown, My answer to your stupid claims was never about support for former potus.It was about your ridiculous claim that the old geezer won the debate. Now you try to disparage my language skills, such a loser. Watch the news stories I posted clown. I'm sure you will want to challenge the 50 million people who watched him lose the debate to a debate where you can type real fast and say stupid nonsense. Here's a face palm for too toots, you've earned it! Please don't confuse yourself with a "rational person. You are not. You are certifiable! Probably on the spectrum too!
    • dalcocono
      A fitting description of jenny the snot from answerbag!
    • dalcocono
      Pod cast about joe and jill.
    • dalcocono
      You can't make this stuff up!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I couldn't care a bit if you are a Trump supporter or not. The question on this subject is what I'm asking about, whether Biden has what it takes to debate, and also the outcome for anyone who watched the debate. Biden didn't lose the debate. You keep dreaming thinking that he did. If Biden debates Trump on the second debate, maybe then Trump will answer questions and stay on topic for a change. Meanwhile, Biden made it through the debate in spite of his old age. It's not a ridiculous claim to say Biden won the debate. Avoiding questions and changing the subject like Trump and also calling veterans and Biden's son a loser is still not going well for Trump. The 74% of the people who favor Trump like it when Trump resorts to name-calling, proving that's how poor their education is.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Watch the news stories I posted clown." I just can't resist laughing at your poor education and the lack of brain to speak for yourself. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Here's a face palm for too toots," Ugh, the word "facepalm" is one word:
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Another big *Facepalm* for failing to spell properly. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Back for more abuse eh? You are just too cute. Now you're a school teacher too here to correct my spelling. You are in lala land toots, still confusing yourself with rational people. Biden lost, the world knows it, you can't twist anybody's opinion to your own no matter how many days you type and type and type trying to. You also lost this "debate" days ago. You are a failure.
    • dalcocono
      " You must not be amomng those elites little troll.
    • dalcocono
      5 step plan to replace Biden etc. Must be because he won the debate eh?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Abuse from you? I believe you mean, more jokes for me to laugh on. Don't cry cause I corrected your spelling. I agree so much that you just continue to confuse yourself, being that you did not watch the debate. You just went through the highlights in which none of your videos touch on the details of the debate. Answering questions and staying on subject determines the winner. Unless a viewer entered the debate with detailed knowledge of the accuracy of the candidates’ talking points or aggressively followed external fact-checking efforts like PolitiFact’s - they were left with little guidance about what is true. And because Trump offered more false and misleading material in the debate, Biden’s old age did get to him at the start of the debate, as he was trying to get in rhythm. Afterwards, there is nothing negative to say about Biden.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Oh, you were starting to speak for yourself, but now, you need more links to speak for you. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I just can't help but to laugh at your lame argument. You are my laughing biatch. LOL *A massive Facepalm."
    • dalcocono
      You are crying in your computer. I can see you sitting clenching your fat little fists and wishing I'd just go away and leave you alone. Not gonna happen baby cakes. All your blah blah blah about how you think I should answer you is just chatter. You're not important enough to tell anybody how to talk or what to say. Get used to it troll. You aren't even bright enough to read the news. Keep typing frenetically though. You can probably use the exercise.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Actually, I am on my mobile phone, laughing at your pitiful embarrassment. LOL Be my guest and stay. You have my word that we will be here as long as it takes until someone gives up. I don't give up. I fight until the last man or woman standing. So settle in cause we'll be here for a long time. I am very much important to tell people how to act if they do not want to embarrass themselves. Quote: "You aren't even bright enough to read the news." Sayyys you who uses Bill O'Reilly to speak for you??? Your argument is weak. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Who cares where you are nasty little troll. You only THINK you're "important. You are actually just a fat little troll attacking others on websites because you think you're a tuffy. All you got is a nasty snotty attitude and some fst typing skills. Besides that, your ignorant! I will be here every time you say something stupid to me to respond with something to educate your dumbazz. You need it . Lol at you toots!
    • dalcocono
      Here is some infor to broaden your narrow little mind on the actuality of the old geezer after the debate you swear he won, clown "The ship is sinking"
    • dalcocono
      Here's Joe, dodging answers just like Trump did. Educate yourself away from the darkness of your stupidity!
    • dalcocono
      Here we have the "winner" of the debate claiming to be a black woman; pathetic, like you
    • dalcocono
      Here we have a "liberal Atlantic journalist" demanding the "winner" of the debate step down and pass the office to Mrs. Harris. You better send him a nasty text with a few lame face palms and a lol or 2 eh troll.
    • dalcocono
      Here we have the media calling his debate results "disastrous" not winning, like you continue to claim. It MUST be painful to be as ignorant as you are!
    • dalcocono
      Oh look troll! Just like you, Joe Biden "doesn't understand the post debate reality". Learn something about politic cyber troll.
    • dalcocono
      Well what do you know pendeja, Joy Reed actually agrees with you. She says she'd vote for the old geezer in a coma"
    • dalcocono
      Here' the "winner" dodging the question, just like his nemesis did. You really need to stop trolling and educate yourself.
    • dalcocono
      Here's another one stating "Biden is dangerously out of touch" just like you are tonta.
    • dalcocono
      Even Hollywood loser, "Hollywood knows a flop when it sees one. So it's hardly surprising that some of the industry's biggest luminaries are engaged in a collective act of hand-wringing over President Biden's weak performance during last week's presidential debate against former President Trump." You better send them a devastating facepalm troll. That will teach them!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      And you should not be concerned what I'm using to be on Answerbag. I am very important on Answerbag. You are not. Again, do not worry about what I do on Answerbag. Worry about yourself is what you should do. I am proud of my attitude. Are you proud of your whining attitude? LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Besides that, your ignorant!" ??? Ask yourself that very much. Quote: "I will be here every time you say something stupid" You mean, you will be here every time I make you cry? You will drown in your tears. I hope you don't get a heart attack for expressing your anger. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      There is nothing that affected anything Biden said in the debate, other than his old age that caught up to him at start of the debate. Also, Biden claimed Trump tried to distract him on the debate by shouting. It is a typical Trump tactic to shout.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Not only that, Biden claimed he had a cold, something that too had to do with his voice not being heard clear at the start. The cold had exhausted Biden after coming off a few weeks of international travel. And still, Biden was able to answer all his questions. Trump was a failure for dodging questions and going off topic. *Another Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      "Use your brain to speak for yourself."
    • dalcocono
      Yawn, same old same old BS from the lame Tdouble R double O LL. "I'm SOOO important. I'm SOOO proud of myself. AND the big one, "I'm not smart enough to read the news and see where I screwed up"! I really think the one about "you making me cry is just PRECIOUS too. This entire oser argument you have been trying to present has been DRENCHED in your tears babycakes. You're still a loser, just like in the old song!l
    • dalcocono
      Here's some more current events from somebody much smarter than you are.
    • dalcocono
      Here's another one for you to ignore. Face it tonta, your "debate winner" theory is poo-poo.
    • dalcocono
      Even after BUNCHES of proof from the news and videos from around the nation callig on old geezer to step down and pass the baton, he like you refuses to see reason. He's obviously lame enough to think he won the debate, I just wonder what's your excuse! I am fine with showing you the error of your position with news links. I don't need to stan on an ignorant erroneous opinion, like you do. I would rather present facts. He lost, and so did you.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      There's nothing to yawn about, knowing Biden did what he was supposed to do - answer questions, stay on topic and also be respective for his sportsmanlike behavior. Me claiming to be important on this site has nothing to do with the subject. What you read on the news are biased opinions towards Biden. Keep crying is all you can do. Tears? You only continue to make me laugh. Quote: "You're still a loser," Keep asking yourself that. None of your links prove anything. They are based on biased opinions, and not what actually took place in the debate. I never said either that Biden should not step down. Where did I say it??? You can't prove it.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You don't have a clue about how a debate is won. Rambling like Trump does not prove he won the debate. When politicians debate on stage, they’re not trying to convince each other of their arguments. They’re trying to convince the viewers. Take your time and watch the debate with an open-mind:
    • dalcocono
      Still claiming old Joe won are you? Sadly refusing to see that the world disagrees with your silly position. So FUNNY to watch you cling to the OPINION in the face of all the facts I've presented to you. The party and the donors and the govs would not be calling for him to step down if he had actually been the winner. Your failure to admit that just makes you look stupid I'm afraid. Here, Let me give you a couple of facepalms and lol or 2. You REALLY deserve them ! Whether I "have a clue about how a debate is won" or not doesn't matter in the face of all the evidence I have presented to you that the majority of the country disagrees with your ridiculous opinion. But you go girl, you "do you" no matter how ludicrous it makes you look. I got to give you another facepalm here tootsie, you really deserve this one too! nighty night sweetcheeks, I'll be back in the morning.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Biden clearly won the debate. I really don't know what debate were you watching. Americans are the only ones who matter, not the rest of the world, as they will not vote. "Another gigantic Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You have not presented any facts, just emotions by Trump supporters and some Democrats who feel the same way I do, that Biden is not fit to be president, and neither is Trump. Biden as president is only filling in the role for the first debate, until the Democrats unleash a new candidate who is fit to run for president. Michelle Obama could be a surprise. She can beat Trump. While Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s independent presidential campaign has drawn supporters who don't see themselves represented by Democrats or Republicans.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You really don't have a clue about how a debate is won. It's the questions answered that count, and also sportsmanlike and staying on topic as I have made it clear.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The majority of the country disagrees with me? Not quite, cause Democrats agree with me that Trump is not fit to be president, not just by his failure during his 4 years in office, but by all the scandals, and recently in the debate by his poor performance.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You'll be back tomorrow in the morning? I'll take it as a reminder to know that you are active on Answerbag on the weekends. I say this cause last weekend you didn't respond. So now I know you can entertain me on the weekends.
    • dalcocono
      You just take that any way you want to fat little troll. Here are some facts to show you how stu[id your "opinion" on the debate results are, here's a couple more facepalms and a lol or 2 to go along with them;
    • dalcocono
      This one says Biden ( the "winner" according to you) is a national endangerment;
    • dalcocono
      This one calls his debate performance "disastrous" You should probably send them a mean text or two straighten out their opinion so it comes in line with yours. Here's another facepalms and acouple more lolz for you. Face it toots. He lost the debate, just like you are.
    • dalcocono
      Here's an opinion from SF Ca for you on the "winner winner chicken dinner" guy. You silly troll;
    • dalcocono
      Here's an excerpt for you. Can you believe they don't think he won? "As I write this, one week after his shockingly poor performance in his debate against former President Trump, it seems increasingly clear that President Biden will be forced to abandon his re-election efforts and allow the convention to pick a new nominee." You and Jill standing on the hill, proclaiming "You won Joe. You answered ALL the questions." A pair of sad clowns
    • dalcocono
      A link to the entire article, in the event you might want to educate yourself a little tiny bit!
    • dalcocono
      Here's another headline disputing your "results" of the debate; "We're 'seeing the rats jump the ship' amid Biden concerns: Charlie Hurt" You should probably email them YOUR rules for a debate and give them a couple facepalms too tootsie. That will certainly show them that you and Jill aren't playing!
    • dalcocono
      Hmm do you REALLY think "all eyes would be on Jeffries" if old Joe had actually won that debate, like you claim he did. Mucho I don't think so man! Your credibility is going down in flames every day you continue to promote the notion that Biden won that debate, silly troll.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Ugh, no, I take it as I see it and how the facts are shown. None of your so-called facts mean anything. They are opinions only by people who support Trump, and some Democrats who want to see Biden step down from the race. To further prove how your links mean nothing, the first link by MSN says: "Biden breaks cover for first time since 'make-or-break' ABC interview" That's before Biden got into his rhythm. Everyone knows Biden had a shaky start. It does not prove Biden lost the debate. He answered all his questions is what matters in contrary to Trump who is the real failure. You are better off learning it from the debate to see that Biden's performance after the shaky start is what made Trump look like a disaster. Quote: "Can you believe they don't think he won?" No one is denying how some Democrats feel that Biden is not fit to be president. Neither is Trump, so your links from commentators around the world are meaningless. "Use your brain and speak for yourself."
    • dalcocono
      How funny troll talk "UGH". Of course, only YOUR opinion is allowed on answerbag ennit babycakes. Those "meaningless facts you "poo poo" are opinions of journalists from both sides and also heavy donors to the dem party. Nobody is talking about the 2nd half of the debate, except you and Jill. The 1st part is ALL OVER the internet, and that is what is destroying Bidens political precense in his own party now. None of that would have happened if he had won the debate like YOU keep foolishly claiming. Those links ARE me speaking for myself dearie. I am informed and up on current events and can see that you are not. You should read more. Then you would be better informed. "Ugh" Got to give you acouple more facepalms for that rude troll talk. Lol.
    • dalcocono
      Here is an excerpt calling his debate results "Disastrous" Biden has actually narrowed the gap with Trump in key swing states despite his disastrous debate, new polling shows
    • dalcocono
      I just HAVE to post this one again, because it is just too funny! Enjoy it trollio;
    • dalcocono
      TOP DEMOCRATS HOLD MEETING etc, read all about it. They wouldn't be doing that for a debate winner tootsi roll.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      "Ugh" simply means in writing to represent the sound that people make when they see something horrible, such as in this case, your misleading links that are deceiving you. My opinion very much matters, that's why I decided to call you out for a debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      We The People are the ones who count in the presidential election vote, and not what opinionated commentators from around the world have to say.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Second half? You still don't have any idea what went on in the debate. It's at the start of the debate when Biden struggled for a moment. Afterwards, he found rhythm to answer all his questions.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The first part does not determine by no means whatsoever that Biden lost. Trump was terrible at both parts of the debate. Once again, Biden struggled early in the debate, but he ridiculed Trump for most of the debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My claims are not based on weak and emotional responses like yours and every other person who does not like Biden. Quote: "I am informed and up on current events" You are informed by misleading information based on other people's opinions.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Kamala Harris admitted that Biden had a bad start. All he had to do was settle in the debate. It is exactly what I have been saying. I don't need links to speak for me, cause I have a brain to speak for myself. Watch Anderson Cooper who is open-minded. He was skeptic of Biden's performance:
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Learn it from the Vice President Kamala Harris, and not from Bill O'Reilly or any other commentator who favors Trump. "Another gigantic Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      AS I said, troll speak nonsense. We aren't talking about the election goofball, the debat is the topic. Stop trying to branch out to something else and focus on the ridiculous claim you still make about Biden winning the debate. Utter nonsense. Again, I did watch the first half of the debate. The first half is what has sunk Biden and NOBODY is talking about the 2nd half online except you. Desperately trying to shor up your ridiculous claims. Weak and emotional is a hoot because that describes the mess your argument is. You keep doing you though girl, silly as it make you look. The rest of the country knows Biden is the obvious loser of the debate regardless of the 2nd half you keep touting. Kamala wasn't involved in the debate. Neither were you. Which is why you don't know what you're talking about yet.
    • dalcocono
      Oh look! Here are some pretty famous dems telling Biden to move out. If he had REALLY WON the debate, this wouldn't be happening. You better sent them an email and tell them about the 2nd half and yadayadayada ad nauseum, like you're doing here. Give em a couple of your scary face palms too. That should convince them, or NOT! I'll be back to slap you around some more tomorrow trollio. This is fun.
    • dalcocono
      Good morning silly troll, I'm back to educate your "ignint" azz about current events again. Once again, I will expose you to facts about the results of the debate that show your claim that the old geezer won is nothing more than ridiculous nonsense and a sense of ego being unable to admit that YOU"RE WRONG again. Here is an excerpt from a news story for you. This could also describe you, because senility often comes earlier in younger generations, and you sure SEEM to fit the ticket! "The one person that no one can outrun is Father Time," David Axelrod told CNN's Pamela Brown on Sunday. "There are certain immutable facts of life, and those were painfully obvious on that debate stage, and the president just hasn't come to grips with it." Here's a link to the story "lose by a landslide" it claims. Debate winners don't "lose by a landslide" even if he did answer all the questions. Insert a facepalm here.
    • dalcocono
      "Some dems are saying Joe should outright resign". So should you trollio. You've lost this debate long ago.
    • dalcocono
      Here is a scheme for him to preserve some dignity (that's too late for you on this thread though, sad little troll.
    • dalcocono
      Take a look troll, here is what started your ridiculous troll attacks on me, 1 sentence turned you into a ranting raving unhinged troll for days and days. You need a LOT of facepalms sweetypie. "He certainly didn't seem to have "what it takes" last night in his debate. 6/28/24"
    • dalcocono
      Here is some dems warning the obvious loser of that debate about his political future. They don't do that with winners you know;
    • dalcocono
      Here the top dems are again saying he should drop out. Again, they don't do that with winners!
    • dalcocono
      Here we have the debate "winner" (insert some facepalms here big sweety) claiming he was the first black woman to serve in the Whitehouse. The poor old geezer is nearly as senile as you are.
    • dalcocono
      Joe's warning his dem constituents about their lack of support for his "Big win" in the debate, lolz
    • dalcocono
      Poor old fella just can't BELIEVE they aren't supporting the first black woman in the white house, him. After he won the debate too.
    • dalcocono
      "Hollywood "titans turn against the "winner" of the debate. Since Biden's "disastrous debate" performance, donors are fleeing One Hollywood insider said he's pulling funding despite 'immense respect" Notice their description of the debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The question has to do with the election by the debate the 2 candidates have. Biden won the debate, simply by answering all his questions and staying on subject. That's what the people saw.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Just because the Trump supporters saw Biden perform poorly at the start of the debate, does not mean they will continue to support Trump. Voters are never 100% decided on the candidates. They want to hear what the candidates have to offer before they really decide to vote.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Over a 90 minute presidential debate, Trump repeatedly made false claims, while Biden kept touching on every subject by his accuracy.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The question every voter should be asking themselves is not whether Biden started off slowly, but is he the man who can run the country by everything he said in the debate in comparison to Trump who repeatedly lied and went off subject???
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I don't know which debate you actually saw, cause it was certainly not the 2024 presidential debate I added by the link I shared of the full debate. If you watch the debate, Trump gave the second-worst debate performance of any major candidate for president. He repeatedly made outrageous and offensive lies, such as his claim too that overturning Roe and Wade was something everybody wanted.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      In point of fact, polls show 65% of Americans opposed the Supreme Court’s decision to end the constitutional right to abortion.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Despite repeated questions on this point from moderator Dana Bash, Trump refused to say he would accept the results of the election.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are supporting a sore loser who refuses to answer questions. *Another enormous Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      The debate is the issue not the election. Once again, you are trying to throw a bunch of unrelated issues into the mix. Stay focused please. Remember the original question and stop trying to modify it at this point in your argument. I have shown you A BUNCH of evidence that belies your position that it's "Trump supporters" moving the issue. You just keep repeating your impression of the debate, which is WAY out of step with most current events. It isn't "Trump supporters," it is many dems and many dem lawmakers/elected officials. I'll have to start calling you Cleopatra. because you the queen of denial! Biden got caught is some big windys too, ask him how many military have died since he took over. He forgot all about his disaster in Afghanistan. Abortion is not part of this argument. It is ALL about the debate that I and 50 million others saw and the ridiculous statement that Biden won it. There are VERY FEW who will agree with you. Just because he "answered all the questions" did not make him a winner. I told you once already that I'm not a trump supporter. I voted for him to beat Hillary, but I voted for Joe to beat Trump. You are the only sore loser here, besides Joe Biden. You are supporting the obvious loser of that debate. Just read some news dearie. Educate yourself to what the people are actually saying Give yourself a couple of big face palms for not being bright enough to know you lost. There is no support on any new site for your position. They are calling his debate a disaster!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The debate determines the election. That's what debates are for. Candidate debates help the people get informed and learn more about the candidates. To use an example, nobody would never hire someone for a position without interviewing them first. Further to educate you: debates help voters cut through the noise and get the facts by hearing firsthand about a candidate’s views and plans. Attending or viewing a debate can impact a person's vote, and that Americans are more likely to vote when they feel informed about the candidates. Trump didn't have it in him in the debate. If you listen to the Vice President Kamala Harris on the interview with Anderson Cooper, she said exactly what I have been telling you, that Biden started slow, but he finished strong to even further say, it's not how a person starts, but how he finishes is what matters. The links you have been adding are the same opinions of some Democrats calling for Biden to step aside. Again and again, listen to Kamala Harris instead and Anderson Cooper who tried to criticize Biden's performance at the start of the debate. But it just wasn't happening, cause like Kamala Harris proved, and this is something everyone who watched the debate heard - Biden a clear contrast on all the issues that matter, and not like Trump who continuously dodged questions, since that's all he can do, knowing he doesn't have any answers that matter to the American people. *An huge Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Keep crying cause your god Trump was a disaster. LOL
    • dalcocono
      First thing; Trump is not a god, to me or anybody else vacca loca. I managed to find a link to somebody who ACTUALLY agrees with you imagine that. It's crazy ol Whuppi! Notice they are calling it an "absurd defense" though, like yours is. Like you, old Joe's a loser, in the debate. I'm not saying he can't win the election though. I saw a couple people who claimed they would vote for him even if he's dead! They're as unhinged as you are over this. And you claim that you aren't a Biden supporter. John Stewart doesn't seem to share your opinion that Biden was the winner either Here are some recent poll results showing most of us don't believe the caca de vacca you are shoveling! Question 6: Regardless of whom you plan to vote for in November, who do you think performed the best in the presidential debate? (Margin of error 3.1%) Joe Biden: 17.51% Donald Trump: 54.39% It was a tie: 13.22% Not sure: 14.88% Big difference in the numbers dearie. No matter what you and ol Whuppi say. Question 9: How concerned would you be about Joe Biden’s cognitive health affecting his ability to serve another term as President effectively? (Margin of error 3.1%) Very concerned: 54.52% Somewhat concerned: 25.18% Not too concerned: 12.95% Not at all concerned: 7.35% Big difference there too, Are you really ol Whuppi from the view? Now see the difference in the numbers of the same question they asked the man you called god; Question 10: How concerned would you be about Donald Trump’s cognitive health affecting his ability to serve another term as President effectively? (Margin of error 2.9%) Very concerned: 34.16% Somewhat concerned: 21.91% Not too concerned: 21.58% Not at all concerned: 22.35% A question on "Bidenomics" Question 16: Overall, would you say you are better or worse off financially than you were about a year ago? (Margin of error 3.1%) Better off: 22.69% Worse off: 43.30% Neither better nor worse off: 34.01% The entire poll is on msn news site, if you're interested in educating yourself a little bit.
    • dalcocono
      Here's another excerpt disputing you and Kamala and ol Whuppi. The article is on msn; Notice the term "debate debacle" "According to recent polling, no demographic group has confidence that the president remains young enough to do the job, even among groups that largely still plan to support him. After his debate debacle, he hemorrhaged support, with a New York Times/Siena poll finding that Trump now leads Biden by 6 points, the widest margin those pollsters have seen since 2015." Here's a headline from the news this morning "Trump Widens Lead After Biden’s Debate Debacle, Times/Siena Poll" Again, debate debacle. That is becoming the theme in current events. Your opinion is not shared by very many people in the current candidate debate that you are losing.
    • dalcocono
      Another excerpt from todays news; A poor debate performance doesn't necessarily spell doom for a presidential campaign, but it doesn't help, either. ©Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images In 2012, Barack Obama's first presidential debate with Mitt Romney proved disastrous with the incumbent president appearing unprepared and annoyed during the event, CNN reported. Obama still went on to defeat Romney and win a second term. However, the 2024 debate was viewed as Biden's chance to come out strong and assuage voters' concerns about his age and fitness, but his poor performance failed to do so, reigniting speculation about potential replacements if Biden drops out of the race. Poor old Joe does NOT have the charism and debating skills Barry O has though. He can barely finish a though before it's gone. The old geezer may win the election, simply because there is much hatred out there for the candidate you called "god". However, that is a separate issue from his "debate debacle", he lost that debate, bigger than doo doo. Keep trying to convince yourself otherwise though, you certainly aren't convincing me nor the people who participated in the polls I showed you.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump is your god, being that you are praising him and for failing to understand that he did terrible on the debate. Your links are based on opinions. They do mean anything. Kamala Harris has spoken about the results of the debate. That's who you need to listen to as your Vice President.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      As Biden will try to improve his debate performance by having a stronger start for the next debate, Kamala Harris is seeking to keep the focus on Republican opponent Trump.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The Vice President spoke as Democrats nationwide debate whether or not Biden should withdraw from the presidential campaign and allow Kamala to carry the party banner against Trump and his Republican allies.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Kamala mentioned too that in connection with the administration plan to eliminate student debt, Biden has repeatedly said he is not exiting this year's presidential race, because Biden like I have been saying is too confident to outdebate Trump again.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      To further criticize Trump, Harris also cited the former president's opposition to abortion rights as well as plans for presidents to wield more power should they get back into the White House.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump has openly talked about his intention to weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies. Everything Trump said at the debate was disastrous. It is simply the reason why he kept dodging questions.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Yet again, the 74% who favor Trump are not 100% decided if they will vote for Trump. They are closed-minded people who are more focused at the start of the debate, thinking that Biden is too old for reelection. What actually matters is not the start of Biden's performance, but how he finished. *Another enormous Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      You are really out there in lala land. And you are still boring. I told you Trump is not a god. I'm unsure why you keep claiming otherwise. I am NOT praising him you ninny, That is YOUR OPINION which I'm sure YOU think is irrefutable, NOT (Here's a well deserved facepalm for you)
    • dalcocono
      You are still trying to use the old "let's talk about everything EXCEPT the topic" to try and win this ridiculous argument you started. Should I repost your original question again? Another reason to give you a facepalm and a lol. You dismiss all the news links as OPINIONS and not news, then throw your own "close minded" opinions out here as if they are more valid, again, NOT. Now your TDS is REALLY showing. You got it REAL BAD. None of the nonsense you posted here is relevant to the fact that old Joe lost the debate. Now I see you and Whuppi ( she thought "Dr. Biden" was an MD) and Jill and Kamala are all the support the old geezer has, and you are all redolent of Trump derangement syndrome! Paiasitas tristes!
    • dalcocono
      It is not just "crazy Trump supporters" acknowledging Joe's sad showing in the debate. There are MANY in his own party from rank-and-file voters, to elected officials to big dem donors who are now beginning to admit that old Joe has passed his "best if used by date" Just like RBG and Feinstein. You go ahead though, drink that sour milk!
    • dalcocono
      Here is another famous guy's "opinion" on the debate results. He was describing you when he talked about women "running interference" for the old geezer. You should email him a mean text telling him you're right and he's wrong and give him a facepalm. That will show him! Lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Oh my, some transcript modification requested. Maybe you should call potus language skills into question hmm. Send him a facepalm or 2. That will probably snap him out of it!
    • dalcocono
      Can you believe it! Even famous cnn news guy and debate moderator says Biden's in denial, just like you are! Do you think Jake Tapper saw the same debate you did? Maybe you should copy paste ALLL these ridiculous post you have used here trying to convince me and send them to him with a few facepalms. I'm SURE that will sway his opinion!
    • dalcocono
      It's pretty bad when cnn starts to become adversarial with potus. Were you aware that Jake Tapper was at that debate? Lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Colbert calls it a "disaster debate". He probably didn't see the same one you did though Facepalm. Of course that's only his OPINION isn't it. We all know only one OPINION counts on answerbag verdad llorona?
    • dalcocono
      Here's another excerpt disputing your opinion. This one is published where anybody can read it, unlike yours; "Biden’s intense faith in his own abilities still drives him today, even as Democratic bigwigs suggest it might be time finally for him to fall on his sword. In a letter to his fellow Democrats, released on Monday, he struck a typically defiant note as he called for all the speculation about his future to end. “I wouldn’t be running if I did not absolutely believe I was the best person to beat Donald Trump,” he wrote. His great problem, however, is that almost nobody now shares that confidence." Note that it's not "Trump supporters" telling him the time hs come.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are admiring Trump by his debate performance, making him a god to you. His debate performance was terrible. He exposed himself as a sore loser, just by repeatedly refusing to unequivocally commit to accepting the results of the 2024 presidential election during the debate. It matters a lot, since Trump and some of his allies have repeatedly dodged questions about accepting the election results, raising concerns of political violence after the November election. In various news links you added, you fail to understand that Trump deflected when asked 2 times by CNN moderator Dana Bash if he would commit to accepting the election results. He was left wordless and without a brain. Trump suggested that he's running for president because of Biden's performance. That does not answer the people's question, only because Biden had a slow start.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The earliest-ever presidential debate on CNN could also be the first time many voters dial into the 2024 race and witness the 2 familiar candidates challenge on each other's policy positions. My opinions are as I have been saying 100% accurate compared to yours that are based on Trump propaganda. The topic in the question I asked was about Biden's preparedness to outdebate Trump, which is exactly the case. A candidate cannot win the presidency when they dodge questions and go off topic. You are dreaming if you think Trump impressed the American people. *Another tremendous Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Your foolishness just gets worse with each lame comment you leave here. Again knucklehead, Trump is not a god. Not to me or anybody else. Claiming otherwise is just STUPID. I'm not "admiring his performance either. You are really grasping at straws now. I AM saying he unequivocally won that debate though. Ignoring the facts and pretending to be a skillful "debater" just makes you look ignorant.
    • dalcocono
      Trump Propaganda? LOLOL! Now I know you're nuts! The DEMS are telling him to step down. The debate moderators are saying he lost the debate and cnn is becoming adversarial to him and you claim it's "trump propaganda? You keep drowning in bs with each and every post here. The original question did NOT ask if Trump could beat Biden in the election. That is just more of your weak and tearful attempts redirect the dialogue. You are losing the fight trollio. Here's some face palms for your shameless ignorance and refusal to educate yourself. Cry baby
    • dalcocono
      Buenos dias tontita; I have some more new link from international news telling you that you're still wrong about old Joe winning the debate. "facing serious questions about his fitness for office from the media, furious Democratic lawmakers and party donors. His response has ranged from clumsy to insulting, further provoking those who badly want to defeat Donald Trump." I suppose now you'll claim these folks are "trump supporters".
    • dalcocono
      Oh, here's agood one; "In fact, since his train-wreck debate debacle, the nation’s predominantly liberal-skewed, Democrat-defending journalists have competed with each other as to who can sound the most faux shocked, horrified, appalled, and furrowed-brow-uncomprehending about the physical and mental state of their president." Note the term "train wreck" lol!
    • dalcocono
      Even little George Stephanopoulos says he didn't "have what it takes" A damning verdict. i that debate;
    • dalcocono
      How about these guys trollio, I suppose you will foolishly claim They are Trump supporters too. Do you think they claim he's a god, like you do? Notice the mention of {poor performance" at the debate. That's not what people say about winners you know! Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett and Tommy Vietor, who were often referred to as the "Obama bros" during their tenure in the White House, dedicated the majority of their latest "Pod Save America" episode to ganging up on Biden following his poor performance in the first presidential debate, and in a subsequent interview. More evidence that you have been wrong all along and Biden lost that debate.
    • dalcocono
      Here is another news stoy that clearly shows joe did NOT have what it takes at that debate. Millions of people around the world are reading this "opinion" while about 10 people or less are reading yours! Facepalm AND lolz together! "Car crash debate" they called it! "voters in America and leaders from abroad will be watching how he holds up after his car-crash debate with Donald Trump . "
    • dalcocono
      Oh NO! Trump challenged old Joe to another debate and a million dollar golf match and old Joe chickened out! More proof old joe did NOT have "what it takes". OK, now come back with your silly comments about my spelling or my English skills, about a Trump supporter conspiracy or about Trump being god, while not showing any believable evidence that Joe "had what it takes.
    • dalcocono
      You and whuppi are certainly sympatico on this one trollio
    • dalcocono
      Here is some more commentary about hoe joe did at the debate! Better send them a scathing face palm llorona.
    • dalcocono
      "Losers always" whine about their best! Lol! I was going to leave the link to this video about George and Joe, but it was too rude for this forum I think
    • dalcocono
      "Why does every dem have dementia" he asks. Mad Maxine having wig trouble in a "car crash" interview. That description is catching on after Joe's car crash debate!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My foolishness? Actually it is the other way around for supporting Trump and the links you have added that are meaningless. Learn to read English. Debates matter a lot between the candidates. A candidate cannot win the presidency without getting interviewed first. Trump tried to go around the questions, cause he does not have answers for the American people. More cries by you and the Trump supporters.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump is your god for supporting him and creating lies to make him appear as if he won. The performance has a lot to do with the debate as well. It is exactly what determines the next candidate running for president. Quote: "just makes you look ignorant." Everyone can see how ignorant you are by adding links to speak for yourself. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I already know some of the Democrats want Biden to step down and?????????? I have been saying this too, as I did not deny it. *Another huge Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Kamala Harris also made it clear that she is not denying how some Democrats feel towards Biden, but not by what he said. Rather, by Biden's slow start. Once again, watch the debate and do not listen to Bill O'Reilly or any other biased commentator who do not like Biden.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "You keep drowning in bs with each and every post here." ??? Ask yourself that, since your links are only opinions. It's the Vice President Kamala Harris who counts to speak for Biden, just as she told Anderson Cooper.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: More proof old joe did NOT have "what it takes"." The proof is based on the debate and how Kamala Harris defended Biden. Your spelling or your English? I do suggest you learn spelling and English, now that you still can't speak for yourself, being that you are copying useless information from links by the - trademarks ™ displayed in your posts.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You have drowned in your comments at the start of your weak argument for needing links to speak for you. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Your parents should have sent you to American schools so you can learn proper spelling and English. Tu familia y tu son unos analfabetos y llorones. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      "Use your brain to speak for yourself."
    • dalcocono
      Ridiculous statement #1 I read English well tonta, and this question was about Biden being able to debate trump, not about the election. You keep trying to redirect but it isn't working. Ridiculous statement number 2. Trump is NOT a god except maybe to you since you keep insisting he is. Ridiculous statement #3, I'm not the liar here silly you are. That's why I've' called "liar liar panties on fire" so MANY times in this exchange. I'm not making anything up here. I'm posting valid news links that YOU pretend don't count. Here's another facepalm for you goofy. The links I add are FAR more interesting than the same repetitive nonsense you keep recycling, mentirosa. Yesterday you claimed it was repub conspiracy now you claim "I been saying all along" caca de vacca otraves mentirosa. Maybe you should look at the links I posted about George S and Jake Tapper. Both of those guys are FAR more widely read than you will ever be, and they both sat thru the interviews with old Joe. Silly pendeja anothe facepalm and a lol too. Ridiculous statement #4 My links are NEWS stories, some of them by people who were actually THERE paiasa. Kamala has a dog in the fight. She wants to keep her job. Ridiculous statement #5 You are still drowning in your caca de vacca mentirosa. You don't even have an argument any more. You just keep repeating yourself for days now trying to appear to be cool clever and in charge, while throwing a fit the whole time. Give it up tootsie, you are boring. Ridiculous statement #6. I went to American schools in CA. So did all my family. Still sucks to be you lolz! Ridiculous statement 7 I have been using my brain and making you look foolish the entire time. Too ignorant to educate yourself on the real deal of the debate joe lost. Get over it trollio, come up with something new and interesting. you are BORING!
    • dalcocono
      An excerpt, notice that it is still on the topic babycakes; Since the president’s disastrous performance in a debate nearly two weeks ago, the race has felt unstable, as though history were about to turn sharply. People who had stood by Biden suddenly got cold feet. Disturbing reports about his private struggles began to emerge. Elected Democrats and even a senior White House official (albeit anonymously) called for him to drop out, and donors said they’d close their wallets. Notice the debate description, "disastrous performance". They don't say that about winners tonta.
    • dalcocono
      Here's another excerpt about old tired Joe; "Never underestimate the destructive power of a stubborn old narcissist with something to prove. Ideally no one gets hurt along the way: Maybe grandpop refuses to give up his license, drives into an oak tree, and only the car gets totaled. But sometimes there are casualties: Maybe a pedestrian gets hit. President Joe Biden, 81, is acting like one of history’s most negligent and pigheaded leaders at a crucial moment, and right now, we are all pedestrians. Since his debate debacle nearly two weeks ago..... Notice the language about the debate performance. You CLAIM to be proficient in English
    • dalcocono
      Your brain is getting tired and weak. You must have been watching debate reruns!
    • dalcocono
      An excerpt from a doctor (a real doctor, not Jill); As the reports of a Parkinson's specialist doctor visiting US President Joe Biden surfaced, several TV networks have reached out to doctors specializing in that disease for analysis. And one of the physicians said, "Biden is showing the classic features of neurodegeneration." Sadly, you are too.
    • dalcocono
      George Clooney agrees with me about the debate too. You need to read something besides your own nonsense big sweety. "Actor George Clooney, a longtime fundraiser for the Democratic party, called for a new nominee to replace Joe Biden and revealed the president he saw at a fundraiser in June “was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.”
    • dalcocono
      Another excerpt found in the news by READING in ENGLISH pendeja "Kamala has an uncanny ability to lie about Joe's senility:" Greg Gutfeld ‘Gutfeld!’ panelists react to the ‘Video of the Day.’ Isn't that amazing! You have that SAME ability!
    • dalcocono
      Another excerpt about Joe; "NBC’s Chuck Todd said Wednesday that Democratic California Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to take a stance on President Joe Biden’s candidacy may be an effort to delay embarrassing him until the NATO summit concludes." Chuck Todd is not a Trump supporter. He does not thing he's a god, (like you do). If Joe had won that debate you keep lying about, this would never have come up.
    • dalcocono
      Oh no! "Et tu Barry"? "Katie Pavlich: Obama is 'handing out knives' to people trying to take Biden down Katie Pavlich, Jason Chaffetz and Juan Williams react to George Clooney". They don't do that sort of thing to winners you know trollio. Another facepalm and a couple of lolz for you again. Maybe you're just too hot from the heat wave crybaby. Go soak your head to cool it off.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Nope, you do not spell or understand English well. You keep misspelling words and you do not understand how debates work. The CNN presidential debate felt like something new for most Americans, but it is actually a return to the roots of presidential debates. Rather than a forum sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, which had organized all general election presidential debates since 1988 to further be clear, the meeting Thursday on the debate between Biden and Trump told a lot by both candidates, simply by who has answers and who does not.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Biden answered all his questions as expected, and as approved by Jill and Kamala Harris when she defended him on the CNN interview after the debate. As usual, no one is denying that Biden struggled at the start of the debate, specifically with his raspy voice. He's 81 years old. Obviously, he is old, and Trump is right behind him. So you can't expect a younger president in Trump. His time is up. That's why I have been saying that it seemed like the television needed to be turned up to hear what he was saying. Settling in is all Biden had to, which is exactly as he did.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Biden started gaining more footing, mocking Trump's physical fitness and calling him a whiner and a loser for refusing to answer questions and stay on topic. Trump offered numerous falsehoods and misleading statements in his responses.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Again and again, a candidate cannot win the presidency on lies. People are aware of the lies he told and how he couldn't conduct himself when the CNN moderators kept interrupting him to stay on topic. The Trump supporters know this, and many of them out of the 74% will more than likely have a change of mind to see who they will vote for.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump repeatedly dodging questions about whether he would accept the results of the election shows that another January 6 could occur.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Now, Biden and Trump hurled personal insults at each other, with Biden hitting Trump for his alleged affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels, and Trump calling Biden the worst president in American history. But yet again, if you watch the Kamala Harris interview by Anderson Cooper, she was accurate in her remarks.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I don't need links to speak for myself as you further do, but she did say that what was seen on the debate - that President Biden made a very clear contrast with Trump on all of the issues that matter to the American people. That's real news cause it's coming from the Vice President Kamala Harris.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are supporting something that is not there, and it is only based on people's opinions who do not like Biden. I couldn't agree more that you should soak your head in water so your hate doesn't grow towards Biden. What a cry baby you are. LOL
    • dalcocono
      More nonsensical repetitious blather and blah blah blah along with a childish "I know you are but what am I", showcasing how ignorant you really are about this event. You keep spouting the same silly denials that have been shown time and again to be ridiculous, while crying about my spelling so sad. I am not supporting either of these men. You are once again trying to change the subject of the original question and answer mongola. Just because I correctly state that Biden lost the debate, does not automatically mean I am supporting Trump, except in your tiny little trollish brain. You keep whining about "people's opinions" when all you got is your own foolish opinion that is so obviously wrong and out of step with most of the country. You only cling to it because you so desperately want to convince me that you're right. Never going to happen paiasita. Here's one by old Nancy, I suppose she's one who "doesn't like Biden. I alread showed you "opinions by Barry O and many other dems too I will keep educating you. "In those few sentences on a program Biden is known to watch, Pelosi didn’t directly call for Biden to step aside. But she did significantly reframe a delicate but urgent conversation taking place among Capitol Hill lawmakers, Democratic donors, party strategists and voters after Biden’s faltering debate performance two weeks ago raised questions about whether he can beat Donald Trump and serve another term as president." "Faltering debate performance" is how they put it
    • dalcocono
      Here is some more current events in your ongoing education; "President Joe Biden, facing a political crisis as Democrats question the viability of his campaign and mental fitness, will be put to the test on Thursday when he holds his first solo news conference of the year. The high-stakes moment is an opportunity for Biden to change the narrative after his poor debate performance triggered a drumbeat of concerns in his own party that he might be too weakened to win against Donald Trump this November. But any stumbles in the unscripted setting could add fuel to the fire, despite Biden's repeated attempts to rebuff his critics and his insistence that he is staying in the race.
    • dalcocono
      You must be a "true Bidenista" so many more people are deserting the ship "Even as more prominent supporters jump ship — Hollywood high rollers George Clooney and Rob Reiner say it's time for Biden to step aside, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stopped short of saying she wants Biden to stay in the race — true Bidenistas are digging in." Of course, Clooney Reiner and Pelosi are among Bidens "political detractors" as you claim only those who don't like the old geezer are saying he lost the debate lolz and facepalm too!
    • dalcocono
      Little George S says : "Fresh off high-stakes interview, Stephanopoulos doubtful Biden ‘can serve four more years’ He was THERE doing the interview toots. Not sitting home watching debate reruns swearing Biden won. You are so funny! I suppose George is another "Biden hater too hmm? Facepalm and lolz to you. Of course you need links to raise you out of your mire of ignorance and wrong opinion!
    • dalcocono
      Another headline for you (poor KJ-P) "Tensions flare between White House and press corps over Biden health" None of this would be happening IF he had won or even made a better showing at that debate. Just because he "answered all the question" does not mean he won, according to me and much of the rest of the thinking world.
    • dalcocono
      Here's an actual "opinion " headline for you (you REALLY do need links!) "Opinion: Why didn’t the media question Biden’s fitness for office until now? The answer is because of the devastating loss in the debate against his opponent. If he had won, NONE of this would be happening to him.
    • dalcocono
      NATO thinks Joe lost the debate too, why else would they have THIS to say? "The conversations surrounding whether President Joe Biden should remain in the presidential race are not just happening among Americans. Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasia Group and president of GZERO Media, told Scripps News that several international leaders at the NATO summit in Washington have expressed concerns about whether President Biden could serve a second term. "In NATO, these are leaders that like Biden," Bremmer noted on "The Race" with Scripps News' Chance Seales. He added, "There's not a world leader that I've spoken with this week that believes that President Biden can serve out another four years."
    • dalcocono
      You better send them YOUR OPINION of Joe's debate performance with a facepalm or 2 to straighten them out!
    • dalcocono
      "Disastrous debate performance is how it was described"!
    • dalcocono
      Jake Tapper (debate moderator) and George Clooney don't think Joe did as well as you think he did; Clooney joins a growing list of Hollywood elites and megadonors who've turned on Biden following the debate, where his halting, frail and at times confused performance alarmed supporters. Members of Biden's party, political allies and liberal media figures have also pressured the president to drop out of the race, warning he cannot beat former President Trump" Maintaining your position by trying to change the topic is simply ridiculous. Anybody can see thru that! Here's another facepalm for you! Lolz
    • dalcocono
      Uh-oh! Here's some information you'll just LOVE! About debate results.
    • dalcocono
      "Advisors looking at potential running mates for Kamala should Biden drop out" Yes they are, and NOT because Joe was the "winner"of the debate like YOU claim he was. You just keep digging yourself a deeper hole!
    • dalcocono
      There would be no "questions about his age and mental agility" if he had REALLY won the infamous debate would there. The AP noted that some statements of support were worded diplomatically in case Biden caves in to pressure to drop out. That pressure is growing after Biden's disastrous performance in the June 27 presidential debate against Trump, which has raised questions about his age and mental agility.
    • dalcocono
      This would not ever have become a part of the conversation had joe ACTUALLY won the debate like YOU continue to claim, another facepalm for you here!
    • dalcocono
      Yes indeed, terrible results. They would NOT be calling for him to drop out if he had truly won that debate you keep claiming he did. "But, he answered ALL the questions" Lolz and a facepalm! They don't call on winners to quit by a 2/3 majority dearie!
    • dalcocono
      KJP calls this joe's "big boy news conference", how cute. He should probably do a couple of lines with Hunter before he goes out there though. Elevate the old mental acuity somewhat. "Biden has argued that he had a singularly bad night in Atlanta and that it wasn't representative of his mental acuity. A strong performance Thursday could convince members of his party that he still has the ability both to win in November and to serve a second term. A weak effort — or stumbles similar to his debate performances — could make the calls for him to withdraw grow much louder."
    • dalcocono
      No "winner winner chicken dinner" for old Joe here!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I never said anything about the childish behavior of I know you are and what am I. You are way off in this subject. You are adding false words that I have never said. Stick to the argument in the subject of Biden's performance on the debate. It is that simple. You don't have an argument, since you keep adding lies of my behavior that has nothing to do with the subject. I couldn't care less about your spelling. I am letting you know that you are misspelling words so you should know. You cannot prove Biden lost the debate. You are supporting Trump for trying to find faults on Biden that are not there. You brought up the people's opinions by adding the links of Trump supporters who do not like Biden. The supposedly 74% means nothing, knowing many Trump supporters are not actually sure if they would vote for Trump.
    • dalcocono
      There are BUNCHES of stories and videos disproving your silly little theory that "answering all the questions" made him the winner of the notorious debate. You just keep blathering on with all the nonsense because of your "rep" as the answerbag troll. Here's another facepalm for you lloronota.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Nobody is denying how some Democrats feel towards Biden. Kamala Harris couldn't have been any clearer in her interview with Anderson Cooper. Biden never had a faltering debate. You obviously didn't watch the debate, so how can you be sure it was the case??? Mental fitness was not the case either at Biden's age of 81. He still answered all his questions and stayed on topic. Poor debate? You do not know what a debate is. I'll keep educating you. Debates are like interviews for people looking for a job. Questions are asked, and a person applying for a certain job position must be able to answer the questions asked. Trump dodged questions, as he knows he does not have answers. You keep calling Biden an old geezer when Trump is very close to Biden's age at 78 years old. *Another Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Hollywood actors have the right to express their opinions. I'm not denying it either. But again, the majority of voters are not 100% decided if they will keep supporting Trump. Many of Trump's supporters will continue to watch the first debate to see if they are pleased with his performance, which was just as weak as your argument of emotions and meaningless opinions. Listen to Kamala Harris - your Vice President. She speaks President Biden to say it is real news, unlike your links of fake news. Too easy!
    • dalcocono
      You said "I'm not a Biden supporter, but he looked so confident" etc etc. You finished with a "lol". Well you certainly have proven that you ARE a Biden supporter with your ridiculous defense of his lack of performance at the debate! LOLz
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I'm not a Biden supporter. I am just calling it by what I saw on the debate. Anyways, feed me more. I will get back to you later.
    • dalcocono
      I did watch much of the debate bobosa, I have said that since the beginning. Also. I read what the MODERATOR of the debate, who was actually there had to say about it. He didn't watch the same debate you claim to have watched. Yet again, this never started over the election that is coming. Stop trying to change the subject again. The subject is the 2 old guys and their debate. Which everybody knows Joe lost! Funny you use a Trump term about "fake news when I list the sources and most of them are cnn. The moderator of the debate is from a "fake news source? Nice try trollio, but a clear miss. Those links are all off of the liberal msn news site. As real as any of it is today. What IS fake though. is the mentecato comments you keep dropping. Shows how your head is still over heated and should be soaked!
    • dalcocono
      Sure you're not; liar liar panties on fire! Over 300 ridiculous unhinged defenses of his HORRIBLE performance at the debate he lost proves you lying!, Again! I told you already Kamala has a stake in supporting her boss, he's her boss. Duh!
    • dalcocono MOST of his supporters, except you of course say he should drop out. That's the way to treat a "debate winner" ennit trollio, Of course you complained about my spelling, several times. You seem to be pretty forgetful mentirosa.
    • dalcocono
      Amal must not be a good a supporter as you are trollio.
    • dalcocono
      Why would they be seeking a biden replacement since he won the debate? Because he really DIDN'T win the debate of course! lolz and a facepalm too
    • dalcocono
      Now why would they want the winner to leave the race? You know why tontita, Your stand on the debate is more ridiculous with each passing day. I'm sure it's all "fake news" though hmm troll? facepalm!
    • dalcocono
      Two in three Americans want Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll published on Thursday. 2 out of 3 Americans want the loser of the debate gone, NATO too. Not the way we treat winners. LOLZ Joe and you both lost the debate. Him because he's getting senile and you because you trolled the wrong topic! Lolz!
    • dalcocono
      I'll be giving you some more current events to further your education and understanding of the debate and it's aftermath. You go ahead and type some lies, nonsense, excuses and lame explanations and tearstained letters of how YOU think Joe won the debate. I bet you're a "very good driver" too OCD!
    • dalcocono
      I just saw the "winner of the debate" address NATO on tv and he introduced the president of the Ukraine, pres PUTIN! another big OOPS for Joe. and another lolz at you. It just keep getting worse doesn't it sweety pie.
    • dalcocono He definitely doesn't "have what it takes!"
    • dalcocono
      The leader of the free world and the loser of the infamous debate!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You did not watch much of the debate. If you did, you would know that Trump tried so hard to answer his questions and stay on topic. It is very important that Trump did, cause it will keep raising questions if he's the right person for the presidency. The CNN moderators were Dana Bash and Jake Tapper. They were reasonable with the questions they asked both candidates, based on what Americans are concerned with. This debate has a lot and everything to do with who out of Biden or Trump is the person for the presidency. Candidate debates are not constitutionally mandated, but they have become considered an intrinsic part of the election process so the people can feel free to vote according to what they hear. Not because who is younger than the other, but by the words spoken of each candidate. Biden did not lose, you continue to dream. Don't be too concerned with his 81 years of age, knowing Trump is 78 years old. If Trump was in his early 70's, then your argument would hold water, since he would have more years in him for president.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump is finished. He is not fit to be president. What you do not understand is that both Biden and Trump are filling in for the debate, until the Democrats decide whether they want to stick with Biden or go with a surprise. If it's Michelle Obama, she can and will easily beat Trump as I mentioned or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who is more liberal. The bottom line here, both would come in at the right time in the second debate. TV ratings will explode, and obviously Michelle Obama or Robert F. Kennedy Jr who could run for president, they will automatically take the spotlight, making Trump look even weaker than what he did on the first debate. Quote: "Over 300 ridiculous unhinged defenses" As Kamala Harris said, Biden touched on questions that matter to the American people, while anything else you and every other Trump supporter thinks are opinions that are up for debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      None of your links mean anything. I tried opening a recent link, and it did not work. Once again, "Use your brain and speak for yourself."
    • dalcocono
      Sure the link didn't work. Mas mentires. Pay attention now mongola, the election is not the topic. Trumps future is not the topic. Trumps supporters or detractors are not the topic. Other potential candidates are not the topic. The topic is how badly joe did in the debate. No matter how hard you try to confuse and change the topic, the fact remains that Joe lost the debate. Don't listen to kamala. She is covering for her boss. She lies too. Once again tootsie, I watched the first half and I listened to Jake Tappers comment s few days later. He was there, and he thinks Biden is as big a mess as you are. Nobody from NATO down to 2/3 of American voters believes he won that debate. You just keep trying to convince me though. it is certainly entertaining. I'm using my brain and educating myself and you on the failure of potus at the debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Your link didn't work. It's not important anyway. Do pay attention to what I'm saying in regards to the outcome of the debate, which is exactly the case here. The debate has a lot to do with the election, so there's no way to go around it. This is how it will determine who is going to win the presidency. There are possibilities of Michelle Obama and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., both running for president in 2024. No matter how hard I try? I'm not even trying, cause Kamala Harris addressed the American people after the debate. Biden didn't lose the debate, those are opinions you are coming across by the Biden haters. Watch the whole debate. Trump did not have anything positive to say. NATO will not be voting for neither Biden or Trump, only eligible voters. If this was the case, then Russia should further use their influence to elect Trump, and that's not happening like the hacking and disinformation campaign in 2016 to damage Hillary Clinton. It's the American people who are eligible to vote, and again, it is based by what the candidates have to offer. You are not using your brain to speak for yourself. You need links to make it look as if you are arguing.
    • dalcocono
      No pendeja, the debate has already happened. The election has not. See the difference? Of course Biden lost the debate. Only the stubbornly ignorant rolls dispute that. The "possibilities" of other candidates in the future have no bearing on Biden losing the debate. The Russians and Hillary have no bearing on Biden losing the debate. I use the news links to show you the absolute ignorance of your claim that Biden won, "regardless of the news opinions" Hijo de su! Que paiasa! 2016 has no bearing on Joes lousy performance the entire world has "opinions" on, that he lost! Here's an excerpt for you "Joe Biden’s gaffes have ruined months of hard work and undermined the Nato summit, diplomatic sources told The Telegraph. On stage, Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz defended the president over a slip of the tongue in which he called Volodymyr Zelensky “President Putin”. The US leader went on to call Kamala Harris “vice-president Trump”." He doesn't even know what he's saying much of the time, and often, nobody else does either!' Here's another from the press conference that was supposed to make him look better after he lost that debate; "President Joe Biden delivered his first press conference of 2024 amid questions about his future. In response to a question about VP Harris, he referred to her as "Vice President Trump." It was the first major gaffe he made at the press conference. At a press conference after the conclusion of this week's NATO summit on Thursday, President Joe Biden referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as "Vice President Trump." The apparent gaffe, the first he made at the press conference, came in response to a question about whether he had concerns about Harris's ability to beat Trump if she were at the top of the ticket. "Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if I didn't think she was not qualified to be vice president," said Biden." George S (one of your notorious "Trump supporters" I'm sure,) here's another facepalm for you, had this to say; "ABC's George Stephanopoulos makes bold statement on Biden's fitness: Can't serve four more years" None of the fluff you keep interjecting into this is relevant to your original question and my correct answer. Again, you and Joe lose
    • dalcocono
      Barry O must be one of those wicked "Trump supporters" you said were talking bad about joe's debate loss. lolz! "President Joe Biden’s campaign thinks former President Barack Obama is secretly coordinating the growing push for the president to drop out of the race, “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough asserted on Thursday. Obama allies have pounced on Biden as the president and his team strive to maintain his standing as the presumptive Democratic nominee following his disastrous debate performance. The Biden campaign and “Democratic officials” suspect Obama himself is behind the effort, Scarborough said, adding he believes it will backfire.
    • dalcocono
      Here's some more actual info instead of the tripe you keep claiming about the "debate winner" another facepalm here for you. "President Joe Biden’s travails grew significantly more dire Thursday, as a presentation by his political team to Senate Democrats about his ability to defeat former President Donald Trump left many in the audience unmoved, and many party leaders were doing little to disguise their belief that he is too old and diminished to credibly serve as Democratic nominee. A number of White House and campaign aides are plotting how to convince Biden’s inner circle that the president should reconsider his decision to stay in the race." I suppose that Bidens "inner circle" are Trump supporters too, hmm?
    • dalcocono
      Some dems on the hill are asking "who's really running the country" I bet it's Jill! "Biden has been under increasing pressure to withdraw his candidacy in this year's presidential election following a disastrous performance in last month's debate with former President Donald Trump. At least 17 sitting Democratic lawmakers had urged the president to step aside as of early Thursday evening. There has been increasing speculation about the president's mental and neurological health due to his lethargic and at times confusing debate performance, with some claiming that White House staff have been attempting to hide Biden's deterioration from the public." Clearly not about a debate winner trollio.
    • dalcocono
      Critique of potus performance at the news conference. You'll say "just an opinion" I'm sure, but this opinion is FAR MORE widely read than yours are here on answerbag, lolz. "Everyone was waiting to see if the leader of the most powerful nation in the world could answer a few questions without a script. That fact alone tells us that Joe Biden shouldn’t be running for another term. But if we grade his performance on the biggest curve in presidential history, then Biden probably did enough to stay in the race. Which is terrible news for Democrats. Sure, the president’s “big boy” press conference — which is how John Kirby and Karine Jean-Pierre ridiculously referred to it — started late. Biden was wrapping up the NATO summit, where he had just introduced Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin.” So, an inauspicious start. Biden began his first press conference in eight months by slurring his way through a campaign speech he read off a teleprompter in front of the international press. Expand article logo Continue reading When Biden finally got around to answering his first question, he promised he “wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president” if “she was not qualified to be president.” Later, the president noted that he followed the advice “of the commander in chief.” Bad news, because everything the commander in chief said about foreign policy was complete gibberish." Gibberish, like your claim he won the debate! insert another well deserved facepalm here.
    • dalcocono
      Headline from Reuters; "Biden faces more pressure from Democrats to abandon re-election bid". That would not be happening if he had REALLY won that debate you keep defending with nonsense. Just so much duck droppings.
    • dalcocono
      Joe got a 2nd place in the debate award. Lolz.
    • dalcocono
      More wisdom from the 2nd place debate winner!
    • dalcocono
      These dems must not have watched "the 2nd half " of the debacle either. Lolz.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I'm referring to the second debate analfabeto. The first debate already took place. PAY ATTENTION, (the first debate took place on June 27, 2024). It's not my fault that you did not watch the debate. You came to this subject, SEEMING to be the case, which was not. You are ignoring everything I'm saying and using links to speak for you as if they mean something. Biden did not lose the debate by no means, he clearly won the debate by his performance of answering every question thrown at him and by staying on topic. "Watch the debate" is what you need to do. Russia's interference is based to your uneducated remarks of thinking NATO means something in the 2024 presidential election. Furthermore to keep educating you, NATO will not be allowed to vote. Only eligible people can vote. Therefore, your NATO remarks are also meaningless. *Another repeated Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Biden's gaffes have nothing to do with the questions that were thrown at him. Answering questions is what actually counts. Quote: "He doesn't even know what he's saying much of the time," That has nothing to do either with the CNN moderators asking Biden questions in which he answered all his questions is all that matters. Debates are not won by any gaffes shown on camera. Touching on the questions and staying on subject determines the winner. In response to George Stephanopoulos, that's also an opinion. You don't know what debates are. Debates are given to the candidates so the American people can decide for themselves if their questions are being answered or not. In this case of the debate, Trump avoided question after question, since he doesn't have answers for the American people.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Here is the definition of the word "debate:" Example: "a competition in which teams of people, often students, discuss a subject and the team that is judged to make the best arguments wins:"
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Discussing subjects and the best arguments is what made Biden the winner. Trump repeatedly dodged questions and failed to stay on topic to make him the loser for not conducting himself. If you need more English definitions, since English is not your first language, not a problem, I'll keep adding them.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Go back to your Third World country and take your familia with you, since you are all una bola de pendejos y llorones.
    • dalcocono
      Again mongola, tell me where my 3rd world country is, which one is it? At least you're speaking Spanish instead of trollish. Your arguments and explanations are as weak as your Spanish skills. I agree, Joe DID WIN the 2nd place award at the debate that has left his party searching for his replacement. All those links give you valuable insight into why your lame opinions on the winner of that debate are so abysmally stupid! Far brighter minds than what you have are not agreeing with your crazy assessment of the 2nd place winner. Millions of dems are looking for another candidate to replace your 2nd place winner. They don't do that with 1st place winners. All you got is nonsense and duck dropping for arguments. Nothing approaching truth and accuracy. And your silly little assaults on my "3rd world country" are probably the lamest things you have said out of ALL the lame things you have said since you began this nonsense. You now sound like a MAGA republican. I'm embarrassed for you. I'm from California, born and raised as well as my family for many many generations. Stupid is as stupid does and you sure proved yourself stupid with this last set of "strategies" to try and salvage your dumbazz from this ridiculous situation you got yourself into. Just like Joe, you are the 2nd place winner too. You'll get another gold star on your forehead. Payasita cochinita. Regresale a tu país pinchi trollita apestada y besame las nachas .
    • dalcocono
      Read the news troll and learn something about current events. You are woefully ignorant., and a sniveler too. 2nd place winner lolz!
    • dalcocono
      "Potentially DOZENS of dems expected to call on Biden to STEP ASIDE." Yes indeed big sweety, this is what happens to 2ND place winners Lolz! Four Democratic sources with knowledge tell CBS News that they expect dozens of Democratic lawmakers over the next 48 hours to issue statements calling for President Biden to step out of the race. The planning is coordinated, and some of the statements are pre-written, according to two sources. And it's not clear that anything Mr. Biden said in his high-stakes press conference Thursday night could redirect the expected course of events. House Democratic leadership has indicated to members that they should speak their minds, multiple sources told CBS News. One of those well-placed sources predicted that the next three to four days will be "brutal," and that it may become untenable by sometime next week for the president to continue in the race. Maybe you should try to use the same silly arguments on them you are trying here, face palm award and lolz for you!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Whatever Third World country it is that you are from, then that's your problem for failing to write and understand proper English. I agree that your argument is just as weak as your low level of education in the US. You are dreaming yet again by thinking Trump won the debate. A debate is not what you think it is. All Trump did is rambled through the debate. This is what 74% of the people saw, which SEEMS like he won the debate, but he did not. Far brighter minds? Those are opinions by different people, and just like Kamala Harris said, it's the questions Biden answered are important, as anything else is simply to debate. Millions of Democrats are not 100% decided if they will vote for Trump and reject Biden as president. Vote your conscience is how it's done, now that millions of Democrats know Trump is not fit to be president. The truth and accuracy is based on how Biden answered every question and stayed on topic. That is not difficult at all to see. You're embarrassed for me? I'm embarrassed for you in how much you cry as a person of a Third World country. I know many of those people are not very smart when it comes to US Politics, but at least they don't whine and complain like you. Quote: "Just like Joe, you are the 2nd place winner too." Keep dreaming and listen to your Vice President Kamala Harris on Biden's performance on the first debate. *Another tremendous Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Why do you care so much about Bill O'Reilly and other people's closed-minded opinions? Answer my questions for a change. Oh, I forgot by your answer, it SEEMS to be the case to define a pendejo. ROTFLMAO
    • dalcocono
      No karen, a debate is not what YOU think it is. The world says joe got the 2nd place award. You say not. These people whose info you claim are "just opinions" have a far greater audience than the maybe 12 you have here. People listen to them. That's why 2/3 of the voters in the country say joe gets the 2nd place star, just like you. You are so determined to make yourself right in this that you are getting more and more ocd. I've explained to you that kamala is out to keep her boss happy. The dems are already polling to see how she might stack up against Trump if the loser of the debate is removed, for one reason or another. My English is much better than your Spanish is. Your trollish skills got me though. The topic is not about Trumps "fitness for the office" Never was. You are desperately trying to shift the subject again because you know that you're losing. You sound like Bidens emotional support troll. "you answered every question Joey, that makes you the 2nd place winner" Payasa. I am embarrassed for you in your desperation. I can see how you have shown yourself to be a racist karen just like in the videos. It SEEMS you are the one not very smart in our politics. You can't tell a winner from a loser. Look in a mirror, there you'll see a loser. I don't care about any of the people whose info I've shown you. I just care about their info. Because it shreds all the duck droppings you are trying to pass off as facts and statistics. You need the facepalm. You are so unhinged now that you can't even attempt to stay on the topic. You are just about to self destruct like the troll in the old story about Rumpelstiltskin. All the news links and videos I have posted show what a liar and loser you are in your nonsensical attempts at argument. Pay attention to current events. You are not the one in charge at all. Seems like I've got a nasty sick racist troll huffing and puffing at me here. Sooo Scaaawwyy. Besame las nachas otarves babosa.
    • dalcocono
      I'll be back tomorrow to share some more news with you karen. One day you'll be singing "praise the Lord, I saw the light". Until then , largate llorona.
    • dalcocono
      OH! Here's a good for you karen:
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      A debate is exactly what I think by knowing when questions are asked, they are supposed to be answered. The world is speaking their opinion about how they feel for Biden's age. The debate is what matters by which candidate answered his questions and who did not. Technically as I have been saying, Biden clearly won the debate, and not by rambling like Trump, but by addressing every question and simply staying on topic. Now if rambling determines the winner, then no one can deny Trump won. You are still clueless about the debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      People who listen to Biden-hater opinions are mislead. Opinions are not facts. What was seen in the debate and Kamala Harris speaking for Biden is what matter. I am 100% right, since I watched the full debate, and I know that Biden answered every question that the American people are concerned about.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Some of the Democrats also have their negative opinions towards Biden. That still doesn't mean the Democrats will not support Biden if no other Democratic candidate is found for the second debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Your English is much better than my Spanish? I could not agree more, being that it's only been a couple of years since I have been learning Spanish.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump's fitness and especially his age has a lot to do with who is going to be the next president by what the American people saw on the debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I'm losing? Nope, my comments focus on the debate and what the Vice President said due to how Biden struggled at the start to gain traction. People who are judging Biden's start at the debate are rather focused on his old age. Trump is not far younger than Biden, so usual, all you have are meaningless opinions, along with all the Trump supporters.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I am further embarrassed for you, just for making many people from Third World countries look unintelligent. You don't make any sense at all. Suppose that millions of Democrats as you say do not support Biden - obviously Trump will be the next president. You are wayyyyyyy off on US Politics. This is just Too funny!
    • dalcocono
      No need to be embarrassed for me karen. Your obvious racism is what's shameful. You are the one who brought the whole "3rd world county" into the conversation desperately trying to find something to attack me with. You are the one disparaging them, not I. Still trying to shift the topic from "did Joe have what it takes" to the election that is months away. Not working karen the troll. Stay on topic or stfu. Lolz. Rachel Maddow has this to say. I'm SURE she's really a Trump supporter in disguise face palm. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow suggested that President Joe Biden might be receiving polling data that was “sunnier” than the political reality following Biden’s Thursday night press conference. Biden gave a 59-minute press conference Thursday evening, during which he used the term “Vice President Trump” when he was asked if Vice President Kamala Harris could defeat former President Donald Trump and made numerous other gaffes. Maddow noted that Biden made claims about political comebacks that she said were “not actually factually accurate.” He must be getting his info from your nonsense posts here!
    • dalcocono
      You keep trying to engage me on "trumps fitness" try to focus on the DEBATE that YOU asked about in the first place trollita pendejada. The election is months away, I'm not supporting Trump, as I said already tonta, and joe won the 2nd place debate award. Clear as a bell. Another excerpt for those out there watching debate reruns and grasping at straws; "Since the debate — worth rewatching, for masochists or others doubting, with the passage of time, that it was not just bad but extremely concerning — he took part in an interview with ABC News that led the host of the program to conclude he was not fit to serve until January 2029. Two scripted interviews with friendly radio programs resulted in controversy: One interviewer admitted to editing Biden’s remarks at the request of his campaign while the other was fired after admitting that the president’s PR team fed them all the questions." Joe CLEARLY took the 2nd place prize. lolz
    • dalcocono
      Your comment about "Biden hater opinions" is absolutely HILARIOUS! Much of what I have been giving you has been from his former SUPPORTERS! You are numbingly ignorant about this event. Here is some more info for your further education mongola; "The blunders have added further pressure on Biden amid calls for him to step down or stand aside in the upcoming Presidential Election in November. Biden's lacklustre performance in the June 27 debate against Donald Trump led many to question the state of his mental capability." You keep shaking those pompoms for number 2 though sad little cheerleader. Another facepalm and a couple lolz for you.
    • dalcocono
      I'm not the one here who is "clueless about the debate karen, here's a facepalm for you. You are the clueless one here. Here's another headline about the 2nd place winner; "Biden’s brutal week ends with deluge of calls to quit and donors holding $90 million hostage" That would not be happening if he had won 1st place knucklehead.
    • dalcocono
      Here's another excerpt regarding his 2nd place performance at the debate you CLAIM to have watched; "President Biden’s high-stakes press conference at this week’s NATO summit was a triumph — for his challenger, former president Trump. Why? Because Biden’s performance did nothing to resolve the Democratic Party’s dilemma over his status as its 2024 presidential candidate. The press conference supplied Biden’s internal critics with ammunition against his candidacy, such as when he misidentified Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump.” But Biden’s answers on foreign-policy questions were also strong enough to reassure, at least for the moment, his allies within the party. The result is that Biden lives to fight another day as the Democrats’ presumptive nominee". I hope this these short excerpts will help to dispel the darkness of your ignorance about this event karen. Lolz
    • dalcocono
      Here's one from rolling stone; "Obama and Pelosi Are Counseling Anxious Dems on Biden Debacle: Report" Clearly "Biden haters" conspiring with Trump here! Facepalm, and lolz! "Two of the Democratic Party's most influential figures have privately expressed their concerns that President Joe Biden cannot win against Donald Trump. CNN reported on Friday that former President Barack Obamaa and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have been holding conversations behind the scenes, and fielding concerns from party members and lawmakers about the Biden's unraveling position at the top of the ticket." This would not be happening if old Joe had been the 1st place winner instead of the 2nd place he was. lolz. Give it up Karen, your position is as bad as general Custer's was on last stand hill!
    • dalcocono
      "House dems" this one says, not "Trump supporters nor Biden haters" lolz "A growing number of Democrats, particularly those in districts with tight races, have been calling on the president to exit the race after his poor debate performance last month. Mr. Biden spoke softly throughout the debate, flubbing lines and at times losing his train of thought. The debate prompted Democrats on Capitol Hill to begin discussing whether Mr. Biden should be the party's presidential nominee. The president was also meeting virtually with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on Friday, CBS News has confirmed. " This sort of politics is ONLY reserved for 2nd place debate winners.
    • dalcocono
      "Thousands of articles" and that "1 person " must have been YOU lolz!
    • dalcocono
      The consensus is no, Joe does NOT have what it takes. bobasa. "If last Thursday night's NATO press conference was the top of the mountain in terms of Joe Biden's lucidity and powers of persuasion, we might as well take off our crampons and oxygen tanks and throw ourselves into the nearest crevasse. While he was not worryingly incoherent like he was at the June 27 debate with former President Donald Trump, he displayed the same limitations that had many people calling for him to step aside prior to the debate fiasco"
    • dalcocono
      She is describing EXACTLY your blathering nonsense here!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Speaking of Third World countries has nothing to do with racism, as they are countries that exist. I'm totally on topic by focusing on the 2024 presidential election debate. Rachel Maddow is not real news either. She is a commentator as well. Her remarks including yours of making a comparison with Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump is foolish to believe it.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Kamala Harris is far less popular than Biden. The Democrats are not foolish to put her against Trump. *Another huge Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are supporting Trump just as every other of his supporters are for making up lies that are not based on facts. The media and voters should also be asking tough questions of Trump, not letting him dodge questions as he did in the first debate.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump actually got a virtual free pass on the debate despite of his gusher of lies, racism, accusations and stumbles. He will have to answer all his questions and stay on topic in the second debate, being the first debate was a failure for him.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "the president’s PR team fed them all the questions" You are all confused, knowing it is the debates that count. Biden answered all his questions. A candidate cannot win the presidency if they are not interviewed first in the debates. That's why as I continue to say, Jill was impressed that Biden answered every question thrown at him.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are a Biden hater along with every other Trump supporter who does not like Biden. It does mean anything though, as you come from a Third World country and you are ineligible to vote. So your opinions are really meaningless. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Much of what you have been giving me? You haven't even added anything structural. This is why your debating skills are weak. All you have are other people's opinions. Speak for yourself and do not copy opinions from others. What's wrong, did your pendeja mammy drop you on the head when you were a baby? Que pendejos. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Biden amid calls for him to step down or stand aside" I made it clear that I don't see Biden making it on the second debate by (pay attention pendejo), his old age.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      It's not what Biden did on the first debate that could cause him to step aside, but his old age, now that Biden outperformed Trump in the first debate. You are still clueless about the debate. Trump did not do anything but ramble through the debate. How else do you think the American people are getting answers to their questions when Trump kept dodging them? Get educated on debates, and also "Use your brain to speak for yourself."
    • dalcocono
      They wouldn't even suggest this if he really was the 1st place winner, instead of 2nd place. "Neurologist argues Biden ‘likely suffers’ from vascular dementia Dr. Russell Surasky, a double board certified neurologist, shares his expert analysis of President Biden’s health." He should examine you too. It's obvious you NEED your head examined. Mongola
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      A candidate cannot win a debate by rambling like Trump did. They announced it cause Biden is too old for reelection for reelection pendejo. So they need an excuse for Biden to step aside. But technically, Biden won the debate just by answering his questions and not going off topic, exactly how a debate is supposed to be won. I'm not denying that Biden suffers from dementia, so you have no argument there either. Examine me? Not quite, it's the presidential debates that count by which candidate has the intelligence to give answers the American people want to hear, and not rambling useless emotions like Trump. Are you running out of words again? Keep feeding me. Look - I'm laughing. LOL
    • dalcocono
      The debate dearie the debate, Joe took a clear 2nd, The rest of the extraneous nonsense you keep typing is not relevant to Joe losing the debate. Read the news. facepalm. lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You still do not understand how debates work. "Technically" by definition means: "in a way that relates to practical skills and methods that are used in a particular activity:" Trump dodging questions and going off topic does not declare him the winner. To win a debate in your definition, if it's by age, fitness and rambling, then I can see why you and every other Trump supporter think he won the debate. You know how ridiculous that sounds? Your supposedly facepalms keep getting repelled.
    • dalcocono
      Obviously it is YOU who doesn't understand how debates work karen the racist troll. Throwing out more of your duck droppings into the commentary doesn't change the fact that Joe did NOT WIN that debate, he took a clear 2nd place. Here are some actual facts for you troll. They are looking for VP candidates for Kamala "Six Democrats who could be VP picks for Harris" Dems in the senate, " Senate Democrats Turn on Joe Biden Some Senate Democrats appear to be turning on President Joe Biden" The dems show no confidence "56% of democrat voters wnat Biden to drop out" If Joe had been ANYTHING other than the 2nd place winner of that debate, none of this would be happening. Not a thing about your silly "trump supporters " claim at all. Face palm, You just have to get over yourself because your "troll rules" don't count for shyte in the real world! Here are some more well deserved facepalms for being so much of a meathead! Lolz.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I know perfectly well how debates work. A debate is simply an organized argument or contest of ideas in which the participants discuss a topic from two opposing sides. The format and the moderators’ decision to include open-ended questions and few follow-ups to discern detail or factual basis were conducive to the technique. It made it easier for Trump to evade, advance arguments on multiple topics, many not germane to the question, and further ramble with unsupported claims. Each candidate had to show in an organized way why they believe to have the right answers. Trump was dysfunctional. You are wrong as ever for thinking Kamala Harris will take over for Joe Biden. She is less popular than Biden. 56% of the Democrats know she will lose to Trump. Estas bien pendejo to believe Biden will be replaced with Kamala Harris. So yet again, it's a meaningless opinion. *Another gigantic Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Yours are really the only meaningless opinions on this issue babosa. Wrong out of touch and desperate to look clever to your vast audience. Should have stayed under your rock this time karen the racist troll.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Estas soñando pendejo. My opinions are technical, and that's all that matters for a technical decision.
    • dalcocono
      Yo no, mongloa, tu eres la babosada aqui tonta. Your "opinions" are caca de vacca. Not true, not accurate and not interesting. Acting like you're the referee calling a TKO! HILARIOUS! Just more troll droppings on the tear stained letters. Besame las nachas mentirosa cabrona.
    • dalcocono
      It seems Trump saved Biden for a minute from the dems and their cruel political knives! Lucky guy. That still doesn't change Joe's 2nd place star though. For two weeks, tumult enveloped the Democratic Party. Suddenly, it’s all at a standstill. Numerous Democrats said Saturday the assassination attempt at former President Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania would put a halt to any efforts to replace President Joe Biden. At least for now.
    • dalcocono
      Here's a poll of the "opinions" of the voting public karen the racist troll. They don't believe your "technical opinions" for a moment Facepalm and lolz! In the poll, more than 60% of Democrats said they would prefer someone else as the party’s presidential nominee. Almost 80% of all voters reported having concerns about Biden’s mental and physical fitness.
    • dalcocono
      Here's a headline from the BBC, trollio; "Analysis: Biden's incoherent debate performance heightens fears over his age". Nobody agrees with your nonsensical posts about the debate. You just keep spewing nonsense and trying to change the focus and looking sillier with every post. Embarazosamente pendejada mongola.
    • dalcocono
      Here are some poll results trollita apestada; "Biden turned in the worst debate performance of the cycle (worse than any of the Republican presidential candidates did in any primary debates). On average, he received a performance score of 1.99 out of 5, which was also even worse than his already-low expectations score of 2.62 out of 5 among the same respondents."
    • dalcocono
      Here's another from CBS news; " POLITICS Increasing numbers of voters don't think Biden should be running after debate with Trump — CBS News poll" Most Americans simply call "duck droppings" to your ridiculous assessment of the debate results. Keep trying to prove that he won though, using whatever gymnastics you can to claim "I'm right, and EVERYBODY else is wrong!" Lolz and a big facepalm for being a meathead!
    • dalcocono
      USA today says; "More than 70% of voters say Biden doesn't have mental, cognitive health to serve, new poll says". You don't have the "cognitive health" to troll this topic anymore either cochinita sucia
    • dalcocono
      "Even his closest allies" "Before midnight, Joe Biden would slog through 90 minutes of a debate against Trump that even Biden’s closest allies privately admitted was a disaster. Biden appeared every bit the 81-year-old grandfather that he is, stammering with a thin voice through unintelligible arguments and often staring blankly, mouth agape, as Trump lobbed one verbal attack after another. Biden froze up repeatedly and fumbled even some set-piece lines he had prepared in advance for the moment. When fielding a question about the national debt, his answer was incomprehensible as he seemed to be trying to argue for super-rich Americans paying more taxes. "We'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do—childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the—with, with, with the COVID. Excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with—look, if—we finally beat Medicare." Clearly the 2nd place winner payasa triste. Send me another maudlin tearstained letter full of nonsense now, Facepalm, lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Your opinions are meaningless. They are not based on facts. Everything I say is accurate. Nalgas? You are too old to have any buttocks. Poor old man. You have nothing structural to say. Trump didn't do anything on the debate. All he did was ramble through the debate and went off topic. A candidate cannot win a debate by how you think. Debates are won by candidates answering questions and staying on topic. It is as simple as that. Biden simply won the debate by answering all his questions. Trump's attempted assassination doesn't have anything to do with the first debate. You are still wayyyyyyy off topic. Quote: "60% of Democrats said they would prefer someone else" This is also irrelevant to the technical victory that Biden won in the first debate. Again and again, if the debate is by age, fitness and rambling, then it is obvious why people would choose Trump. Technically, not even close, as Biden answered all the questions the American people are concerned with. *Another huge Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Hehehe! Still blathering the same nonsense with a nasty Spanish word or 2 thrown in. I'm SOO impressed! All of your blah blahblah is wrong and out of touch with the rest of the country. You just keep braying like a donkey "I'm right hee haw, I'm right hee haw." But, you aren't you're just. I haven't been giving you "my opinions" moron, I've been giving you headlines and news stories and current events to try to bring some enlightenment under that rock where you lurk. I agree, about the shooting. All it did was shift the focus of the news away from Joe's TERRIBLE defeat at the debate where he took the clear 2nd place award. Regardless of your "technical (facepalm) opinion" . Who the people choose is not the topic. Who won the debate is. Joe lost. Here's how you sound with your babosada, Ya No mas digas tonterías. culero.
    • dalcocono
      Ya Cagaste y saltaste en la caca con tu babosada aqui tonta.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Nonsense? I see you are repeating your same nonsense opinions thinking Trump won the debate. You are further dreaming if you think he did. That's right, be impressed with my Spanish. Your opinions do not matter, knowing Kamala Harris is not going to go against Trump in the second debate. Trump's attempted assassination still has nothing to do with the first debate. Quote: Joe's TERRIBLE defeat at the debate" Keep DREAMING. Trump lost the debate for ignoring questions and going off topic. Americans do not want to hear about his golf skills, they want answers. That's something Trump couldn't provide. *Another enormous Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Here they are again talking about the debate, and Joe having "a good day" mensa,
    • dalcocono
      "Train wreck of a debate is what they said." Jill sounds like you with the whole "You answered every question Joey"! Lolz! Read some of the comments below the video to see who agrees with your foolishness. Facepalm!
    • dalcocono
      Just the nasty little internet troll likes him lolz
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Jill Biden's control over Joe Biden has still nothing to do with the debate or Joe Biden's gaffes. It's the answers to the questions that count. Here you go, learn the definition of an interview: "a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course:"
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Internet troll? What do you expect when you're on the internet, specifically Answerbag or any other Q&A sites? No llores pendejo.
    • dalcocono
      Yes, karen the racist troll. Ya No mas digas tonterías. Babosa.
    • dalcocono
      I know what an interview is marimacho, and I know what a debate is and I know joe came in 2nd place. Jill gave him a gold star for playing though. Órale, mija, estás bien pendejada
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Dream more pendejo. Trump didn't answer the questions Americans wanted to hear.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      BTW, I can't be racist when I speak Spanish. *Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      You are a racist troll, speaking a little bit of maldiciones doesn't change that. Trump won the debate stupid, just like joe lost it. Just like you are a loser too. Did you want to talk about my dick some more, like on the other thread? Or my ass? You sure a NASTY smelly troll!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Not exactly, I'm not a racist cause like speaking Spanish, as it is part of my job. Trump didn't win the debate pendejo. Sigues soñando, cara de limon. LOL
    • dalcocono
      No, you are certainly a racist karen troll. There are lots of your group out there. I'll post a few videos of your people for you. Here's one that could be you! Suck my lemon marimacho.
    • dalcocono
      Of course Trump won the debate, and joe took home the gold star for 2nd place. Keep lying smelly troll.
    • dalcocono
      Here is a short clip of the 2nd place winner here karen.
    • dalcocono
      Another racist karen bites the dust!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Trump did not win the debate. He failed to answer questions and stay on topic. Quote: "Just like you are a loser too." ??? Do ask yourself that for not answering my questions and also going off topic, just like Trump did.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I cannot be a racist when I believe Spanish should be spoken in the US. Speaking of debates, here's your racist from the 2016 Republican Party debate: *Another Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      You aren't convincing ANYBODY that Biden won that debate karen. You just keep jibber jabbering the same lame nonsense but it still doesn't change the fact that joe took 2nd place. He got a participation star from Jill. That's it. You are a racist karen because like the ones I showed in my posts, you demand somebody you don't know "go back to their 3rd world country" because you are annoyed and think you have a better right than me to be here. Regardless of your language opinions, you are the classic racist karen troll. No denying it after your rants and raves here karen, facepalm right back at you dearie!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My comments are totally convincing that Biden won the debate by answering all his questions and staying on topic, just as debates are supposed to be addressed. Jill did not debate Trump pendejo. She clearly stated that Joe Biden answered all his questions. Somebody I don't know? Actually, I know you well enough to know you are from a Third World country for failing to read and write proper English, not to mention all the Spanish you speak in other questions. Your argument remains weak. I biatched slapped you as soon as the first debate of Biden vs Trump was over. *A big Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      You don't know shyte from wild honey mongola. You just think by repeating the same tired old nonsense about "You answered all the questions joey" that he somehow "won" that disastrous debate. You are as senile as he is! Newsflash for you my little marimacho. MANY Americans speak Spanish. That language was spoken here in CA nearly 300 years before you gringos got here! My arguments are actually as strong as ever because they reflect the actual facts instead of your silly opinions on the real issues at hand. Here's something for you about the house dems and Joe;
    • dalcocono
      They don't do that sort of thing to debate winners tonta. Facepalms and lolz again at your silly little trolling!
    • dalcocono
      Here's an excerpt from todays news; "Democrats are already likely blistered from all the handwringing they've done in recent weeks. The party has been mired in internal disputes over whether Biden should end his campaign, undeterred by Biden's statements, media interviews and other public appearances intended to assuage worries over his fitness for office. About 20 lawmakers have publicly said he should drop out of the 2024 race, with even more voicing concerns that Biden could not only lose to Trump this November but also take House and Senate candidates down with him." This is not how a debate winner gets treated by his own party, regardless of your take on it, the dems are coming up with joe took 2nd place. Give it up toots. EVERYBODY knows Biden lost that debate. You and Jill cheerleading for him about "you answered all the questions joey" doesn't change the facts. Facepalm and lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Here's an excerpt from todays news; "Democrats are already likely blistered from all the handwringing they've done in recent weeks. The party has been mired in internal disputes over whether Biden should end his campaign, undeterred by Biden's statements, media interviews and other public appearances intended to assuage worries over his fitness for office. About 20 lawmakers have publicly said he should drop out of the 2024 race, with even more voicing concerns that Biden could not only lose to Trump this November but also take House and Senate candidates down with him. THis is not how a debate winner gets treated by his own party, regardless of your take on it, the dems are coming up with joe took 2nd place. Give it up toots. EVERYBODY knows Biden lost that debate. You and Jill cheerleading for him about "you answered all the questions joey" doesn't change the facts. Facepalm and lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Another video for you. Whether you like him or not, he's still right!
    • dalcocono
      Another video for you. Whether you like him or not, he's still right!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I couldn't agree more that you are clueless in knowing how debates work. Biden clearly answered his questions and stayed on subject. Trump did not pendejo. This is why Trump is not fit to be president for failing to answer questions the American people want to hear. Trump is a racist, he does not like your people. He puts them in concentration camps: It is making you and your people of Third World countries look bad. You are a sellout for supporting a racist. *Another enormous Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Yeah yeah yeah, you have repeated that same nonsense about a thousand times trying to be convincing. It's not working for you butch. Why do you suppose Ca rep Adam Schiff called for the old geezer to "pass the torch" publicly today? Not because he won that debate. You are a racist and a troll. Trump not so much. Again I ask you trollotta. who are "my people"? Again, which "3rd world country am I supposed to from? Anytime a fat troll tells somebody else to "go back to their 3rd world country", you can bet that fat troll is a racist karen.Whether Trump is "fit to be potus" again or not isn't the topic. The topic is who won the debate. Trump did. Here's that facepalm right back at you karen. lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      And you have been repeating the same BS that does not hold water of Trump winning the debate. There is no need to complain of what is being repeated. You can't convince rational thinkers who believe that debates must be performed by answering questions, which matter to the American people. Everything goes my way, cause as soon as you spread your misinformation and broken record, you only end up getting more facepalms. You are dreaming for thinking Trump won the debate. His debating performance on the first debate was terrible. Maybe you can pray for Trump on the second debate if not pray to Trump as your god.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      BTW, I don't have to answer your question of your Third World country. You outta be able to tell me from which Third World country do you come from. Do not be ashamed of your culture. Which country is it? Could it be Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru or any other Latin American country?
    • dalcocono
      I told you already mensa, the third world country I come from is Cali. Lots of Spanish spoken here. I see your back to calling Trump god again. Just more rerun nonsense from you each comment. I gave lots of news clips and current events and dems calling for potus to step aside and you say "but joey answered all the questions". That didn't make him anything more than 2nd place participation prize. Jill gave him a star. Like you have here for asking so MANY unanswered questions! Facepalm, lolz! Nobody agrees with your take on the debate. You just keep looking sillier
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Nope, you have not answered my question. California is an American state. And since California is close to Mexico, obviously you are Mexican. I do not have a problem with Spanish. Trump is your god for making him more than what he's not. Your news links are based on people who do not like Biden or Democrats who do not want to see Biden get reelected by his old age. It is the debate that declares the winner by what was said. And you are still repeating the same broken record of Jill. Do keep looking to see who is not sillier, but the silliest. *Another Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Not a very bright troll are you mensa. Cali WAS Mexico, and New Spain before that. Did you ever read a history book? Alaska is close to Russia so I suppose that makes those Americans Russians in you ridiculous worldview que Tonta. Ich spreche auch Deutsch schlampe, aber Ich bin gar nicht Deutschlander. You are still just acting the fool here online trying to appear to be smart. FAIL! You are still the nasty racist troll who thinks Trump is god. You just keep getting dumber with each post you make. My newslinks are based on current events and much of them on dem opinions. Your whole ridicuolus notion that it is only Trump supporters calling for the 2nd place debater to step down is just another 1 of your trollish little lies. Nobody accepts your stupid little suggestion that "Joey answered all the questions" makes him the winner. That is just you trying desperately to convince sombody else of your errors. It's not working fat little troll. Here's another link about what Chuck Schumer said to Biden. I suppose you'll claim Schumer is also a Trump supporter now? Facepalm and lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Here you go karen the racist troll, another cnn story about the biden campaign. I suppose cnn is now a conservative Trump supporting your god media outlet too? Facepalm lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Can't wait for you to tell me AGAIN that "Joey answered all the questions" and the trolls agree that makes him the winner. Facepalm and lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      That was then, this is now. California became the 31st state of the United States on September 9, 1850. If you want to bring up Alaska, we might as well discuss the Baltic and Slavic states being also part of Russia. You are not Russian, so the case here: California is an American state. Precisely like I mentioned, you are Mexican. I already knew California was a part of Mexico and the Southwest states of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Southwestern portions of Wyoming. It still doesn't change that your likes are from a Third World country. To further educate you here, "If you're not white, you're not right." At least be proud to call yourself a Mexican by your heritage, cause you certainly are not white pendejo.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You still remain clueless about how debates work. Trump failed to answer his questions and stay on topic, making him look like a failure. The candidate who has answers obviously knows what the American people want. *Another enormous Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Well then fat little white troll. If you know all that, then you should be aware that there are LOTS of non Mexicans who speak Spanish here in the golden state. You even have a few rosetta stone skills karen. Once again you have proved yourself to be a racist and a karen and a troll. You only think you're smart. I'm not a Mexican mensa. I'm an American. My "3rd world" country is Califas. You aren't educating anybody marimacho. You just acting the fool.
    • dalcocono
      I know exactly how debates work estupida. I know who won this one too. Joe got the coveted star by his name for his 2nd place participation award. Regardless of your semantics, that is the fact. Trump the guy you keep mistaking for god, won the debate. All your bullshyt and nonsense excuses doesn't change that. Trollia. It just makes you look more foolish. Biden is being assaulted by his own party to get out of the race because he lost. You really need a facepalm here! Lolz.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Non-Mexicans does not make people Mexicans. You are Mexican by your heritage or you are a sellout, just exactly as I called you. If you are not white, you are a minority who is classified as "Hispanic." Oh, you know what many racist Spaniards from Spain say about your race? You are a "hybrid" of an inferior race. And to white people, you are not American, but a Mexican. *Another huge Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      No pendejo, debates are not what you think. If a candidate cannot answer questions, then they are not fit to be president. Keep praising Trump who is your god. LOL
    • dalcocono
      More bs and ignorant blah blah blah from the knuckle head. Have I told you lately that you don't know shyt from wild honey about me conyo? You just keep showing yourself to be a disgusting racist karen who will probably get gob smacked at a gas station soon for your stupid trash talk marimacho. There you go again, stupidly proclaiming former potus to be god. Edging on blasphemy here trollio. If a candidate can't keep the support of his own party after a 2nd place showing at a debate, he is the clear loser. I haven't been praising Trump at all estupida. I have simply been showing you that joe lost the debate to him. Mas mesna diario butch mongola! facepalm and lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      It's only the truth I am telling you about the first debate and your heritage. I know everything I need to know about you, being that you have told me plenty about yourself. I cannot be racist for supporting that Spanish should be spoken and taught in US schools. You should be proud to be Mexican if you truly believe in La Raza. Get smacked at a gas station? I don't stop by at gas stations were it is filled with poverty and the likes of you and chanates. If a candidate can't keep the support of his own party - Biden who is the candidate, apparently the Democrats can see he is too old for reelection. While Trump is only 3 years behind. Get that through your cabeza.
    • dalcocono
      Actually you are completely wrong on both subjects conyo. Of course you're a racist and soon, you'll slip up in real time and get gob smacked for it, and somebody will put it on youtoube for us all to laugh at. Once again marimacho, you don't know a thing about me. You are just guessing! Yet again, failing to appear clever or bright in still another nonsense post. I keep telling you I'm not a Trump supporter, pay attention.. Give it up estupida. You just keep making yourself look bad! Facepalm, lolz! A headline for you about the "winner" facepalm! The New York Times People Close to Biden Say He Appears to Accept He May Have to Leave the Race
    • dalcocono
      Here's an excerpt about the "debate winner" for you facepalm, lolz! "It’s been a challenging time for President Biden. Many of the top-ranking Democrats in the House and Senate have privately told him to abandon his campaign for a second term. The DNC has delayed its roll call vote to nominate Biden, ostensibly on these top Democrats’ urging. The polls are really bleak; just yesterday, the Associated Press released the results of a poll conducted with the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that found nearly two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to leave the race." This would not be happening mongola, if he had done better than 2nd place participation award, lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Another excerpt from todays headlines butch; "Democrats are facing two crucial questions: (1) Keep Joe or dump Joe; and (2) in the event of the latter, do you bump Vice President Kamala Harris to the top of the ticket or hold an open convention? NONE of this would be happening to the sitting potus if HE HAD WON THE DEBATE! Sadly, it is only internet trolls who refuse to believe the clear evidence that Joe only took 2nd place. Facepalm, lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Bernie Sanders had this to say, " “So I would much prefer to have somebody who can’t put three sentences together who is setting forth an agenda that speaks to the needs of working-class people.” When Chotiner described Biden as having “trouble completing a single sentence,” Sanders replied simply, “He does.” But he is STILL voting for him! He would never claimed Joe won the debate though. He is smarter than that. Conyo. Facepalm, lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Jake Tapper says "it just SEEMS" etc etc facepalm and lolz! Jake watched the ENTIRE debate too! Another facepalm.
    • dalcocono
      Oh No! Even the view knows Joe lost that debate! Lolz facepalms galore! SEEMS you are the only one who doesn't know how a debate is lost or won!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I am totally correct on both subjects. I can't be a racist when I speak Spanish even better than you do as a Spanish speaker. I cannot get smacked for it, being that I am extra cautious of the places I go to. I know plenty about you. No guessing here, since you are a Mexican with traits of a Third World country. You are a Trump supporter by praising him as your god. You are dreaming, thinking Trump won the debate - based on, you don't know how debates work. It's been a challenging time for Biden? I believe it to be true, but that doesn't change the first presidential debate by which Biden answered all his questions and stayed on topic. Trump lost the debate pendejo for not answering the questions the American people want to hear. The CNN moderators further ridiculed Trump for not staying on topic. Do learn the definition of a debate. It is very simple to understand what a debate is by: "a discussion or argument about a subject:" A debate does not mean dodging questions like Trump did and going off topic. It further proves you can't read or write proper English. Do take English classes old man. *Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Oh not even, you are totally wrong again as usual. You must be from a 3rd world country then if you think you can speak Spanish better than me. You don't know a thing troll. All you got is a stupid opinion. You are still claiming nonsense that Trump is god. Of course, Trump won the debate. That's why Joe is being pushed out of the next election by HIS OWN party. Iwonder if it hurts to be as stupid as you are. You keep going ocd on me here with the "you answered all the questions Joey". David and Dana should have shown you how silly that statement is tonta. Nobody but you thinks Trump lost the debate. You standing by that ridiculous opinion does not make it true butch. I, and most of the world agree that poor old joe took 2nd place. Those moderators are now saying Joe will never make thru another term. How much difference a couple weeks makes mongola. You should try to figure out why nobody agrees with your nonsense here. Even Joe knows he lost conyo. facepalm and lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I am totally correct on everything you mention. I must be from a Third World country to speak better Spanish than you? Actually, that's why Spanish classes exist pendejo, and to be more right, English classes also exist so you can take some. I know enough about you, since it is easy to see. Trump is your god just for making him appear like something he's not. What he is, a racist for putting your people in concentration camps like animals. Learn to read English, simply cause I am not denying that his own party want him to drop out of the presidency. This is based on his old age and not by his performance on the first debate. How else do you think an 81 year old man as Biden can run for reelection??? Trump lost the debate for avoiding questions and changing the subjects. Everything that leads to Biden stepping down is by his age. I told you Biden's age many times. How old do you think Biden is?
    • dalcocono
      Crybaby lolz
    • dalcocono
      More liar liar panties on fire from the crybaby troll. All your nonsense is just laughable troll. You are simply jumping up and down in rage saying the same bullshyt over and over again and pretending like it's clever and original. It is stupid como ti. You keep calling trump god as though your blasphemy is supposed to annoy me. Wrong again. You are the racist not Trump as can be clearly seen by the people who he has been photographed with over the years. Wanting a regular border like any other country in the world has, is not racism mensa. It is the common sense we keep hearing about. Oh no, his party wants him to drop for SURE due to his lack of performance when he took 2nd place at the debate. If he had won that debate, is age would not be an issue. That is clearly all over the news! Liar liar panties on fire again. You keep shaking those pompoms for joe though. It makes you look dumber every time, knucklehead!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      There are no lies on my behalf, just the truth about the first presidential debate, your Third World country likes, saying Trump is your god and etc. My nonsense? It's the other way around, as I can't stop laughing at your silly remarks. Repeating myself? I absolutely agree that you have been repeating the same broken record. There is nothing blasphemous about calling Trump your god for making exaggerated claims about him. Quote: "Wanting a regular border like any other country" And you still can't prove when was the last state of emergency crisis the US has had under Biden's administration. The Democrats want Biden to drop out because of his old age. You are still dreaming if you think Trump won the debate, which he didn't. He cannot answer questions or stay on subject to further say you are clueless about debates. Look up the definition of the word "debate" if you do not want to take my word for it. *Otro Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      HAHAHA! That very first sentence is a lie! The rest is just the same old same old boring bullshyt you've been screeching for weeks now. Are you just going to pretend you couldn't see the view and Jake Tappers talking about who won the debate links? HAHAHA! The dems want him to drop out because of his terrible 2nd place performance at the debate. It has made him unelectable in their opinions. Lying about it here on AB doesn't change the facts troll. Just more liar liar panties on fire from karen the racist troll. Facepalm, and lolz! Crybaby
    • dalcocono
      Another excerpt from today's news trollio Notice the wording about "devastating debate" etc. "But concerns have mounted among party leaders, donors and even officials who are part of his re-election effort with every day that has passed since a devastating debate three weeks ago. At the same time, Democrats are watching Republicans rally around Trump, who just survived an assassination attempt and accepted his party’s nomination Thursday night."
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Not quite, my remarks are 100% accurate based on everything you say about the presidential election and yourself. I do agree you are repeating the same broken record, so obviously you don't have anything new to say. Your links are meaningless, as they are people's opinions. When it's official, then it counts, and precisely like Kamala Harris said, Biden answered all the questions the American people want to hear. There's still no way to go around Kamala Harris, other than Biden's old age. You are further dreaming for thinking Trump won the debate. He clearly lost by avoiding questions and going off topic. Do look up the definition of the word "debate." Trump's performance on the first debate was devastating. The American people need answers, and not emotions by Trump. *Another Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Your remarks are bullshyt and troll shyt. Mostly lies and twisted opinions. Not even worth looking at! Poser! You just keep blathering the same silly stuff over and over because of your ocd affliction. Still doesn't make it true or accurate. Nobody agrees with your ridiculous take on the debate. This is why they want to force old Joe out. Because he took a clear 2nd place tonta! Cantar y no llores mandilona. lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My remarks are the absolute truth, unlike yours that do not hold water. What's twisted is your failure to understand how debates work. Not even worth looking at me? Now you're completely lost, cause I don't see why you are looking at me to begin with. The first presidential debate is what is there to discuss. Nobody agrees with me? Obviously the Democrats do not favor Trump. The Democrats want Biden out cause he's old. Continue to cry lloron, being as Trump lost the debate for not providing answers. I'll be back tomorrow Saturday pendejo. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Yawn again boring troll. Same old same old bullshyt and nonsense from you with every one of hundreds of posts. It's the DEMS telling Biden to drop out because he took 2nd place in the debate.Of course you'll be back here on Saturday. You have no other life outside of your moms basement and your trolling. Muy triste creyo Mongola mensa
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      There is nothing to yawn about. Politics is not boring. Keep dreaming if you think Trump won the debate by failing to touch on questions that matter to the American people. I know the Democrats have been telling Biden to drop out of the race. You don't read well, simply cause I have not denied the Democrats want Biden out. How old is Joe Biden? You said you hardly read my comments, but you can at least tell me his age.
    • dalcocono
      Yawn again, I meant that YOU are boring. Same old same old fake news from the troll day in and day out. Same old lameazz attempts at insult trying to be the tuff widdle twoll. Read some of those news links I posted for you troll. Several of them proclaimed his age. I will say that he is only 8 or 9 months older than Mick Jagger! What a difference in the 2. I have given you all the information you need to see the error of your beleaguered position on joe and his 2nd place win. His support is not being withdrawn due to his age. It is being withdrawn because of his debate loss I don't see any 3xl black belt on you here mami. jajaja
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I cannot be boring when I am speaking about Politics and specifically the first debate. All you have are fake news by Biden haters. Insults? All you have are insults too, not that they mean anything, as you use them to change the subject. Read your links? Speak for yourself pendejo. None of them mean anything, knowing you are a Bill O'Reilly supporter too. Quote: "I have given you all the information you need" You have given me meaningless information. Just 1 video I added of Kamala Harris dismantles all your links, knowing she's the Vice President who addressed the nation in her interview with Anderson Cooper. The American people want answers, which is something Biden provided and Trump didn't on the first debate. *Another huge Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Tell your obese granddaughters to lose weight. LOL
    • dalcocono
      I'm telling my obese troll jenny the snot to lose weight so her imaginary "black belt" might fit around her fat body. Wah wah! BWAHAHAHA
    • dalcocono
      Oh how comical "I cannot be boring". Just because you find yourself interesting toots, doesn't mean you aren't boring everybody else to tears with your nonsense estupida. If you are too dense to pay attention to current events, why would anybody want to listen to your stupid opinions on anything. Pitiful little payasa! Some photos describing you!
    • dalcocono
      Oh look, another senator who disagrees with your nonsense about the debate! Bwahahahah! Better send him some silly messages telling him how joe "won the debate", facepalm and a lolz! "Sen. Joe Manchin, I-W.Va, on Sunday joined growing calls for President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race. Manchin, who left the Democratic Party in May but continues to caucus with Democrats, said that during the first week after the president’s poor June debate performance he initially thought Biden “needed time to evaluate and make a decision if he was going to at that time. Note the description of the presidents "POOR DEBATE PERFORMANCE". Keep trying to convince everybody that Joe won anything other than 2nd place though. It just makes you look more and more silly. facepalm, and lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Here are some comments from bay area citizens about old Joe; You should probably go and pick a fight with these folks too for not agreeing with your nonsense! Tell the about how "You won Joey! You answered ALL the questions!" Post David and Dana's video for them too, facepalm, lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I couldn't agree more when you speak of your obese Mexican granddaughters. I still don't see anything boring about what I'm saying, since I'm totally on the subject of the first presidential debate. Quote: "If you are too dense to pay attention" Sayyys you who did not watch the debate and who listens to Bill O'Reilly? I figured so. Clown? Do ask yourself that for getting links to speak for yourself. Use your brain pendejo. Quote: "another senator who disagrees with your nonsense" No one is denying the Democrats want Biden to drop out. And it's not because of the first debate, being that Biden answered all his questions and Trump did not. Quote: "after the president’s poor June debate" Kamala Harris made it clear that it's the questions Biden answered is what counts. They are questions Americans are concerned with. And yet again, Trump failed to answer questions and stay on topic. Do learn the definition of a "debate." *Another huge Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Here we have the 2nd place winner DROPPING OUT of the race! There we have it.
    • dalcocono
      You're my obese mami, trollota y te mames bien jajaja. EVERYTHING you keep REPEATING over and over again is just smelly troll droppings, and it's totally boring. You just can't get enough of your own bullshyt is your problem. Still crying about the messenger and the informative links eh? You've been crying about them since last June now. Why change your "strategy" facepalm, lolz. Yes they wanted him to drop out and if you believe it isn't because he lost that debate, then you are really stupider than I give you credit for. Facepalm. If he HAD WON that debate, and made a strong showing against his opponent, they would NEVER have forced him to back out. Again, "You answered all the questions Joey" that means you won!" Dana and Dave have a great video on that, should I post it again for you Mensa? Do face the facts that Trump won that debate, and the dems have forced the loser to back out. It ALL hinged on that debate. facepalm, lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Your link means nothing. My paycheck is wayyy bigger than those 2 knuckleheads. I have been saying that it's only a matter of time before Biden drops out of the presidency, but it is not because of the first debate. It's because of his old age. Repeating myself? And you keep repeating the same broken record, so what difference does it make? I agree, that your BS is stuck on Trump's poor debating performance on the first debate by not answering questions the American people want to hear. June? Since June you have still not started anything structural to say how weak is your argument. Quote: "you are really stupider" ??? Do ask yourself that for coming from a Third World country. Quote: "Trump won that debate," You keep dreaming, being that Trump doesn't have answers for the American people. Biden did provide answers pendejo.
    • dalcocono
      Another excerpt from todays news for you meathead, facepalm lolz. "It marks an extraordinary turn for Biden, who for three weeks remained defiant in the face of growing calls from Democratic lawmakers that he withdraw after a disastrous June 27 debate with Trump raised scrutiny over the president's mental fitness. Keep up with the USA TODAY Network's live updates." Notice the words "disastrous debate " used by the journalist. Just another example of how wrong you are dearie. You said all that same tired bullshyt about 1000 times already, and it's still lies. Give it up trollita odiosa lolz! Mira los links mami
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Nope, no one is denying that Biden will drop out, which is exactly your so-called expert link is also meaningless, being that I knew Biden is too old for reelection. Quote: "lawmakers that he withdraw after a disastrous June 27 debate" Not exactly, Trump lost the debate for failing to answer questions and staying on topic. Biden technically won the debate by providing answers for the American people. I really couldn't agree more with how incorrect you are by not understanding how debates work. A debate is not about rambling like Trump, but to address the nation with questions that matter to the American people. *Another enormous Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Blah blah blah again troll. Joe lost the debate and his party dedided to replace him because of it. No amount of your mentires estupidas changes that or convinces anybody. If he had won, he would not be replaced simple. You got 2nd place like joe. Deal with it mula!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      All you have is blah blah blah, as they are the first words that came out of your mouth when you were an ugly baby. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Biden did not lost the debate. He answered every question that was thrown at him. He simply is too old to run for president by his age. Get that through your empty head pendejo.
    • dalcocono
      Yawn, here you go again using my answers to you and repeating yourself over again. That's a sign of encroaching senility you know. Everybody knows that if Joe had won that debate, he would not have been pushed out by his own party. Give it up loser. He quit because he lost the debate, facepalm, lolz! You're still an ugly troll and you smell apesta tambien.
    • dalcocono
      They don't throw winners out of the race cucaracha
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You have been repeating yourself many times, so it does make no difference what I say. And that's a sign exactly as I described as a broken record. Everybody knows that Biden is not fit to be president. He was filling in for the first debate, giving the Democrats more time to find another candidate. Technically Biden won the debate, just by answering all his questions. That's all that matters. The first debate was from CNN. The second debate is scheduled on September 10, 2024 by ABC News. If you do watch the upcoming debate with Trump vs who the Democrats find, pay attention to the candidates when questions are asked and if they stay on topic. Sounds very simple.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      La cucaracha? Actually, white Americans say Mexicans live with cucarachas. LOL
    • dalcocono
      If it doesn't make any difference then quit talking chango. The topic was NEVER his fitness, nor his opponents fitness. You are still trying to refocus the topic aren't you mami. The topic is "does Joe Biden have what it takes to outdebate Donald Trump" That was the question I answered that started you off on a month long rant and rave over my simple 1 sentence answer. Try to stay focused cucaracha.
    • dalcocono
      Must be lunch break at the Walmart again.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quit talking? You wish. This topic I asked on Answerbag is about if Joe Biden has what it takes to outdebate Donald Trump in the first debate. You got that part right for saying it. What it is to fill in for the first debate is that Biden had to defend his presidency. The first debate does not determine who will be the next president. The second debate will determine who will be the next president, as it is when people will go vote. You answered my question by "seeming" to be the case. You did not watch the debate. It doesn't get any simpler, a candidate is asked a question, and it should be addressed, and not jump off topic like a monkey.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I do agree that you live with cucarachas, as well as you shop at Walmart for mentioning them. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Well cucaracha, we ALL KNOW that Joe Biden won't be the next potus don't we . We all know who took the big 2nd place prize and got booted out of the running don't we. I agree you are una cucaracha susia. I may go answer your question about walmart in the UK. next We have been all thru your troll shyt about watching the debate. I showed you what the moderators had to say about it, and they were there for the whole event, gorda. That comment estupida is worn out now chango. Bwahahaha. facepalm
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Who said anything about Biden being the next president - when I made it clear many times that he was filling in for the first debate as a president, giving the Democrats enough time to find a Democratic candidate? So far, Kamala Harris is receiving a wide range of support. I doubt if she can beat Trump for the presidency, since she is less popular than Biden. But there is a week an a half to go in a July, including August if and I say IF Kamala Harris is it. Biden did not take second place. As usual, his old age is what done it for him, and not his debating performance. Trump was clearly the loser for not answering questions and staying on topic.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Cucaracha? You have acknowledged your pest infestation as a Third World country person. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      To my, Does Walmart exist in the UK? Do answer it so you can see what I have to say.
    • dalcocono
      Of course he took 2nd place. If not, he'd still be the nominee. Wise up a little. You make yourself look dumb! That "filling in" statement may be the dumbest thing you've claimed so far! facepalm! You can't seem to stay on topic either, and Trump is the nominee, go figure! lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Biden can't get reelected by his old age. Trump just simply walked through the first debate, even as he failed to answer questions and stay on topic. *Another big Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Biden can't get elected because he was pushed out by his own party because he lost the debate to Trump and he lost the confidence of his party bosses and his major donors. If he had won that debate, he would still be the candidate. There is nothing in the constitution saying he can't run because he's 81, facepalm!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Who said anything about Biden getting reelected? I made it clear that Biden cannot get reelected because he is too old. Biden did not lose the debate to Trump. It is Trump who failed to answer questions and stay on topic. Biden did answer his questions. It's his old age why the Democrats wanted him to drop out. *Another big Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      You did pendeja, in the comment before this one. You are LOSING it mami. Sigh, OF COURSE HE LOST THE DEBATE. This is why they made him drop out. Denying it over and over again doesn't change the facts pendeja mami. Todavia, te mames facepalm Made you cry again lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Losing it? Not even close, you lost this discussion as soon as it started, simply cause you didn't watch the debate. I watched it all, and I know Biden had a rough start, but once settled in, he answered all his questions, just as a candidate is supposed to do. Trump was the failure and lost the debate for dodging questions and going off topic. Still, you need to look up the definition of the word "debate" pendejo. *Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Uh-oh! More bullshyt! EVERYBODY knows Joe lost that debate except you tonta. You have copy/pasted that same stupid lie at least a dozen times, and I keep telling you repeating it does not make it true, it just makes you foolish. Tu eres jodida cabrona facepalm jajaja!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Everybody knows that dodging questions and failing to stay on topic is BS. That's what Trump did. Learn to "debate" pendejo, now that you still have not started anything structural, but the same broken record of seeming yo think Trump won by which his debate performance was a disaster. *Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Here's what ABC news had to say about the debate TODAY pendeja "That election battle came to an end on Sunday as Biden acquiesced to a month of intense pressure from Democrats to change course after his poor debate performance reignited questions about his age and whether he could successfully take on Trump to win another four years in office." "Poor debate performance" is also why he is not running now, because his party told him he lost the debate and would probably lose the election. You and Jill will probably still vote for him though, facepalm. Your position on the debate is indefensible tonta, get over your "he won because I said so" nonsense, and step into the real world, where Joe is no longer the nominee, and Trump is. Debate winners get nominated it SEEMS not 2nd place participants facepalm!
    • dalcocono
      Not how they treat debate winners facepalm
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The ABC News link does not prove anything. Biden did not have a poor debate. The Democrats have been pushing ever since the first debate started that Biden was not fit for president. The first debate was just used to fill in the spot, giving the Democrats more time to find a new candidate who will represent them. Technically if you watched the debate in which you didn't, no matter what Biden did on the first debate, the Democrats were still going to replace him. A debate is not what you think. It is a process that involves formal discourse, discussion, and oral addresses on a particular topic or collection of topics, often with a moderator and an audience. Trump failed to answer questions and stay on topic, making him the loser for failing to answer what Americans want to know. You are looking at the surface of the first debate. This is why you are clueless. *A gigantic Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      How old do you think Joe Biden is?
    • dalcocono
      Here you are on your lunch break from walmart, just like I knew you'd be. You are sure predictable fat mami. Look again at Dave and Dana and Jill here Joe took 2nd, place clearly and unequivocally 2nd place. Denial doesn't change that a bit. sorry. You keep using that word "technically" as though joe got a "tko" at the debate. Never happened, which is why he has been removed from the running by people who are obviously more in tune with the news than you are. "Clueless" is the person saying "you won joey, you answered all the questions" I knew you would be here on your walmart lunch break fat mami, because I got you now. You're my butch face palm, lolz!
    • dalcocono
      Joe is 9 months older than Mick Jagger. That's how old he is. I just LOVE the way I tell you to come hither fat mami and you show up to accommodate me. Giving up your free time to follow me around and see what I said while you were working, then going to every thread to leave a silly reply. You are so much fun. I appreciate the dedication and the sacrifice of your time off and your weekends to come when I whistle facepalm, BWAhahahaha!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I do agree that your obese granddaughters work at Walmart, along with you shop there and also steal there. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Biden didn't lose the debate. It was Trump who lost the debate for failing to answer questions and stay on topic. Biden's time was up as an old man to go for reelection. It did not really matter how Biden performed. It was just a matter of time before the Democrats decided to have him drop out of the race by his old age. Winning a debate technically is to answer questions and stay on topic, which is exactly what Biden did. Trump's debate performance was a disaster. He did not address the American people by the questions the CNN moderators asked him. *Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Sure he did. ask these guys. You were probably the ONE PERSON they mentioned who said he had a great day. You don't get to decide the guidelines of "winning a debate" you ninny. Nobody is going to listen to that nonsense. Joe DIDN'T win and he SEEMED to have a bad night facepalm. lolz!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I do not have to ask anyone. Trump was given a free pass in the first debate. Everyone is aware that Biden is not 4 years younger as he was when he beat Trump in 2020 for the US presidency. 4 years have come, and the Democrats already knew Biden's time was up. I as an American citizen demands answers and I get to decide who won the the first debate. You don't get to decide as a Third World country person. LOL *A gigantic Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Bwahahaha! Sillier and sillier with each new response. 2020 was a long time ago and not relevant to last months debate. Well of course I get to decide. You don't get to decide who gets to decide pendeja. facepalm, aqui esta el oso otraves fat mami
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      2020 was 4 years ago. You did not understand what I told you. If and I say IF Joe Biden was 4 years younger, the Democrats would go with him as they did 4 years ago. But Biden is too old for reelection. That is what caused the Democrats to have him drop out of this year's presidency. A second term is off his reach.
    • dalcocono
      I agree with you that he is too old and he is faiing. However, I still disagree that he is being replaced because of his age without considering his terrible debate statistics. If he had walked all over Trump, none of this would be happening to him IMHO. He would still be the nominee.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I still disagree that he is being replaced because of his age" Let's see. Suppose Biden's age wasn't a problem as you say, he would be how old by the time he completes a second term?
    • dalcocono
      That is the topic of another question, not this one. This one focuses on how he did at the debate. Still trying to change the subject unsuccessfully here. If he had won that debate, his age would not be an issue. His terrible performance at the debate is why his age is now an issue. The debate is the reason his party has pushed him out.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      That's not the topic of another question. You are saying Joe Biden's age is not the problem. Here is what you said and I'll quote it again: "I still disagree that he is being replaced because of his age" How old is Joe Biden? And how old would he be by the time he finishes a second term IF his age was not the issue?
    • dalcocono
      Yes it is. The topic is his performance at the debate. That is all I intend to address here. I'm not following you down some trail to other topics. He was replaced by his party because of his terrible perfomance at the debate. How many times do I have to tell you how old he is? Can't you remember from one time to the next. His age, a second term and his age in 4 years is not the topic. You should go back to the beginning of this thread and reread your original question and stop trying to change it now.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Nope, Biden is too old for reelection. It was never about his performance. Trump got a free pass, as the first debate did not mean anything. The Democrats already had it planned to get rid of Biden for a surprise that awaits on the second the debate. Biden did not have a terrible performance. It was Trump who had a terrible performance by avoiding questions and not staying on topic, cause he knows he does not have answers for the American people. And just like Trump, you are dodging my questions. I will ask you again in the upcoming days.
    • dalcocono
      Yes, he's too old for the job. no he wasn't discarded because of that. He failed to beat Trump at the debate and the nation lost confidence in him because of that. I've told you at least twice how old Joe is. I don't need to keep reminding you. We can clearly see who was the winner and who was the loser in the results. The winner was nominated for potus, and the loser was forced to drop out of the running. Simple
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You got the part right were Biden is too old. Although you are incorrect for saying his age has nothing to do with his presidency drop out. You are going backwards for saying Trump won the debate in which, everyone knows he got a free pass to advance to the second debate in Trump vs a surprise. I'm still curious to get your answers on the questions I asked you. Take your time. There is never a rush on this site to answer questions.
    • dalcocono
      Here is the American consensus. YOU must have been the ONE PERSON these guys mentioned! Biden failed at the debate. What questions?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      In the video, everybody is entitled to their opinions. You have not answered my questions. Here they are for the THIRD time: "How old is Joe Biden? And how old would he be by the time he finishes a second term IF his age was not the issue?"
    • dalcocono
      Again, pendeja, he will be 82 if he lives until november. If you aren't able to add 4 to that number, then ask again and I'll do it for you. That isn't why he has been rejected by his party. His dismal debate results is why that happened. All you got is "opinions" too.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You cannot read or write proper English, and you can't do math either. Eres un pendejo. Read carefully, (I did not ask how old he will be in November). I asked, how old is Joe Biden and how old would he be in a second presidential term, since you still have not answered my questions "precisely." I understand you are Mexican and you dropped out of school. Give math a try and give me some numbers.
    • dalcocono
      You really are una estupida if you can't see the answer in front of your face. Maybe look back at other answers and see the numbers I gave you that you seem to hav overlooked. Mensa!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      This is between me and you. I'm looking for specific answers of yours. The whole SEEM thing didn't go well for you. What's done is done already. You have to figure out how to bring your answer to a conclusion, were we can somewhat agree. The same broken record is not going to work.
    • dalcocono
      No, you are the broken record and you can figure out to accept the facts of the debate results. You have been repeating the same thing over and over again since this started, and it still is WRONG!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I'm repeating what you are repeating. Those debating results is what the Democrats wanted. It's Joe Biden's age that made him drop out. Facts: 81+4=85. Joe Biden at 81 years old... 1. He can barely talk. 2. He can barely walk. 3. He stumbles almost everywhere he goes. 4. He falls asleep during meetings. 5. He gets people's names confused. At 85 years old, there is no way Joe Biden could have been reelected.
    • dalcocono
      You claim all these facts and still claim he won the debate. He isn't 85, he's not yet 82. His biggest "stumble" was the debate. It cost him his 2nd term. IMHO
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Joe Biden is 81 years old at the present of 7/29/2024. In 4 more years, he will be 85 years old. Since he can barely sustain himself, imagine in another 4 years. He is prone to injuries as an elderly person. This is why he is better off being sent to a nursing home or retired at his house with someone taking care of him.
    • dalcocono
      That is a statement we can certainly agree on.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐

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