• The news can be factual some of the time but not all the time. I would gather information on a certain topic of the news in order to know if the news report is accurate or not. It’s usually celebrity news where there can be gossip that is false most of the time. A portion of the news is what the government wants the public to believe which can often be lies or a cover up.
    • 11stevo73
      why would you waste your time watching celebrity news or gossip?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I don’t watch celebrity news anymore
  • I stopped watching national and world news years ago. It seemed the networks all colluded to present the exact same stories with the exact same presentation of those stories to the public. I only watch the local news, and I sometimes wonder about the accuracy of their stories. Welcome back. 5/22/24
    • 11stevo73
      thats what I noticed its all the same on every channel same version of BS. cheers

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