• In the logical sense of breaking stones, the broken pieces become rubble. Although to look beyond the surface of this question, the broken pieces gives a sense that Jesus did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17) Meaning, we are not saved by the Mosaic law. We are saved by grace through faith.
    • Thinker
      Good thinking, but no banana.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are trolling on the wrong person. This is why you only keep embarrassing yourself. Everything in my answer is supported by the Bible. At least I'm able to compose religious answers, unlike you who tells questioners on religious matters to ask God. LOL *Facepalm*
    • Thinker
      I am not embarrassed at all but you should be. I recognize you know the Bible, but you need to know about the Bible you are the one who is embarrassed.
    • Thinker
      Now the answer to my question. From what I have read the pieces of the original plaques were picked up and placed in the Arc of the Convenient along with Aron's rod, the jar of manna and the two new plaques of the commandments. This is according to the teachings of the early rabbis.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      By no means am I embarrassed, because everyone can see that I am able to compose religious answers. Even Rabbis have different opinions. If you are to base your understanding on Rabbis, then you are deceived for the reason that Rabbis don't accept Jesus as the Messiah. Anything you say in behalf of them is futile.
    • Thinker
      I feel so sorry for you and your narrowmindedness. I am sure you are aware there are Messianic Jews and rabbi.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You shouldn't feel sorry for me or anyone else who does not agree with Rabbis. They don't agree with Christianity. In fact, Christians are persecuted in Israel. Look up "Preaching in Jerusalem" on YouTube. Jesus, the Master was persecuted when He went into a synagogue in Nazareth, and was handed a scroll of the book of Isaiah. He finds the place He is looking for, and reads Isaiah chapter 61. The Rabbis were angered. Therefore, many Christians can say the same thing, we feel sorry for the Rabbis.
  • Question back on the Answerbag homepage.
  • Ultimately, no one knows. The tablets were claimed to have had magical powers. If someone were to find the original pieces, and subsequently gained magical powers through possessing them, it would be wonderful evidence that the God of the Bible was real. If you ask any devout Abrahamic religious follower, the likely answer would be that these items remain hidden as a test of people's faith in God. If you ask anyone else, the whole story is just made up anyway, so it doesn't matter.
  • They were placed in the Mishkan.
  • A man named Alfred collected them together, being good at puzzles he managed to fit the pieces together, but Camel dung would not make them stick, he also tried elephant and crocodile faeces, it took him a number of years to find something sticky enough to do it, but he was the inventor of Gorilla glue, and with this he stuck the pieces together, but then something magical happened, the writing had changed it now said, "Please see New Testament for the way of salvation," but please don't worship or pray to these stone tablets as if they are powerful, God gave you the directions with his son Jesus, and his own holy spirit, please listen to them, and do as they say, and become one with the Father, one more holy than your desires."
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉

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