• Biological, we have different features, black people by rule, have heavier muscle mass, so are stronger, also people can be more prone to different diseases such as diabetes and sickle cell. Hair is also different, black peoples hair is very dry, knots easy, and their skin also requires regular moisturising because its dry. They also have a greater amount of melanin.
  • It's definitely a social construct, as proved rather conclusively by comparative DNA evidence. (See; DNA Tribes) * However: as a social construct, it has real-world consequences. For example: in the US - where the social construct exists rather..."strongly" - we see statistical differences in "racial" populations. For example: income, medical, educational, cultural, etc. For a doctor, the differences in medical statistics can be an important guideline in diagnosing diseases. *** So: yes, social construct, but as such it does lead to real statistical differences in populations.

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