• Ask him "WTH is the matter with you? Do you want to get your dumb ace arrested? 5/4/24
  • He would cease to be a friend, he's a sicko paedo, and I'd keep him away from my children.
    • Dokie
      Yes, it is a good idea to keep him away from kids, but you would stop being friends with him?
  • I'd recommend - as sincerely and seriously as possible - that he seek professional psychological help immediately, before he ends up doing something that will get him arrested.
  • Today this is considered very bad and wrong. If you study your Bible, you would learn in yesteryears it was quite common. Issac was 40 years old when he met Rachel who was 3 years old. He had to wait 7 years before they married (except for Leah) Rachel was 10 years old. Then in the Book of Numbers 31: 17-18, the soldiers were required to kill all the males and all the females who have lain with a man. Because most females at that time were married between 10 and 13 means all females from infancy up to about 10 were given to the soldiers as spoils of war. They could do as they pleased with these young girls. It is hard to say if the old days were better than today. Times and customs change over the thousands years.

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