• I wonder why no one has brought up the fact the Palestinians and Israel have been fighting one another since before David fought Goliath killing him with a sling and a stone over 4000 years ago. If you read your Bible, you will see sometime the Israelis win sometime the Palestinians win. Today they just have better killing machines.
  • Could be just a few Marxists admist a genuine crowd looking to overthrow capitalism, through Liberal Trojan horses. Just looked it up its funded by Roy Neville and his wife, Roy is a fan of Maoism, which stems from Marxism, so there you go.
  • I never believed the Jews owned the American news media as much as everyone said they did until now. Not a word about another 9/11 if the Arabs retaliate.. Not a word about Jewish Apartheid and the conditions the Palestinians have to live in and not a word about the 25k kids killed in the massacre. NOT A SINGLE NEGATIVE WORD ABOUT ISRAEL IN THE US PRESS. Why not? And how many times does the US have to bail Israel out of trouble?
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      London and Paris have now joined the chorus for Palestinian justice. There aren't enough anarchists to do this. Remember Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan? The protesters were right.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thumbs up for letting the AB'ers know how you feel about the war. Don't forget about Al Jazeera news who is Pro-Palestinian, but precisely, Pro-Hamas:
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Thank you for your response.. What we need to do is put UN Peacekeepers in Israel.. Israel won't allow it. But if we did I think we would bet a better response . Right now the war is unwinnable with both sides to blame.. In hindsight the creation of Israel was a make by putting it smack dab in the middle of the Arab holy land. However its also to late to do anything now. The damage is already done. People have suffered, Murder has been committed. They won't change.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Jenny please check out "Israel Apartheid" to understand the other side better.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      UN Peacekeepers or not will still allow Israel to defend itself from those who want to see the destruction of Israel. The war is unwinnable? Rafah is the last stronghold of Hamas. Once the IDF invades Rafah, it's Game Over for Hamas.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      BTW, Israel Apartheid will continue because - please check out the "1967 Six-Day War." As Israel took control of the West Bank, this is why no country can stop Israel from gaining more territory. It just proves the Pro-Palestinian protests are useless. lol
  • True. Just look at the tents. All of them are the same. Who supplied them?
    • 11stevo73
      george soros,Bill gates and associtaded scumbags the people that fund the same people you vote for.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Mr C, like stevo said, many of the groups behind the Pro-Palestinian demonstrations receive financial backing from philanthropists. They are pushing hard for Biden's reelection.
    • 11stevo73
      most of the tents are empty all set up by paid puppets

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